How to fire your employee

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fire Someone The Right Way in 8 Steps | Brian Tracy
Video: How to Fire Someone The Right Way in 8 Steps | Brian Tracy


At times, each of us can run into an annoying employee, but if you are working with someone who is truly incompetent, threatens workplace safety, or who significantly violates the rules of conduct, then the time has come to act decisively to eliminate this inappropriate attitude towards work. This article provides some tips on how to resolve this issue successfully.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Deciding to Take Action

  1. 1 Make sure you have a legitimate reason to fire the person. Mere dislike for a person does not serve as a compelling reason to deprive him of his job. Remember that even if you don't get along well with someone at work, that person may have a family that is financially dependent on them and their jobs. Think carefully before taking any action, because by firing this person, you can harm his family.Good reasons for dismissal are the following examples:
    • Direct negative impact on your ability to work;
    • Direct negative impact on someone else's ability to work;
    • Stealing company time in the form of chronic delays, laziness or unwillingness to interact;
    • Creating an alien and unproductive work environment;
    • Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse of other people.
  2. 2 Get support. Your argument will seem more compelling if you have the support of other employees who have been personally negatively influenced by that employee.
    • Take a diplomatic approach. Avoid spreading gossip to make other employees hate the employee you don't like. Instead, just start asking questions like, "What is your opinion on the new co-worker's job?" or "Ivan has a very peculiar approach to communicating with clients on the phone, doesn't he?" or "Do you by any chance remember what time Sergey showed up for work today?"
    • If you find that several employees support your opinion, then invite them to join you in writing the first complaint letter.
  3. 3 Observe this person at work. Pay attention to the behavior of this employee in the workplace, which can subsequently provide you with significant reasons and evidence to support your dissatisfaction with his work. Record all violations and write them down.
    • Write down times, dates, and details of what is happening that directly support your point of view, as this will allow your opinion to have a legitimate basis and give your manager the necessary ground to take action. It will be easiest to get the data you need if you and your pestering colleague work in the same shift and in a similar area of ​​work.
    • Try to distinguish between serious and minor violations. For example, there is nothing terrible in the fact that he forgot to wipe the coffee table, but if he showed up at the same time drunk to work, then here you can support your argument with a serious violation on his part.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Making a Formal Complaint

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your supervisor or other appropriate person. Think hard about who is the most appropriate person to talk about this. Try to meet face to face if possible.
    • Be sure to take your written notes and invite other staff to speak up.
    • Ask for your complaint to be anonymous. Thus, you do not risk making enemies for yourself.
    • You should not file a complaint via email, because most likely your letter will go unnoticed or have little effect. Also, you leave direct evidence that you tried to complain about someone, which will not do well on your resume.
  2. 2 Think about what you are going to say. Go through the most important aspects of your complaint and try to sound calm and relaxed. If there are signs of confusion and hatred on your face and tone of voice, then your manager will most likely feel that you are simply trying to settle personal scores with your colleague, rather than making a serious complaint out of concern for the best interests of the company.
    • Something good about your employee should be mentioned, such as “Ivan is a good guy. He is attentive and talented, and I hope that he will improve, but I am worried about him, because sometimes he ... "
    • Don't ask your boss to fire someone. If your manager asks about what to do, feel free to voice your preference, but remember that you will not be making the final decision.
  3. 3 Let your boss handle the situation. After you have expressed your opinion, relax, because nothing else depends on you, and you no longer need to record all violations and monitor this person.Get on with your life and just try to stay away from what you think is an unqualified employee.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Indirect Methods

  1. 1 Create situations in which it will be difficult for your employee to continue working. Before substituting someone, allow the person to substitute himself.
    • If this person is constantly late for work, then stay late at work with him, and the next morning make an appointment with him and your boss. Show up early for work in a cheerful state and start expressing your bewilderment about your employee's lateness.
    • If your co-worker can't handle his swearing in front of customers, invite your grandfather's church friends to do some shopping at your store. Let them complain and do their bit to remove this incompetent person from their position.
  2. 2 Consider being creative. Sometimes you just want to get rid of someone. Well, you can try some sophisticated approaches and put pressure on the psyche of a bothering coworker. But be careful about trying to manipulate circumstances, because instead of your employee, they may end up firing you.
    • Order a parcel from a sex shop to your colleague's office address, but forget to indicate the office number so that the courier will knock on everyone's office and deliver news of your colleague's recent “purchase”.
    • Turn on your employee's computer and send inappropriate but believable emails to your manager's address.
    • Change his computer wallpaper for a pornographic illustration. Tell your boss that you urgently want to meet with him in your employee's office before he has time to come to work and find the inappropriate background on the computer desktop.
  3. 3 Help him. Maybe your first reaction will be to get fired as soon as possible, but let's be honest, any scenario in which he leaves his job is fine. Perhaps you have a great idea for a new job or position that you think will work well for your employee, thus enticing them to leave their current position. If he likes your idea, then everyone will win in the end.


  • If you can't get along with your coworker, try transferring to another department within the company first before trying to fire someone. Thus, you can avoid any trouble with this person without spending time building unnecessary intrigues for anyone.


  • If someone relies on you or is bullied, then immediately report it to your superiors, because the above behavior is illegal and should be dealt with.