How to increase your hips with exercise

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best exercises to grow the SIDE BOOTY // WIDER HIPS Workout ─ Get rid of Hip Dips!
Video: Best exercises to grow the SIDE BOOTY // WIDER HIPS Workout ─ Get rid of Hip Dips!


In the area of ​​the hips and hip joints, there is a whole complex of muscles that are responsible for your movements. Including among the entire muscle group, an important role is played by the gluteus maximus muscle, which accounts for the bulk of the hips. But while exercise can increase the size of your hips, it won't change your bone type. The hip region stops growing around the age of twenty. While exercise can promote muscle growth, in order to achieve lasting results, sports should be an integral part of your lifestyle.


Method 1 of 3: Exercise Requiring No Equipment

  1. 1 Try swinging your leg from a lying position on your side. Lie on your side on a mat, place your feet on top of each other and bend your knees slightly. The pelvic area should be strictly perpendicular to the floor (no forward or backward tilt). Bend your lower leg a little more to provide yourself with better support for balance, and straighten the upper leg, leaving the foot in a natural position. Lift your upper leg up and slightly back (keeping the natural position of the foot), then lower it back.
    • Raise and lower your upper leg in sets of 5-10 repetitions, depending on your physical condition, then turn on the other side and do the same exercise on the other side.
  2. 2 Do the clam exercise. This exercise is a bit like swinging your legs, only in this case both of your legs will be bent. Lie on your side as if you were going to do the lying leg swings. Place your feet on top of each other and bend your knees. Lean forward with your knees to assume a free fetal position. The feet should be at the level of the pelvis, and the knees should be in front.
    • In this position, begin to slowly lift your upper knee, like the opening of a clam shell. Do not lift the foot of the upper leg from the lower foot, they should touch.
    • Then slowly lower your upper leg onto your lower leg.
    • Do the exercise for about one minute.
    • When finished with one side, repeat the exercise on the other side.
    • Do up to three sets on each side.
  3. 3 Do side lunges. Stand up straight, place your hands on your hips and tighten your stomach. Lift your right knee and bring your right leg to the side until you feel a noticeable stretch in the muscles of your left leg. Place your right leg on the floor and bend it slightly at the knee, and keep your left leg straight. The left foot should continue to stand firmly on the floor. Push off the floor with your right foot and return to the starting position while standing. Repeat the exercise on your left leg.
    • During the exercise, you can either alternate your legs, or first make a full range of attacks on one leg, and then on the other.
    • Do 10-20 repetitions of the exercise for each leg, depending on your physical condition.
    • There is also another option for performing this exercise, when the leg is not placed back on the floor in the original standing position. In this case, the leg remains bent at the knee and raised above the floor. This exercise is a little more difficult and requires more control over balance.
  4. 4 Try shifting your weight from foot to foot. This exercise also applies to lunges, but with it you do not move your legs, but your own body. For the starting position, stand straight with your feet 30–90 cm apart. Lunge to the right side, bending your right knee and keeping your left leg straight. Then straighten up again without lifting your legs off the floor. Keep your back as straight as possible, do not lower your head and make sure that the knee at the moment of the lunge (on a bent leg) never protrudes forward beyond the tips of the toes. Perform a similar lunge to the left. This exercise puts less stress on your knees and puts more stress on the muscles you want to build.
    • Do 10-20 repetitions of the exercise in each direction, depending on your physical condition.
  5. 5 Try back lunges. Such attacks allow you to perfectly work out the muscles of the outer thighs. To lunge backward, place your feet shoulder-width apart and with one foot take a large step backward just behind your supporting leg. At the same time, sit down with both knees bent and linger a little in the lunge position. Then slowly begin to rise and return your hind leg to its original standing position.
    • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times for both legs. Follow three approaches in total.
    • You can take dumbbells in your hands to complicate this exercise a little.
  6. 6 Do traditional squats. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your belly tense and your back straight. Begin to lower yourself as if you were sitting in a chair, but stop when your knees are bent to a right angle and your hips are parallel to the floor. Then rise back to the starting position while standing (do not move your legs). Repeat the exercise 5-10 times, depending on your own physical condition.
    • To increase the load, doing squats, you can hold dumbbells in your hands. The weight of the dumbbells should be chosen at your own discretion: use such dumbbells with which you are comfortable working at a given time.

