Be graceful

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
HOW TO BE ELEGANT & GRACEFUL // In 10 Easy Steps // Fashion Mumblr
Video: HOW TO BE ELEGANT & GRACEFUL // In 10 Easy Steps // Fashion Mumblr


Being graceful involves more than just not tripping over your own feet. It is not only about how you carry out your body, but it is also about being able to control your actions and thoughts. People who are graceful are naturally elegant without being aloof. They care about others and treat them with respect. Even if you are known for your ability to bump into doors, you can be graceful. You just have to put some time and energy into it.

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Part 1 of 3: Looking graceful

  1. Feel good in your own skin. Graceful people are known for the way they control their own bodies. They do not stumble over their own legs or let their limbs dangle awkwardly. They generally don't knock over vases and cups. They carry themselves well and feel good about themselves. If you want to be graceful, you have to work on getting to know your body. You always need to know what your body is doing and where it is going. This sounds simple, but you will be amazed at how often people get distracted and not realize they are entering someone else's personal space, or in an uncomfortable position.
    • Y You don't have to be a bodybuilder or ballerina to control your body or feel good about yourself. Still, moving - wall climbing, running, whatever - will bring you closer to your own body.
  2. Keep a good stature. If you want to be graceful, then you have to stand tall and proud. Always keep your back straight, even when you are sitting. It may be tempting to slouch when you are tired or want to relax for a while, but try to get into the habit of straightening your back. At some point, you won't even realize you're doing it. Even if the people you talk to get slumped, it doesn't mean you should do the same. Try to stand up straight and look straight ahead. If you do that, and don't start staring at the ground, you will immediately appear a lot more graceful.
    • A good posture also ensures that you display a confident body language. People who are graceful are also known for their confidence. That's because they take pride in what they have to offer. Slouching or curling up gives the impression that you are trying to hide. Even if that is not even your intention.
  3. Take a deep and full breath. This not only feels better and looks better, but it also improves your cognitive functions. Try to pay attention to your breathing and how the breath enters and leaves your body. When you are stressed or overwhelmed, make an extra effort to take a deep breath. You will soon calm down.
    • As you may know from yoga, focusing on your breath allows you to connect with your body. It ensures that you become a more balanced person. If you want to be graceful, this is extremely important.
  4. Improve your flexibility. Strong flexibility is part of being able to control your body. Set aside some time each day to stretch and stretch. This way you will be relaxed and feel less stressed. This is especially important before exercising or if you sit at a desk all day. It is good to relieve your back and neck for a while. If you make time for stretching exercises, even if you do them in front of the television, you will be amazed at how graceful you will feel.
    • Yoga can greatly improve flexibility. Take a beginners class and see for yourself what a difference a few hours a week can make.
  5. Dress gracefully. Of course, your clothing does not determine who you are, but it can make you look more graceful. The most important thing is that your clothes are clean, fashionable, that they fit, and that they give you an elegant look. Your clothes don't have to be expensive; it must be flavorful. Not too intense, not too bright. Make sure to wear flattering clothes.
    • Do not wear clothes that hinder your movements. High heels may seem dainty, but don't wear them too long in a row. Baggy pants ensure that you get a strange walk, and are not exactly graceful. Wear clothes that make you feel confident and attractive. Match your hairstyle to your clothes.
    • Make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free and have no stains or crumbs on them.
    • Nor is it graceful if a button snaps, or if your shirt is only half in your pants. So try to check every few hours whether your clothes are still in place.
    • If you want to opt for a slightly more elegant style, a simple black dress can be enough. Clothing in subtle colors, such as brown, light pink, or gray, can also make you look more graceful.
    • As accessories, a pearl necklace, simple earrings, or a silver bracelet are fine. You don't want to overdo it with big accessories. They usually achieve just the opposite.
  6. Wear makeup if that suits you. Not all women like to use makeup. If you are such a woman, don't feel obliged to use it anyway. But if you do use makeup, make sure your makeup is balanced and not too dramatic. For example, you can use a thick eyeliner, but don't opt ​​for a super thick eyeshadow and heavy mascara. A little lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow are generally fine.
    • Make sure your foundation matches your skin tone.
    • Remember that a little too little makeup is always better than a little too much.
    • If you are using concealer or blush, make sure they are mixed well.
  7. Walk with purpose. Walk with your head held high, look ahead, and walk briskly. Graceful people do not dawdle or lean forward; they know where they are going and are proud to go there. If you stare at the ground, you will not appear confident, and it will seem like you are lost. Looking straight ahead increases the chance that you will make eye contact with people. This will make you feel and look more confident and graceful.
    • If you walk next to someone who is a bit slower, you should also walk a little slower out of respect.
  8. Sit gracefully. When you sit down, don't knock yourself down. Take the chair back and sit down carefully. You don't have to sit on her throne like a queen, of course, but avoid hanging. Stay upright. Don't lean back with your legs apart. Try to keep your legs together or cross them. When you sit down, do it carefully, even when you are tired.
    • If you're on the bus or train, try not to take up so much space. Taking up space isn't exactly graceful.

