How to recognize a girl who wants to have a serious relationship with you

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
7 Signs He’s Ready For A Serious Relationship | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs
Video: 7 Signs He’s Ready For A Serious Relationship | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs


Friends can sometimes develop romantic feelings for each other, but it's hard to see if a girl wants to have a longer relationship with you. You may notice a few signs to confirm that she likes you, such as her interest in her body language and conversations together.


Part 1 of 3: Pay attention to what she says

  1. Notice how she talks about her future plans. As she talks about what she wants to do in her life, career, or the future at large, pay attention to whether she includes you in those plans. If so, chances are she likes you and has long viewed you as a part of her life.
    • Even if she doesn't mention you, don't worry. She may be afraid to talk about you in her plans without asking for your permission first.

  2. Think about whether she asks you profound questions. Women are usually quite good at getting to know other people because they know exactly what to ask. Pay attention when she asks about your career plans, ideal family type, or your hopes and dreams. These are all signals that help her see if your thoughts about the future and whether she have similarities.
    • Listen to questions, such as "How many kids do you want?" or "Do you have faith in marriage?"
    • Perhaps she will also ask questions about your relationship with family, past relationships, or your beliefs.

  3. Ask yourself if you think she's open-minded. Besides asking questions is answering questions! If she tells you about her beliefs, situation, and family, then she is really comfortable with you and sees you as a trustworthy person. Even if this is normal among friends, it could be a sign that she is ready to have a closer relationship with you.
    • This is especially true if she shares with you stories of importance, or even suffering. If she's comfortable talking about emotional topics around you, that's a good sign that she sees you as her emotional support.

  4. Realize if she falters or gets nervous around you. Sometimes, you can determine if a girl likes you by observing the way she talks, in addition to the content of the conversation. If she gets off topic while looking at you, or seems confused, that's a pretty sure sign that she likes you.
    • If she is telling a cute story or a funny joke, she will blush at you, or forget what she said.

Part 2 of 3: Observing actions that show affection

  1. Notice if she is touching your hands, hair, or arms. Linger touch is a sure sign that a girl has feelings for you! If she touches your hand while talking, actively fixes your hair, or pats your arm with her hand, she may have a crush.
    • If you don't like being touched, just let her know that this is upsetting you and she should stop. If she is a good friend, she will respect your boundaries.
    • Some women are just naturally too friendly. Notice if she is touching everyone around her. If so, maybe she's just a girl with a flirting habit!
  2. Notice if she cares about you. When women like someone, they often do something else to help them. If she offers to help you with housework, gives you a small gift, or cooks your dinner, she might consider you your ideal partner.
    • If you like her too, thank her and work hard to repay her kindness by helping her back!
    • If you don't like her, politely decline her offer of help, and thank her for being nice to you.You can say "Ah, I can do it myself, anyway, thank you very much for asking me to help!"
  3. Notice if she smiles around you. Although she may laugh when she is with other friends, notice if she is always cheerful and giggles when she is with you. Maybe she's trying to flirt with you, or show that you make her happy!
    • Maybe she laughs when you're joking, even though it's not really funny. If she smiles when people are quiet, that's a possible sign that she likes you.
  4. Consider if she notices and remembers what you say. While some women are good listeners, if she has feelings for you, she will go even further and remember what's important to you. While going out, she might say "Wow, that green shirt is so beautiful, that's the color you like!"
    • If she is particularly interested in you, she may give you a small gift related to your hobby or a story you told.
  5. Wait for her to introduce you to her family. For women, it is important to introduce your ideal partner to your family because it shows that she is serious about your relationship. If she asks you to meet her family, or invites you to an event where her parents are also present, she definitely values ​​you!
    • If you are not ready for a serious relationship, politely decline the invitation. You can say, "I don't think I'm ready to see your parents right now, I'm glad you invited anyway."
    • She can invite you to dinner with her parents, or attend a family event if you've gotten to know her parents since you've been friends for a while. This is also a pretty sure signal that she likes you, because you will be her "date target" at an event or dinner.

Part 3 of 3: Determine your feelings

  1. Determine if you want similar things. One of the most important steps to the transition from friendship to love is to decide if you feel the same way as her. Ask yourself if you are ready for a serious relationship, and if you really like who she is. Don't put yourself in situations that you will regret later.
    • It is also important to determine what kind of relationship you want to have if you intend to confess to her. If you want to hang out normally before making a serious promise, say it clearly, "Would you like me to date for a few days to see if I get along?"
    • If you are only interested in physical relationships, be honest with her. Some girls accept a "friendship cum sexual" relationship, while others will definitely refuse.
  2. Invite her out if you want to start a relationship. If she shows you affection in a few different ways, date with confidence. Always behave politely and honestly about your plans, and let her know how you feel.
    • You can say “For me, you are such a cute and cute girl, I have liked you for a long time. Will you give me a chance to go on a date? "
    • If she agrees, get ready to make a good impression on a date.
    • If she refuses, try not to be sad or discouraged. You can still be friends, and you can try to confess to another cute girl in the future.
  3. Be honest with her if you don't want to start a relationship. In some cases, you may not be attracted or interested in dating a friend. If you realize that a girl likes you, the best thing you can do is make it clear that you only consider her to be you.
    • In order to deliver the most effective message, you can say “I realize you've been treating me differently lately, so I want to talk about it now. I really appreciate our friendship and I want nothing more than friendship. I hope you understand what I mean ”.
    • She might be a bit upset, but as long as you act sensitively and make it clear that you still want to be her friend, everything will be fine.


  • Sometimes, it's easy to confuse flirting with friendliness. If you notice that she feels uncomfortable when you flirting, she may just be as kind to you as a normal friend.
  • The best way to determine if she has feelings for you is to talk to her once you notice signs that she might like you.