How to know if someone is avoiding you

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Signs to Find out if someone is avoiding you | animated video
Video: 7 Signs to Find out if someone is avoiding you | animated video


Sometimes it is difficult to know if the person is really avoiding you. It is possible that your paths simply did not cross. There are also more obvious signs: let's say you noticed a person, but he did not even look at you. You texted him on Facebook two weeks ago and you still haven't received a response. Try to imagine yourself in the person's place and understand why he is avoiding you (if this is really the case).


Method 1 of 3: Signs of Non-Contact Behavior

  1. 1 A sudden decrease in the intensity of communication. Notice when the person stops communicating with you even on an irregular basis. He may not speak to you face-to-face and only uses emails, messages, and social media. If there was a friendship or romantic relationship between you, but the person suddenly stops talking to you, this behavior may indicate a tendency to avoid you.
    • It may turn out that the friend is just busy and sincerely wants to see you. He may be texting messages like, “Sorry I didn't answer calls. There are so many things piled up now. I hope to see you next week when I have a little more time. " If he writes you such messages week after week, or even keeps silent, then the conclusion suggests itself.
  2. 2 Trying to find an excuse for the lack of communication. Perhaps the person blames everything on his work, hectic social life, or other "sudden" obstacles. If he constantly finds an excuse to cancel plans, then there is a possibility that the person is simply avoiding you.
    • Don't be too harsh."Sudden" obstacles can really arise, and the person really can be too busy with business. Excuses indicate non-contact, but they do not always indicate that the person does not want to meet or communicate with you.
  3. 3 Try to make eye contact. If you meet face to face, then try to look the person in the eye. If he avoids you, he is more likely to look away, but he may also glance at you or roll his eyes.
  4. 4 Write a few messages to the person and watch the reaction. If for a simple message: “Hello! What's up?" - there is no answer for several days, then it is likely that the person does not want to talk to you. Try to write again, but don't blame it, just try starting a normal conversation. If there is no response to the second message, then stop trying. Just respect that decision and don't give another reason to avoid you.
    • Some services show when the recipient has read your message. This indicator allows you to assess the situation. If a person reads all messages, but does not answer, he probably at least does not want to communicate through messages. If the service does not have such an indication, then pay attention to the time when the person was last online.
    • Use your knowledge of the technology habits of the interlocutor. If your friend doesn't visit Facebook very often, then it's likely that they haven't seen your message. If he is always online, but silent, then with a high degree of probability he avoids you.
  5. 5 Short, disinterested answers. If you manage to start a conversation, then notice short and monotonous answers. Perhaps the person is just trying to parry your questions and end the conversation.
    • For example, you say, “Hi, we haven't communicated for a long time. How are you?" - to which the person replies: "Everything is fine" - and leaves. This could indicate that the friend is avoiding you.
  6. 6 Human behavior in the company. If your friend talks to everyone but you, he is likely to avoid you. This behavior does not always mean that the person does not want to communicate with you. For example, he may not notice your presence. Try to reach out to a friend and follow up on his answer. If the answer is quick and abrupt, after which the friend turns away, or does not deign to answer you at all, he will almost certainly avoid you.
    • Compare this behavior and situations one-on-one. Perhaps the person "avoids" you only in the company, or vice versa, does not want to be alone with you. Notice if he behaves this way with other people.
    • Perhaps the person walks away when you enter the room. If this happens every time, then it is likely that he does not want to be near you.
  7. 7 Assessing your point of view. If the person is not interested in your opinion in meetings or during friendly discussions, they may be ignoring you. For example, he is not interested in your opinion on an important decision, or he does not even listen when you communicate your point of view about the situation.
  8. 8 Don't be fooled. Rate how important you are to the person. He may be avoiding you because he doesn't want to spend time with you. Perhaps he just does not want to solve the problem and suggests that you leave everything as it is. Evidence that the person no longer values ​​you as a friend or partner:
    • Your relationship is not progressing: it constantly runs into problems, stagnates, or even prevents you from moving forward.
    • A person is there only if he needs something from you. It can be money, attention, sex, or just "free ears". Perhaps you are just being used.
    • The person makes decisions at the last minute. He may come to you or write late at night and notify of the decision taken without first discussing with you.

