How to know that she is the one

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to know if she’s the one? | Jordan Peterson
Video: How to know if she’s the one? | Jordan Peterson


Do you like a girl? Do you think that there is no one like her in the whole wide world? But is it really so? Are you sure that this is the girl to whom you want to devote all your attention and give your love and tenderness? Can you say with certainty that you want to live your whole life with her? This is a tricky question, but by focusing on what matters most to you, you can find the right answer.


Method 1 of 3: Look for someone with good qualities

  1. 1 Pay attention to the quality of kindness. When choosing a girl, pay attention to whether she is kind. Believe me, someone who doesn't care about the feelings of others will not be able to maintain a healthy relationship for a long time.
    • Notice if the girl is kind to others. It is important that she is not only kind to you. She should also be kind to others, always, not only if the job requires it (if she is a service worker). Some situations force us to be nice and kind, but notice if the girl is showing these qualities when the situation does not require it.
    • Moreover, it must be fair. Fairness is a very important quality in a relationship.Does she offer to pay for something equally? Is she properly assigning responsibilities around the house? This will allow you to see if your well-being is important to this girl, as it is the key to a warm relationship.
  2. 2 Is the girl working hard? Pay attention to girls who work and want to be successful in life. If a girl works hard, she can achieve a lot in life, and her life will turn out in the best way.
    • For example, if she wants to buy a wallet, she must sell one of her old things. She shouldn't expect you or your parents to buy it for her. Of course, gifts for the holidays don't count.
  3. 3 Look for a girl with the right values ​​and priorities. This is very important for a good relationship. Her values ​​and priorities should not align with what is right in the eyes of others, but they should align with your value system and your priorities. However, there are exceptions. Your girlfriend should definitely:
    • Be honest. Honesty is very important no matter what kind of relationship you have. Relationships require trust, and if she is not honest with you, then you may face problems in the future.
    • Accept people for who they are, including you. If your girlfriend is judgmental of others, you will also be no exception in the future. If she judges you or constantly strives to change you and your views, believe me, you deserve better, this girl is not for you.
  4. 4 Look for a girl who will not judge you, and in whose company you will feel free. In her presence, you must remain yourself. You should feel free with her, cry when you feel like it, not be afraid to be stupid and do things that you usually don't do in front of other people.
    • For example, if you tell her something personal (like that you are depressed or that you want to be an astronaut), she should not laugh in response. She should try to help you, or at least not hinder you, even if she disagrees.

Method 2 of 3: Look for a Good Partner

  1. 1 Pay attention to how you feel in her company. This is very important to consider. You should feel better when you are with this girl. You should feel confident and happy. You must miss her when she is not around you. You shouldn't feel weak or stupid in her presence. You don't have to worry about saying or doing something wrong. You should feel natural in her presence.
    • Some people enjoy being in the company of someone they feel bad and angry around. This may be a good option for short term relationships, but for longer ones, it’s not the best option. Constant trouble is not the best foundation for a long-term relationship.
  2. 2 Look for a girl who will influence you well. When you are in a relationship, you need to get better. If you're building a relationship with someone and getting worse, that's not the best option, is it? Think about dating a girl if you are getting better. If so, then this is the right choice.
    • Is this girl motivating to improve herself and her life? Does it help you achieve your goals? Is she doing her best to make your life better? Does she strive to ensure that you have a good future?
  3. 3 Choose a girl who, like you, will invest in a relationship. When two people are in a relationship, they must be willing to invest in the relationship equally. If she wants you to change but doesn't want to get better on her own, that's not a good sign. But if she makes enough effort, this characterizes her on the good side.
    • For example, she might organize your dates from time to time, you don't have to do this all the time.
    • This does not mean that she has to be very active in the relationship.If you do it together equally, it says that you are building the right relationship. The most important thing is that your views and needs are the same.
  4. 4 Pay attention to how she expresses her appreciation. You don't need someone who takes everything for granted. Pay attention to how she thanks you or how she expresses her appreciation when you do something good for her. You should also notice the good things she does for you and be grateful for that.
    • Even if she does something insignificant for you, that's good. Not everyone has the time or money to make big gestures. But even something insignificant, a favorite dish or a love note, will show that she thinks of you and wants to show you that she cares about you.
  5. 5 Think about whether she is ready to take responsibility. For example, is she ready to take responsibility in financial and economic matters. This will show that she is fair, hardworking, and honest. If she is not ready for this, then it will not be so easy for you in such a relationship.
    • Of course, this does not mean that you should distribute your income evenly. For example, if you live in the same apartment, you don't have to pay equally. Instead, each person can pay about 30% of their income. For example, if you earn 4000 rubles a month, and she is 1600 rubles a month, your contribution should be 1200 rubles, and her contribution is about 500 rubles.
  6. 6 Find someone who will balance you as a person. It is very important to have a lot in common with your partner. You need a person who will be like you. However, this person should not be your repetition, you may have different views on certain things.
    • For example, you may be organized but shy, while she is more free and sociable. She can help you learn to be more sociable, and you can help her get her life in order.
  7. 7 Look for a girl who is honest when you have to sort things out. Unfortunately, fights in a relationship are normal. It could even be a sign of a healthy relationship. However, the girl must be honest when there is an argument between you. She should not insult or demean you. This is a serious sign of disrespect. She also shouldn't blackmail you if she wants to get something. Instead, look for a partner who is willing to lead the discussion until you find a compromise.
    • For example, she shouldn't have a fight every time you come home late. It is unfair to you and bad for your relationship.