Method 2 of 3: Exercising Equipment

  1. 1 Perform side kicks from a standing position. Lateral leg swings from a standing position are similar to swings from a prone position, except for the fact that you are standing and put additional stress on the moving leg. Stand up straight with your right hand on a wall, rail, or the back of a stable chair. Take a dumbbell in your left hand and place it on your left thigh. Bend your left leg slightly and lift it to the side, and then return it back to its place.Keep your back straight.
    • Do 5-10 repetitions of the exercise (depending on your physical condition). When you are finished doing the exercise on one leg, move to the other leg and do the same.
    • The weight of the dumbbell depends on how much additional weight you are comfortable working with at the present time. Start with a light dumbbell and gradually (as your fitness improves) move up to heavier weights.
    • Alternatively, you can use an expander belt. It is an elastic band specifically designed for exercise. To use such a tape, tie it with a loop (or immediately take an expander tape in the form of a ring), corresponding to the circumference of your hips. Stand in the loop and pull it over your ankles. When you lift your legs to the side, the expander will resist your movements.
  2. 2 Try to depict the gait of a monster or a sumo wrestler. This exercise requires a ring-shaped expander. It should be large enough to wrap around your legs and provide some resistance as you spread them. The expander can be positioned at knee level (just above the knee joints), at the ankles or on the toes of the foot (whichever is more comfortable for you). When the expander is in place, spread your legs wide enough to feel moderate resistance from the expander. Then bend your knees slightly, also bend your elbows and extend them in front of you.
    • To depict the gait of a monster, hold the expander taut and walk back and forth, moving one leg after the other.
    • To depict the gait of a sumo wrestler, hold the expander taut and walk left and right with side steps.
    • Do 5-10 repetitions of this exercise (in each direction), depending on your physical condition.
  3. 3 Walk sideways on a treadmill. For this exercise, the incline of the treadmill should be 3-5 degrees and the speed is about 3-5 km / h (very slow). First, climb onto the treadmill with your feet on the side panels (which do not move). With your right side facing the front of the treadmill, place your right hand on the front handle of the treadmill (on the right handle) and your left hand on the left handle for support. Step onto the treadmill and start walking sideways. Again, if your right side is facing the front of the treadmill, you will need to step forward, crossing your left leg with your right leg.
    • Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes on each side, pausing for 30 seconds every minute or so.
    • Start the exercise at extremely low speed so that you have the opportunity to get used to the movements. As soon as you get comfortable, the speed can be increased. However, be aware that speed is not the main parameter in this exercise, the main thing here is movement. Therefore, working at a slow speed will be just as effective.
  4. 4 Do kettlebell swings with both hands. If you have a pair of kettlebells or access to such equipment in the gym, then it will help you build your thigh muscles. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward, bent in the pelvic region, and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands.
    • Keeping your arms and back straight, lift the kettlebell up and swing it forward while straightening your legs and body. The kettlebell should describe a quarter-circle trajectory forward and upward.
    • Next, following the natural movement of the kettlebell in the opposite direction, again bend in the pelvic area, bend your knees and return the kettlebell to the floor.
    • Do three sets of 10-15 repetitions of the exercise.

Method 3 of 3: Additional Measures That Can Help Increase Your Hips

  1. 1 Do yoga exercises that engage your thigh muscles. Yoga hip exercises are designed specifically to stretch tense muscles in the hip area.From a technical point of view, all yoga poses can be considered as exercises for the hips, as yoga in general is designed to strengthen this area. However, there are some specific postures that work on this area, help increase its mobility, improve blood circulation and reduce back pain. Targeted exercise for your hips can probably make them sore and tense, and yoga can help release that tension.
    • The following positions are recommended for stretching the thigh muscles:
      • the pose of a happy child;
      • tied angle pose while lying down;
      • frog pose;
      • eyelet pose;
      • various variations of the pose of a pigeon;
      • camel pose;
      • hero pose.
  2. 2 Stretch your thigh muscles. The hip joints are fairly stable joints with a large number of adjacent muscles and wide range of motion. When you don't use your thigh muscles the way they should (for example, just sit at your desk all day), they can become stiff and sore. Stretching your thigh muscles is a great way to relax your entire hip area, as well as take care of your spine and good posture.
    • There are several stretching exercises that can help relax the hip area:
      • hip flexor stretch;
      • stretching for the rotator muscles of the thighs;
      • stretching for the adductors of the thighs;
      • hip extensor stretch
      • standing hamstring stretch
      • stretching of the iliotibial tract.
  3. 3 Eat more protein and carbohydrates. Ideally, the hips should become larger in volume by increasing the muscles in this area. Muscles will grow with targeted exercises for that area. But, in order for you to have enough strength for training and maintaining a sports regime in the long term, you need to consume carbohydrates. You also need to consume proteins that will help build muscle tissue.
    • On average, an athletic person should have one moderate meal 1–2 hours before exercise and one moderate meal 1–2 hours after exercise. When the food is nutritious and balanced, it will provide the body with the necessary proteins and carbohydrates for energy and muscle growth.
    • A sample menu for a moderate meal (before or after training) for a woman might look like this: a small handful of almonds, a piece of meat (the size of a deck of cards), a handful of vegetables, and a handful of rice or other grains. An approximate menu for a man should usually be somewhat larger (depending on his height and weight) up to a double portion, which is recommended for women.
    • Also, during and after exercise, you need to drink water to maintain water balance.
  4. 4 Hire a personal trainer. If you are serious about your quest to increase your hip size and you have enough money at your disposal, you can hire a personal trainer.
    • Please note that it is advisable for the coach to have the appropriate sports and professional qualifications, confirmed by documents issued in the prescribed manner.
    • In most cases, coaches work through gyms and fitness clubs, which means that you will also need a membership card to visit such an institution.
    • In some cities, personal trainers are available through other community centers and recreational programs.


  • Although most people stop growing in height by age 20, width growth can continue up to age 70. This is due not only to weight gain, but also to the fact that over the years, the hip joints gradually move to the sides.


  • Avoid physical exercise or yoga posture to the point of pain. Stop immediately if you feel pain.