Part 2 of 3: Behaving gracefully

  1. Maintain your self-control. Graceful people don't often snap at people, don't often say things they regret, and don't throw computers out the window.They are controlled and do not allow themselves to be intimidated by other people. They know if they need to cool down when they get angry. You don't see them yelling, complaining, or going crazy. They do not offend others. They generally remain calm and are a beacon of strength for those who need them.
    • That said, graceful people aren't perfect either. If you do lash out at someone, apologize sincerely.
  2. Speak well. People who are graceful usually speak at the right volume, tempo, and articulate nicely. They are clear and direct in their language, have an extensive vocabulary, and make their thoughts clear. They also avoid swearing and slang. It's okay to take a break to gather your thoughts, but graceful people usually refrain from stuttering, and "um" or "uh". They are in control of their words and believe in what they have to say.
    • Part of being able to speak well is to think before you say anything. If you think about what you want to say first, you will have to correct yourself less often, and you will come across more clearly.
    • To be able to speak well, you also need to master good grammar. For example, you say "better than" instead of "better if", and so on.
  3. Take an acting class. Graceful people are balanced and confident, both verbally and non-verbally. Measure and apply some good movements and gestures. You don't have to be the new Jack Nicholson to take an acting class. You can take classes to make yourself appear more balanced and confident. You also build self-confidence and learn how to speak to an audience. The latter is something graceful people naturally excel at.
    • You will also learn to interact with more different people. That too is something that graceful people have mastered well.
    • If acting classes aren't right up your alley, take a dance or ballet class. That too can help you with your balance, coordination, and your (self) control.
  4. Be polite. Graceful people are polite. They don't talk out of turn, insult people, or make inappropriate comments - especially in front of people they don't know well. They do their best to ask people how they are doing, offer their seats to others, and generally avoid any kind of vulgar or unacceptable behavior. They are attentive to the needs of others and do not ask inappropriate questions that are too personal or make people uncomfortable.
    • Good manners are an important part of politeness. Do not chew with your mouth open, keep the door open for others, get up when you are introduced to someone you don't know, look people in the eye when you talk to them, wait your turn, and show that you are well behaved are.
  5. Don't brag about yourself. It is not graceful to talk about how handsome, stylish, or successful you are. Most graceful people are very humble and take pride in their achievements. They do not feel the need to keep bragging about their achievements. You can also talk about the things you like without pretending to be the best at them. You can talk about your hobbies and interests without having to mention all your medals, awards, or world records. Graceful people don't seek the approval of others, and don't need to boast to feel happy and fulfilled.
    • If you brag a lot, people are less likely to want to hang out with you. Be grateful for all the privileges you have; don't brag about everything you've ever accomplished. You may have achieved a lot, but it is not necessary to keep hanging that on the big clock. Try to be graceful with your happiness and achievements.
  6. Be balanced. Graceful people are known for their balance. They act with dignity, do their best to stand upright, and do not dangle or stutter. They radiate self-confidence and purpose. Balanced people do not get lost, argue often, and are not distracted from their goal. If you want to be graceful, you have to be both physically and mentally balanced. Balance is important in every way.
    • Balanced people can remain so in difficult circumstances. They are indestructible, and do not stoop to the level of people who treat them rude, vulgar, or mean.

