How to arrange a harmless prank

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best And SCARIEST Severed Head Pranks
Video: Best And SCARIEST Severed Head Pranks


There is nothing more fun than a harmless prank or prank of a friend, brother, sister, or roommate.Prank your friends by sticking sticky stickers on their car or changing the contents of the hand sanitizer they use. Or give your victims a culinary nightmare by feeding them Oreo cookies with toothpaste. If you want to prank your sibling or roommate, glue a paper-cut beetle to the inside of your lampshade or salt their toothbrush.


Method 1 of 4: Create Your Own Prank

  1. 1 Choose the person you want to play a trick on. Pick someone who appreciates your sense of humor, such as your sibling, dad or mom, teacher or friend. Don't play tricks on people you don't know. They may misinterpret your joke and think that you are making fun of them. These people include:
    • strangers;
    • a parent who is worried about something or is burdened with something;
    • newcomer in class;
    • a person with whom you do not find a common language;
    • sensitive or easily injured person;
    • a person with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), anxiety, or difficult to calm down.
  2. 2 Brainstorm. Take a pen and a piece of paper. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit and think. Then write down all the ideas that come to mind. Don't worry about the ethical side of the matter. Instead, focus on writing down as many ideas as possible.
    • When coming up with a prank, consider the personality traits of the person you want to prank. For example, if your best friend likes glitter and is hard to scare, you can send her a glitter bomb to make her laugh. And if your dad likes to experiment with recipes, you can buy a bunch of vegetables that don't need to be refrigerated and stash them around the house in fancy places (after he laughs at it, you can cook some of them).
    • Avoid jokes that don't match the person's personality or habits. For example, if your mom often gets ready in the morning in a hurry, then you shouldn't arrange a quest for her to find her coffee cup. If your brother is easy to scare, then you should not show him a video with sudden scary scarecrows so that he does not become a stutter.
  3. 3 The rallies must not be sneaky or dangerous. Your prank should not offend anyone or put anyone at risk. Otherwise it will no longer be a "harmless" prank. Here's what not to do:
    • harm things that are dear to humans;
    • convince a person that some misfortune has happened to someone (or something) who is dear to him;
    • play with sharp objects or fire;
    • frighten so much that the person will get angry;
    • lock the person (this can cause an attack of suffocation or hyperventilation);
    • do anything that can injure a person (for example, a bucket of water outside the door can fall on a person's head and injure him, and then the emergency room cannot be avoided);
    • make a big mess, while not taking part in the subsequent cleaning yourself.
  4. 4 Decide on your best idea. The best prank is the one that is easy to put into practice, funny and harmless. In addition, the joke should be interesting enough to surprise, but not enough to arouse suspicion. Here are some examples of good ideas:
    • Prank the person in his comfort zone so that he doesn't suspect anything;
    • do not complicate everything with long preparations;
    • it should be funny for both of you;
    • prank should not entail lengthy cleaning.
  5. 5 Make a plan to implement the prank. Now that you've come up with the perfect prank, it's time to come up with a plan. Sketch a detailed plan on a piece of paper. Reread it several times, visualizing as you read it. This will help you identify any significant flaws in it. For example:
    • if you need a lot of balloons, think about whether you have the time and opportunity to buy them;
    • if your friend gets sick, then he may take sick leave or not go to school, and then it will not be possible to play him;
    • if your prank requires water and it's cold outside, it can freeze.

Method 2 of 4: How to Prank Your Friends

  1. 1 Leave a sign next to any electrical appliance with the instruction to activate it with your voice. This is a great prank if you work in a team. Bring a toaster or similar to work and leave it in the break room. Then make a sign telling you to activate the toaster by voice and place it next to it. For the rest of the day, you will laugh whenever your coworkers try to do it.
    • If you want, you can invite your friends to use the toaster by leaving a slice of bread next to it.
    • Alternatively, you can use coffee makers, electric stoves and electric kettles.
  2. 2 Put adhesive stickers on your friend's car. Go to a stationery store and buy as many stickers as you can carry with you. Then cover your friend's car with them completely, including the windows. Your friend will have to peel off hundreds of stickers before using the car.
    • With the help of colored stickers, you can create some kind of pattern or drawing. For example, use green, white and brown stickers to make Shrek's car.
    • Stickers adhere best to washed cars.
    • Confess and take responsibility for your prank. After pranking your friend, offer to help him clean up.
  3. 3 Replace hand sanitizer with lubricant. This can be a great prank for those who always use a disinfectant in their purse or on the table. Buy a bottle of lubricant from a drug store or grocery store. Then empty the bottle of hand sanitizer your friend is using and replace the contents with lubricant. When he tries to use a disinfectant, his hands will become greasy and slimy.
    • Before this draw, pour the disinfectant into a cup for safekeeping, or buy your friend a new bottle. He'll probably get upset if he has to spend more money on a new disinfectant.
  4. 4 Play it out using the postage. There are companies that provide mail-order raffle services. For example, you can send your friend a box of glitter, eggplant, beetles, and the like. Search the internet for the service that best suits your purpose.
    • If possible, mail the package to your workplace or school to see your friend open it.
  5. 5 Advertise a Chewbacca Roar Competition. Print flyers advertising the Chewbacca roar competition and include your friend's phone number. Then post flyers all over the area. If you're lucky, your friend will be sent dozens of voice messages with Chewbacca roaring.
    • Don't use your work phone number for this joke. If your voicemail becomes full, your friend may miss important calls.

