How to recycle the bible

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How Should You Dispose of a Bible ?
Video: How Should You Dispose of a Bible ?


The Bible is the most sacred book of Christianity. Due to its sacred status, most religious Christians (and even non-believers) cannot use this book as an everyday thing from day to day. Usually in Christian churches there are very few rules in force when it comes to using the Bible - the main aspect is that this book should be treated with respect and, if possible, it will serve the highest purposes of God.


Method 1 of 3: Using the Old Bible

  1. 1 Donate it. If the Bible is in good condition, consider donating it to a person or donating it to charity where it will still serve. The word of God will be used by a person who until that moment did not have such an opportunity. Below are some ideas for where to donate your Bible:
    • to the church, where it will be handed over to the needy;
    • to the library, where it will be given by subscription or sold for a charity event;
    • to a charity store, where anyone in need can purchase it for a low fee;
    • Christian homeless shelters, which have worship groups and Bible study classes;
    • at Gideons (Gideons International) is a Christian organization that distributes the Bible free of charge around the world;
    • to any other similar charity.For example, some charitable foundations that send the Bible to countries where people are persecuted for reading it.
  2. 2 Restore the Bible. Just because this book is old and shabby does not mean that it should be in this condition. A professional book restorer or restoration service can return a book to its original form (for a fee). Some of these services will even allow you to send books directly to restorers.
    • These types of services are great opportunities if your Bible is very dear to you. But restoration can cost a lot of money, which is not always justified for an ordinary Bible.
  3. 3 Save your Bible. Alternatively, you can safely preserve the Bible, even in this not very good condition, but so that its appearance does not deteriorate. Of course, it will be impractical to use such a Bible every day, but it can become a family value and be passed down from generation to generation.
    • This option is especially good if the Bible is very important to you, but its restoration is either too expensive or too difficult.

Method 2 of 3: Respectful Farewell to the Bible

  1. 1 Show respect for the Bible. There are no specific instructions in the Bible for parting with her. However, the word of the Lord is considered sacred and eternal for Christians, and the physical document that stores these words is the same. Thousands of years of history and billionaire champions, as well as a rich spiritual tradition, are proof of the importance of the Bible, and it must be respected, even if you are not a Christian. In fact, any method of saying goodbye to the Bible is acceptable as long as it is done with good intentions and respect.
    • To show your reverence, you may need to pray (prayers), which carries a special meaning, when parting with the Bible, but this is only according to your desire.
    • Never do not destroy the Bible in a deliberately disrespectful way. While it is not a sin to do this with a paper product, it is sinful to deliberately denigrate God.
  2. 2 Bury your Bible. One method of disposing of the old Bible is to return it to Earth through a respectful burial. Burial can be done as smartly with people as you like (but within reason), and can be humble. Here are some ideas you might find useful when burying:
    • You can gather family in silent meditation
    • You can read a prayer while burying the Bible
    • You can ask the priest to lead the Bible on its last journey.
    • You can mark the burial site with a small plaque or slab
  3. 3 Preserve the Bible. Cremation is another respectful way of disposing of the Bible (just like saying goodbye to the national flag in the United States). Although those who want to disrespect and defile God's word burn the Bible, there is nothing “essentially” wrong in materially burning it, if it is done with observance of ritual and respect. Typically, Bible burning consists of lighting a fire or funeral pyre in which the Bible is carefully placed to incinerate.
    • As mentioned above, when burning the Bible, you can read prayers, be in complete silence, and so on.
  4. 4 Recycle your Bible. After all, the Bible is made of paper and you can recycle it by recycling it. This option is suitable for those who serve God, preserving the natural beauty on Earth. After all, thanks to processing, the forest is preserved.
    • However, for most, throwing the Bible into the trash can, as is done with regular paper editions, is akin to doing something wrong, regardless of the reasons for doing so. In this case, you can make a special Bible bag and separate it from your regular rubbish.
  5. 5 On special occasions, heed the advice of your personal priest. Although most Christian churches consider any method of saying goodbye to the Bible to be acceptable as long as it is done with good intentions and respect, in some of them this act of destroying the material evidence of God's word is considered a sin, regardless of the reason. If you consider yourself to be this type of church, then be sure to consult with a representative of the clergy to say goodbye to the Bible in all the canons.
    • In such a case, you can apply the methods below, you can only after receiving the approval of the representative of the church.

Method 3 of 3: Burial or Cremation of the Bible

  1. 1 If you have a special will about the Bible, write instructions to your relatives. Make sure they know where this instruction is stored.
    • If you are preparing a funeral procession ahead of time, make sure the funeral director knows your preferences for burying or cremating your Bible with you.
  2. 2 Show your family members where the Bible you need is kept in your home. This is especially important if you have more than one.
  3. 3 The deceased must hold the Bible in his hands.
  4. 4 The Bible should be buried or cremated with you.

Helpful information

  • Most Christians believe that it is the inner content of the Bible that makes it sacred, not paper and ink, so this book can be disposed of like any other.
  • If you no longer need the Bible, why not give it to someone who needs it, or perhaps send it to a church or any other religious organization? If you do not know where such organizations are located, then find a local exchange group and post there to find a new owner.
  • Before handing over your Bible, flip through it and check to see if there are any records or family records. Most people record important events, birthdays, weddings, or funerals in their family Bible, and you may want to keep this information if your Bible contains such information.
  • Some believe that parting with the Bible should be as respectful as parting with the national flag.
  • Jacqueline Sapiye, Methodist at the American Bible Society, has her own opinion on the matter: “There is no Christian ceremony or procedure for parting with an old and worn out Bible. Although most agree that if a book is pretty worn out and can no longer be used for its intended purpose, it is worth parting with it; but this separation can be very difficult for people ... So it would be great to make it useful. It should be sent for recycling. Recycling is a respectful act that works for a book like the Bible. ” Source

A warning

  • Don't worship the Bible, you should worship God (if you are truly a Christian).
  • The Holy Bible is a sacred book for millions of people and, perhaps, many will consider any method you choose unworthy.

You'll need

  • Firewood if you burn the Bible
  • Casket, box or clean cloth in case of burial
  • Bible for recycling