Part 3 of 3: Treating others gracefully

  1. Be considerate. Graceful people are always attentive to the needs of others. They really make an effort to listen carefully to others, take care of them, and put themselves in their shoes. They often think about how to make others feel better. They give their seat to people who are tired. They ask their friends how well they know they are going through a rough time. They are not noisy, and make sure they don't bother anyone in public. If you want to be graceful, being considerate is essential.
    • To be considerate, you have to be able to be empathetic and really think about what someone else is thinking and going through. For example, if your boyfriend got dumped by his girlfriend, he probably won't be too happy about talking about your hot new date.
  2. Be respectful. Graceful people are also known as people who are incredibly respectful to the people around them. They are thoughtful in their actions. They don't make offensive comments, respect the privacy of others, and don't step on anyone's toes. They give praise when it is deserved, do not interrupt or insult people. Not in their faces, and not behind their backs. They do their best to treat others with the respect they need and deserve.
    • People who are respectful do not interrupt others. They do not have a phone call when they pay for something at the checkout in a store. And in a café, they don't just take a table for four alone.
  3. Be tactful. Graceful people demonstrate their tact every day. They know it's important to choose their timing and words carefully, and know it's important to share important news in a friendly, thoughtful way. They know when to discretion and when to share information privately. They know not to make thoughtless comments in front of people they don't know. Tact is hugely important when it comes to grace.
    • Tactful people don't make comments that embarrass people in public. For example, if your friend's relationship has broken down, you probably don't want to bring it up in front of a whole group of others.
  4. Help others. If you want to be graceful, you can't always put yourself first. Graceful people are generally selfless and don't mind sacrificing their time to help others. Whether that's helping a friend finish a project or volunteering in the soup kitchen on Sundays. You shouldn't think that your time is so valuable that you absolutely cannot spare a few hours to listen to others, to share your time and stuff, or to make the world a little better.
    • When you help people, do it out of the goodness of your heart. Not because you want something in return.
  5. Don't hold a grudge. Graceful people do not waste their time with bitterness and resentment. They learn to forgive people and look beyond. They don't let fear and anger take hold of them. While you shouldn't let anyone get over you, you should accept that people make mistakes. You should forgive them if they are genuinely sorry. Graceful people make exceptions for others, give others a second chance. They don't get involved in nonsensical arguments. Moreover, holding a grudge will only make you bitter and unhappy.
    • Don't hold a grudge or gossip about people you don't like very much. There is no point in spreading negativity. If they hear about it, there will probably be more drama in store for you.
  6. Accept criticism gracefully. One of the most challenging times to be graceful is when you hear criticism. If your boss tells you to learn how to negotiate better, or if a friend tells you not to always be late, learn to accept it. Use it to benefit, if it is really constructive. Don't be a bad loser, try to be sporty. Understand that people will not always praise you. It is important to be able to take the good with the evil. Always stay graceful in it.
    • Of course, if people criticize you for being mean, ignore it. But if people are really trying to help you, try to be open to criticism. Only then can you become better as a person.


  • Your body doesn't "need" to be bigger, smaller, smoother, hairier, a different color, or whatever. It is the way it is, and is quite cool, frankly. (The bodies you see in the magazines are usually not even real.)
  • Being graceful doesn't mean being rude or squeamish.
  • Make self-affirmation. Think to yourself, "I am graceful, beautiful, and intelligent." Do not hesitate to dance or gesture with those words.
  • When you go down a flight of stairs, or go down, make it look like you are going up. Keep your shoulders open, and your head and gaze high. If you fall, smile a little and go smoothly. Instead of laughing, they will be amazed at your recovery.
  • Wear clean clothes. You don't necessarily have to put on expensive clothes; just make sure you have a little sense of style, and that your hair and clothes look decent.
  • The trick is to move as "smoothly" as possible. You want to look like all of your movements are purposeful and deliberate. Not too rushed, not too slow. Practice makes perfect.
  • Stay clean by showering every day / two days. Try to smell nice (maybe with a little perfume or body spray).
  • Watch what you eat. We're not talking about losing weight here (being graceful has nothing to do with your weight). Eat your vegetables and avoid foods that contain too much starch (bread, potatoes). Drink plenty of water and take it easy on the stimulants (caffeine and nicotine).
  • Being physically graceful also means paying a little attention to your appearance. If you have a lot of acne, buy a face cream. Acne gives the impression that you are dirty or not washing your face.
  • You can swing and swing a bit, but don't fiddle around.
  • If you are slightly heavier, wear clothes that fit well but are not too tight. This will make you look a lot more presentable.
  • Always be aware of where your body parts are and what they are doing. You are in control of this instrument, not the other way around.
  • If you've read Twilight, think about Alice Cullen. She always moves very gracefully.