Method 3 of 3: Seek out your soul mate

  1. 1 Look for a girl who shares your interests. This will make you enjoy your time together. Choose a person with whom you will enjoy talking. Choosing a girl with similar interests is critical. With this in mind, you won't have any problems in the future.
    • You will have common topics of conversation and interesting joint activities. Take up a new hobby together. For example, you can learn a foreign language together. You can find free language courses online or attend one of the language schools.
  2. 2 Choose a girl who shares your values ​​and priorities. This girl should have the same values ​​as yours. This is very important for a good relationship. This girl's values ​​should be similar to yours. This will help prevent tensions and conflicts that can arise in the relationship.
    • For example, if she is more conservative in her judgments, and you look at things freely, you will have disagreements, which will lead to the fact that you will less respect for each other.
    • However, if you can find common ground with different values, you can build healthy relationships. For example, there are many examples of good marriages where partners have different religious views.For example, the husband may be Jewish and the wife may be Christian, but they love God together, so this does not provoke conflict. Sometimes the fundamental belief is more important than the details.
  3. 3 Look for a girl who has the same goals as you. You must have similar goals in life if you want to build a lasting relationship. Of course, your short-term goals may be different for you, but the big goals should be the same. Such goals will unite you along the path of life. If your paths diverge, relationships can be very difficult to build. Moreover, it will be simply impossible.
    • For example, if she does not plan to pursue higher education, and this is not so important to you either, your views coincide on this issue. However, if education and ambition are very important to you, but they are not so important to her, problems can arise in the relationship.
  4. 4 Choose a girl who treats your friends well and has good friends herself. Your life is not just the two of you. The relationships you have with other people often play an important role in creating romantic relationships. Do you want to have a wife who knows how to communicate with other people, and also respects them? Likewise, you have to get along with her friends.
    • For example, if her friends are mean and try to make her spend less time with you, chances are you won't be able to build a healthy relationship.
    • Consider if you need such problems. If this greatly affects your relationship, and the girl does not want to work on herself, then this is not the best option. Of course, you should talk to her about it and see what her reaction will be.
  5. 5 Choose a girl with a similar life experience. Of course, this is not a requirement for a happy relationship, but it will be an added bonus. People who grew up in similar conditions or have done similar things in their lives tend to understand each other better. If your girlfriend's life is similar to yours, then it will be easier for you to build a good relationship.
    • For example, perhaps your girlfriend, like you, had a difficult family relationship. In this case, the girl will be able to understand your feelings when you do not go to your parents for the holidays and will try to do everything possible to organize such a holiday at home for the two of you.


  • Learn to be yourself with everyone you know. Among other things, in any social situation, you need to feel comfortable. Knowing yourself can best display confidence, a trait that almost all women find attractive. While this assumption is hardly a piece of advice, take it as a fundamental part of not only these steps to find a girlfriend, but also to be successful in life.
  • Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and whatever she loves most in life. Don't make a big deal out of the fact that you remember all the dates and her favorite things, but surprise her from time to time to show that you know what she wants. Don't make these surprises a habit, or you will seem clingy or intrusive.


  • Don't pretend to be who you are not, just be yourself.
  • When you get to know a woman, especially one that you can think of as “the only one,” you want to really engage in real conversations, which requires listening. Avoid talking about yourself all the time. Ask questions that you could only ask if you learned new information from her. If you're not sure which question to ask, just ask how she felt in a particular situation and why. She will appreciate that you understand her.
  • Women are used to men wanting to appear different in front of women they like, so don't play the role in front of a girl. Behave like everyone else. Tease her, flirt with her, but don't hold back. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and her company.Women will understand that you are a sincere person if you demonstrate your confidence; there is nothing sexier than a man who knows who he is and what he wants.
  • Try to avoid women who like to receive undue attention; they are often superficial and manipulative, and almost always insecure.
  • Compliments are good, but make sure they're not just about how sexy she is. While many women enjoy hearing that they are sexy, at certain times, if you constantly comment on her body, she will feel like a sexual object, not a girlfriend or future wife.
  • If you are young, do not rush into intimate relationships.
  • Never behave arrogantly with her, do not quarrel, otherwise she will think that you 'are not sure of yourself'.
  • Depending on your age, this could be your future wife, so choose wisely.
  • Smiling and nodding your head is not a solutionunless you are having a serious conversation and it would be rude to interrupt her.