How to respect yourself during a breakup

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to improve self esteem after a breakup | 3 EASY Steps
Video: How to improve self esteem after a breakup | 3 EASY Steps


After the relationship is over, how can you behave in a way that maintains self-respect? This is difficult because if you are dumped or the relationship just ended, you may feel like you have failed. However, it's important to respect yourself as a person and move on. Let's say you're a young woman whose boyfriend just said that he wants to break up and date other women.


  1. 1 Don't beg. He broke up with you. He has already made his decision. No matter what shock, panic, or pain you're in, don't beg him for a second chance. This is very difficult to do, but try not to cry too much - of course, it may be impossible not to cry at all. But cry a little, then say: "This makes me very sad, but this is your decision and I have no choice but to accept it" is much better than shouting "No, not leave ’ me! I will do allwhat you ask !! "Let him go, and then already get hysterical.
  2. 2 Get your support group together. The time has come when you need your friends and family more than ever. Call and tell me that you broke up with your true love. They will hopefully come to the rescue right there to comfort and keep you company as you try to mend your broken heart. Don't try to go through everything alone.
  3. 3 Determine when it is pointless to try to talk to him again. He may keep calling you, trying to get rid of you easily, saying that he still cares about you, and many other things. But he still cannot be only with you, does not want to be your boyfriend, etc. Let him go. It doesn't make sense. His attempts to communicate with you after the breakup have nothing to do with his feelings for you - it's all just for him... He is trying to make sure he is not considered a bad guy, but the reality is that he ended your relationship and moves on. It's time for you to do the same.
  4. 4 Don't let him fool you. He told you about his plans to date other girls and maybe he even said that he will "leave you in case it doesn't work out." Even if you still love him, this is a losing bet for you. This man wants to be a dog in the manger - he wants you to be there as a consolation prize in case his plan to find a Playboy bunny fails. You are the fallback. What a bastard! No matter how much you love him, tell him that it doesn't work for you and let him know that it's over. Dot.
  5. 5 Never let him see what you are going through. Once the big break is over, don't let it upset you. Even if you're not in the mood for it, dress up and go for a walk with your friends. You don't have to get drunk or try to pick on guys (as they might), but it's good to just get out of the house and hang out with your friends.Try not to go to places where you might meet him. If you do see him when you walk, just smile and nod. If you feel like you're about to cry, apologize and go to the restroom. Cry there and do not go out until you look strong again (even if you are all shaking inside, you should try hard to look like as if everything is in order).
  6. 6 Redefine your relationship. Chances are, now that he's gone, you might look back and realize that you didn't notice all the signs about this guy. Analyzing relationships and identifying problems can be valuable for the next relationship - they can point you to danger signals in a new man, or they can give you the opportunity to correct your own behavior if you truly believe it is your fault.
  7. 7 Hear songs and breakup stories. Songs like "I Will Survive," and "You Oughta Know." It can help if your friends tell you their breakup stories. Realizing that others have gone through the same pain can help you feel less alone. Turn up the music and dance - it helps if someone has written a song that you can apply to your situation. Go girls!
  8. 8 What's done is done. A bunch of guys break up with girls and later want to get them back. This may or may not be a good idea. If you decide to try again, please try again. once but only once. Constant reconciliation can be a bad idea for many reasons:
    • This can show him that you can tolerate being mistreated and come back to him, so there is a good chance that he will abuse you again (considering that he has already done this).
    • This can make you weak in his eyes - it's not good if he is bossy, dominant, or if you know that your self-confidence and self-esteem is not as high as you would like it to be.
    • Relationships take on an atmosphere of inevitability - in other words, you may begin to feel that this is your destiny and your cross, that no matter how hard you try to escape, you will always come back to it, again if your self-confidence and self-esteem are low.
    • If he behaved disrespectfully, it makes you less sensitive to his disrespect.
  9. 9 Understand that few people will respect you unless you insist on it. If you don't respect yourself, then you are giving other people permission to treat you like dirt. Don't you dare do this to yourself! Stand up for yourself and insist on being treated with respect - the way you should treat all people. Letting a guy step over you will be the worst disrespect in the world.
  10. 10 Understand that you have just gotten rid of the dread prince. So you are one step closer to the handsome prince. And whatever you do, don't limit yourself to a mediocre prince.


  • It is better to be alone for the right reason than with someone else for the wrong.
  • Don't let him think that the problem is with you, because he will try to make you feel in a way that will gain your strength. Never show him your emotions. Be strong. You don't need it.
  • Don't expect to feel better overnight. It will take time to regain strength. But if you are honest, then every day it will be easier and easier for you, as soon as you start thinking about how you can live on as a free person.
  • Doing active activities will help you distract yourself. Exercise, sports, movies, going to the beach, meeting friends and family - all this will help you pass the time and show you that you can have a good time without it.
  • List 10 things you are grateful for in your life. For example, your job, good friends, your dancing / cooking skills, and revise / revise the list every weekend. Be positive.
  • Life goes on! Chin up, smile and continue your journey. Remember that there are even larger fish in the sea.
  • When you feel ready, return to the game! But only do this when you are ready; no need to rush.


  • Do not do anything dangerous or harmful. The pain, longing, and anger you feel will pass - no matter how hard it is to believe it now. Give yourself time to feel better. Remember, it's like a broken bone: it hurts terribly in the beginning, but after a day or two it starts to heal and the pain subsides.
  • Don't take out your negative emotions on your ex. This type of reaction can have serious and lasting consequences.