Method 3 of 4: Prank Someone With Food

  1. 1 Make caramel apples. Prepare the caramel first. Then peel off some of the top layers from a few medium-sized bulbs. Insert a wooden stick into each onion to make a handle. Dip each onion into the caramel and lay them to dry on a sheet of waxed paper. In appearance, the onion will strongly resemble a delicious red apple in caramel.
    • Offer your friends these wonderful sweet "apples" after they cool down and watch their reaction as they taste the onions.
    • Make sure the person you want to play is not allergic to onions.
  2. 2 Make a disgusting cheesy orange juice. Buy a box of dry macaroni, cheese, and orange juice. Drink or pour in orange juice. Then grind the macaroni and cheese to a powder and pour it into an empty juice container. Add water and close the lid.Shake the bag until the cheese lumps dissolve.
    • When you're done, invite your friend to have some juice and watch him gag.
    • Chill the juice before using. Warm packaging of orange juice may sound suspicious.
  3. 3 Add toothpaste to Oreo. Buy a bag of Oreo cookies and a tube of toothpaste. Then gently break the two cookie halves and remove the frosting layer. Squeeze some toothpaste onto one half of the cookie and press down on top of the other half. After tasting the cookies, your friend will be surprised by their minty taste.
    • Place the mint cookies on a plate. Invite your friends to try it and watch their reaction as they eat it.
    • If you have suspicious friends, leave a plate of mint cookies in plain sight. Even if you do not manage to see everything with your own eyes, you will probably find out about it later.

Method 4 of 4: Pranking at Home

  1. 1 Sprinkle salt on your toothbrush. Sprinkle salt on the lint of your roommate or brother's toothbrush. The next time the "victim" tries to brush his teeth, he will be surprised at the salty and disgusting taste of his toothpaste.
    • Use fine sea salt or table salt. Large pieces of salt may be visible on the toothbrush, and then the draw will not work.
  2. 2 Place the beetle on the lampshade. This is a fun prank if the person doesn't like big bugs. First you need to print an image of a large cockroach or other large insect. Then cut it out and attach it to the inside of the lampshade. When your roommate or brother turns on the lamp, they will see a terrifying silhouette of a large insect and think that there is a beetle inside the lampshade.
    • Look online for large insect images to print.
    • Attach the cutout insect to the lampshade with clear tape.
    • Don't play pranks on those who live with you and are very afraid of insects. Whoever you frighten, the person should immediately come to his senses and calm down. Otherwise, such a rally cannot be called harmless.
  3. 3 Make useless soap. Find a bottle of colorless nail polish and a dry bar of soap. Apply several coats of clear nail polish to the soap. Let the previous coat dry before applying a new coat. Then place the soap in the shower or near the sink. When your brother or sister or roommate tries to use it, the soap will not foam at all.
    • Apply at least four coats of clear varnish. The more layers you apply, the funnier this prank will turn out to be.
  4. 4 Wrap the bed in plastic wrap. Purchase several rolls of clear plastic wrap from your local hardware store. Then wrap your brother or sister's bed completely with a thick layer of plastic wrap. When they go to bed, it will first take them a few minutes to remove the plastic wrap.
    • It is better to wrap in several long pieces than in many small ones. It will be more difficult to shoot such film.
    • You can tightly wrap each pillow and blanket individually or all at once.


  • Be on the lookout for retaliation from your friends.
  • Before arranging a rally, make sure that no strangers will take part in it. You don't want your draw to go wrong.
  • Choose your victim with great care. If your friend doesn't have a good sense of humor, it's best to play a trick on someone else.
  • Remember that a good prank is a prank that you can laugh at together. Not everyone will understand a mean or rude joke, and besides, such a joke can offend a person's feelings.
  • You can attach a coin under the spout of the tap (not close!) So that the water splashes everywhere when the "victim" turns it on.


  • Choose the right time for your friend's prank. If your friend is sad or worried about something, then the draw is unlikely to succeed.
  • Pranking strangers (for example, posting a screaming video or a scarecrow on the Internet) is a bad idea; you never know how other people will react to it. If you want to play a trick on someone on the Internet, then let the prank be harmless, send it in private messages to those of your friends who, in your opinion, will like this prank.