How to get a girl back

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get A Girl Back | The Magnet Effect (Animation)
Video: How To Get A Girl Back | The Magnet Effect (Animation)


Getting a sweetheart back is a much more difficult task than finding a new one, but if you want to bring back the old feelings, it will be worth it. Whether you're looking to get your ex-girlfriend back or rehabilitate from a terrible date, there are several ways to boost your luck. To get her back, she needs to want it; show her that you have changed and take action.


Method 1 of 3: Make her want you again

  1. 1 Give her some space. The first thing you should do is give her some free space. If you start ringing her doorbell every five minutes, it will only push her away. The amount of time and space depends on what happened between you earlier. If it was a serious relationship that ended, then she needs more time than if you only met a couple of times.
    • Don't call her, don't write, don't think about her at all.
    • If you meet somewhere by chance, say hi politely, but show that you don't want to bother her.
    • Don't give her too much A lot of space. Leaving her alone for a few months will be enough for her to find a new boyfriend.
  2. 2 Give yourself time. Not only does she need to collect her thoughts and be alone, but you too. You have to think about what went wrong in your relationship. What made her grow cold towards you? Excessive attention or your aloofness? Whatever it is, you should never act like this again.
    • Write down everything that went wrong in your relationship. Think about what you can do to improve these things.
    • Don't date anyone else while you are considering your relationship. Work on yourself and don't repeat the same mistakes.
    • You should not convince her of anything until you yourself have clearly determined what was wrong and how to fix it.
  3. 3 Lead an active life. This does not mean that you have to be active in the bedroom, but that you have to do something in order to achieve self-development. If you sit around every day and just dream about her coming back, she will surely find out about it.
    • Don't give up your hobbies and interests. Don't stop doing what you love because the relationship didn't work out.
    • Spend time with your friends. They will cheer you up and, possibly, open up new perspectives.
    • Get busy. If you work on yourself not only mentally, but also physically, she will definitely appreciate it.
  4. 4 Show her that you are having a good time. If you gave her a little time and worked on herself, she will be closer to being with you again. But now you have to demonstrate what a great guy you are and how great it is to be around you. Develop a strategy. Do not chase her, but make sure that you periodically show up in the same places so that she sees how interesting it is to be with you.
    • Laugh. If she's around, try laughing louder with your friends at something.
    • Be inspired. When talking to friends, show that you are passionate about the conversation and that your friends mean a lot to you.
    • But don't ignore her if she's looking at you. Smile at her and go back to talking with your friends.
    • Dance. If she was angry with you for not dancing with her a little, show her that now you are ready to conquer the dance floor.
    • Let her see the best in herself. She definitely liked something about you before - use it now.
  5. 5 Make her jealous. This is an optional move, since the situations are different. If your relationship ended because she was constantly jealous of you, then you shouldn't flirt with others to get her back. It will only remind her of the reasons for your breakup.But if, for example, she ended the relationship because you were too absorbed in her, were boring, then jealousy is a good option. Here's how to do it:
    • If you are chatting with her, mention other girls. You can also sometimes talk about one girl, which will make her think, "Who is she?" Or you can say that you were at a party with a group of girls and you loved it.
    • Make her see you on the other. Chat with her for a minute and then flirt with another girl. Make sure she sees it.
    • Don't overdo it. If she is jealous of you, it may attract her to your side, but if she sees that you are desperate to meet everyone at the party, she will consider you a bothersome loser.