Method 2 of 3: Analyzing Causes

  1. 1 Consider why the person is avoiding you. Perhaps there was a quarrel between you, you did not notice how you insulted the person or in any way caused him inconvenience. You need to carefully analyze your behavior and find a possible reason.
  2. 2 Find patterns. Examine the circumstances under which a similar situation occurs to try to establish similarities between all cases. Perhaps the person avoids you at certain times or in the presence of certain people. The reason could be you or someone else. Try to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and see the whole picture.
    • Does the person ignore you at specific times or during certain activities? For example, you recently started using drugs and your friend doesn't want to see you like this.
    • Does the person avoid you in the company of certain people? Perhaps the reason is not at all in you, or he does not like your behavior in the presence of specific people. Maybe he's a shy introvert. Does he prefer private meetings and disappears abruptly if the company gets too big?
    • Does the person avoid you when trying to study or work? Your friend may enjoy talking to you in a relaxed environment, but you make it difficult for him to concentrate while working.
  3. 3 Think about how you are trying to get in touch. If your friend or partner has fun talking to you in face-to-face meetings, but never responds to messages, then he may not like this way of communication. This is especially true if your friend leads a busy life and adheres to strict discipline - sometimes it is difficult to find time for meaningful conversation in messages if the person is constantly working or studying.
  4. 4 Realize that sometimes people become distant from each other. Rate how much the person has changed since they started avoiding you. He may have started spending time with new friends, met a new romantic partner, or has taken up a new hobby that you are not interested in at all. Close relationships are wonderful, but people change and their paths diverge. If the person decides to move on, you may need to do the same.
    • Rate how much you have changed. Perhaps the person is behaving as before, but your behavior has changed. Do you have new friends or a new habit that your friend doesn't like? You may have become less likely to find time to meet.
    • If people move away, it does not mean that they cannot get back together. If you feel yourself drifting away from the person, you need to decide whether to let go of the friend or try to keep the relationship. It is also important to understand that such a process must be reciprocal.

Method 3 of 3: Options

  1. 1 Ask for an explanation. If you are sure that the person is avoiding you, then try to politely raise the question. Perhaps you want to correct your wrongdoing, or you suspect your friend is going through a difficult time. Be direct and respectful, and give a clear reason why you are anxious.
    • If you are not sure why the person is avoiding you, then say: “I cannot remain silent, because it seems to me that you have started to avoid me. Have I offended you in some way? "
    • If you know the exact reason, then don't beat around the bush. Apologize for your actions and try to resolve the situation. For example, say, “It seems to me that after that fight on Friday, our relationship became strained. I really appreciate our friendship and would like to resolve differences. I believe that our friendship is more important than such a petty problem. "
    • You can talk to the person in private or with an independent mediator (such as a school counselor). Evaluate what is more acceptable for you and which option will solve the problem.
  2. 2 Get the opinion of mutual friends, but do not discuss the situation behind the person's back. If you have mutual friends, then ask the opinion of the person you trust: “Do you know why Karina is angry with me? It seems to me that she avoids meeting me. "
    • Don't spread rumors and gossip about the person. If you value your relationship, choose your words carefully. If you say nasty things behind a person's back, then he will probably find out about everything and the situation will only worsen.
  3. 3 Leave the person alone. Often, a person needs to solve personal problems himself in order to re-establish communication with others. In many cases, your attempts to speed up the process can only alienate the person even more. Be patient, be open, and just live your life. You will understand if the person decides that he wants to communicate with you.
    • Be clear about your intentions. Say, “It looks like you need more personal space, so I'll leave you alone. If you want to talk, then my doors are always open. "
    • Do not close yourself off from the person. Sometimes it is very difficult to move forward and at the same time not delete a person from your life. Take a step aside, remember the good times of your friendship, and try not to get angry.
  4. 4 Let the person go. Sometimes it is very difficult to let go of a person with whom it took a lot of time and effort. At a certain moment, you need to come to terms with the fact that it will no longer be the same. This is a matter of personal growth and emotional well-being: if you spend hours wandering the paths of the past and assessing hypothetical possibilities, then it will be incredibly difficult for you to develop and realize yourself in the present. Just let the person go.
    • This doesn't mean it's over. It is possible that after a while you will resume the relationship. It's just that today you will not waste precious emotions on a person who is immune to them.


  • If the person has been avoiding you for a long time, then it is better to let him go. Perhaps you have become completely uninteresting to him.
  • If the person is uncomfortable with you, then it is possible that they would rather avoid meeting.
  • If the situation hurts you, try asking a mutual friend for the reasons for the frustration.