Method 2 of 3: Show How Much You Have Changed

  1. 1 If it was too easy the first time, make her run after you. If you clearly understand that there is nothing that you would have done wrong the first time, but only surrounded her with love, then this is exactly the problem. If the girl thought it was very easy to get your love, make it a difficult task for her.
    • Seem indifferent. Of course, you should still pay attention to her, but try to seem carried away by something else from time to time, be distracted and do not concentrate all your attention only on her. This will confuse her and make her want you more.
    • Be careful with compliments. If you used to constantly shower compliments, now say them only once a day. This will show that you are not obsessed with her.
    • Let her come to you. You must have always been the first to approach her, touch her, or start a conversation first. It's time to switch roles. If you are at a party, give her the opportunity to come up to you instead of obsessively stalking her there.
  2. 2 If it was difficult the first time, make it easier this time. If you broke up because she didn't feel enough love and care, surround her with her. If you have paid a lot of attention to other women, it is time to show that there is no one for you but your beloved.
    • Show her that your schedule is free for her, that you are always ready to go out with her. She will no longer have to spend time with you in your only free hour for her.
    • Don't make her jealous. You have to stay away from other girls to show her how much she means to you.
    • Listen carefully. If she thought that before you were not worried about her feelings, then let her speak, listen carefully and look into the eyes. You can mention something from her conversation the next day to show that you listened to her carefully.
    • Compliment. If you haven't done this before, it's time to change.
  3. 3 If you have offended her, apologize. If you really want her back, be a man and apologize for what you have done. If you hurt her badly, she probably won't want to be with you again and suffer again. Ask forgiveness for your mistake.
    • Please apologize in person. Do not send SMS or email; talk to the girl face-to-face, otherwise she will see that you are not taking the apology seriously and will take it just as lightly. So meet her and ask her for forgiveness.
    • Be sincere. Look into her eyes and always speak in a calm tone. If you apologize just because you have to, and not because you want to, she will definitely understand.
    • Be specific. Don't say, "Forgive me for everything." Better to say, “I'm sorry I didn't listen to you carefully when you wanted to talk. I should have been more careful. " She will appreciate it.
    • Don't be discouraged if she doesn't immediately accept your apology. If she doesn't accept them, she may still be upset about what happened.Say, “It was important for me to try — don’t judge me harshly,” instead of cursing over why she doesn’t accept the apology.
  4. 4 Show how mature you have become. She should see how you have changed without further ado. Do not try to convince her that you have changed - she should immediately understand it herself. Many girls are much more mature than their partners, so you need to match.
    • Don't be capricious. Act calmly and confidently and she will be amazed.
    • Be confident. Show that you like who you are. She'll like you like that, too.
    • Be responsible. Show that you are good at managing your finances, have a good job, or are looking after your dog.
    • Don't be jealous. Don't ask her about every man she talks to. This will only encourage her to talk to them more. And you will look insecure.

Method 3 of 3: Take a Step

  1. 1 Show her how you feel. If she realizes that she still has feelings for you and realizes that you have changed, it's time to stop playing games. Tell her how you feel. How else can you get ahead? If it ends badly, she won't ask you to be with her again, so you need to pull yourself together and open up.
    • Tell her this in the right place at the right time. Pick a day when she's not very busy. You must be alone. Best of all at night or in a place where there are few people.
    • Make eye contact with her as you speak. Don't get distracted or look at your phone.
    • It's time to be really open and honest - share your feelings.
    • Ask what went wrong and apologize if you haven't already. Then tell her how much you have changed and how much you want her to give you another chance.
    • Say, “I can't believe what a fool I was! You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I ruined everything. Let me make amends. "
    • Don't beg and make it sound like a question. Say that you really want to try again, and she should already give the answer that you need.
  2. 2 Ask her out on a date. If she agrees, you need to do everything right. You are lucky that you were given a second chance, you are unlikely to get a third. Spend a lot of time together and try to do everything right. Here's what to do:
    • Connect romance. Give her flowers, invite her to a restaurant. Don't put her in an awkward position, so don't overdo it. Just add some romance to your relationship.
    • Compliment. Tell her she looks great when you meet her and compliment her during dinner.
    • Let her know how much you missed her. Pick a couple of moments during your date to tell her how happy you are to be with her.
    • At the end of the day, be yourself. You can learn to listen better, be more attractive, but you are still yourself. Make sure she really likes you. Don't change too much for someone else's sake, otherwise you will lose yourself.
  3. 3 Hold the girl. If your date went well and you have a few more meetings ahead of you, make sure your relationship doesn't end the way it did the first time. You have to constantly remind her how special she is.
    • Remind yourself what happened last time and swear it won't happen again.
    • See this as a fresh start. You don't need to completely forget about the past, but you need to build something new and good out of your relationship.
    • Relax. Enjoy this girl's company instead of constantly worrying about failure.


  • Make sure you talk to her calmly. Stuttering will demonstrate your nervousness and insecurity, which is not a good start.
  • If you ask her if she wants to return to you in the presence of friends, she may consider this a bold act and agree.But there is a risk that she does not want this, and this will only embarrass her.


  • Be careful with your words and actions. If you act childish or rude, the girl will probably decide that she made the right decision when she broke up with you. Be mature and polite. She will probably start to doubt this and will contact you.
  • Perhaps she just doesn't want to date you. Some girls believe that leaving a guy should be done with him once and for all. If she says she doesn't want to date you anymore, accept it. Perhaps she needs time.