How to study in a school you hate

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If you hate school, this might help
Video: If you hate school, this might help


Even if you just hate your school, you still have to go to it. This fact must be accepted and learned to cope with the situation. After reading this article, you will learn how to do this.


  1. 1 Find friends. Sounds simple. But the more friends you have, the more you will be distracted from the main irritant - the school itself. The guys probably also hate school, and you can share your emotions with each other about this. Plus, you'll be able to think of someone and look forward to meeting you, pulling your butt out from under the covers at 6 AM.
  2. 2 Surprise your teachers. Even if you have really picky / mischievous teachers, you can still try to be their favorite. This means that you will have to be attentive, do your homework, take all the required tests, and ask many questions. Given the fact that not all of your classmates are diligent, your teacher will be very surprised at such efforts. Surely, teachers will change their attitude towards you, especially if you are the only student who received the highest grade.
  3. 3 Learn to find the positive. Even in the bad, sometimes you can find something good. Surely, your school also has its positive aspects. You just have to find them and try to use them. Perhaps your school has a great sports team that you could be part of, or a variety of activities that suit your interests. In this way, you could give free rein to your creativity.
  4. 4 Imagine that your school is the best place in the world. Consciousness can affect the perception of reality. If you pretend that you are having a great time in your prison (i.e. school), then you will probably feel better in it in reality. Just do not do stupid things, do not laugh like crazy, otherwise you will simply be misunderstood and you will find yourself in a humiliating situation.
  5. 5 Talk to your teacher / educator / school principal. Their job is to help you. If you do not like something specific about the school, for example, the lack of normal food in the cafeteria, then you can contact the headmaster with your suggestion. You can suggest, for example, organizing a salad bar (you do not need to offer the introduction of unhealthy food, otherwise the director will immediately refuse you).
  6. 6 Know what could be worse. If you are not a student of a school for difficult teens (where everyone goes through a metal detector every day), then rest assured that your school is not the scariest place on Earth. You may think your school is bad, but there are many much worse schools with really difficult children. So if your school does not hear the sounds of firearms or something like that on a weekly basis, then there is already a reason to be satisfied. Very happy.
  7. 7 Transfer. Just remember that this is an extreme method. If all else fails, then try transferring to another school. If possible, collect information about other educational institutions so that you know in advance about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


  • Remind yourself that you won't go to school forever.
  • Never skip class - this is the biggest mistake. No matter how much you hate World History, take these lessons. It will not be good if you miss important classes, do not take notes, and lag far behind your classmates.You will become even more uncomfortable in class simply because you were too lazy and did not come when you should. And when the time comes for tests or exams, it turns out that you do not have materials to prepare. And this will surely lead to failure. So, attending classes is a must. Believe it or not, these conclusions are drawn from the experiences of many generations of learners. You, of course, have your own experience and your ideas, but still do not make this common mistake.
  • Always be diligent. Diligence will get you good grades and push you forward.
  • Draw the school as you see it. Then cut the pattern into confetti and throw it into the trash bin.
  • Find the main advantage of your school and use it to your advantage.
  • Write down a list of the necessary changes in the school, from your point of view. Be as specific as possible. Distribute your list to students and collect as many signatures as possible. Then show it to the school principal or administration. There is a hope that you will be heard.
  • Be friendly and outgoing with teachers.


  • Don't skip school. This will only make the problem worse.
  • Don't suck up to teachers. It turns them off.
  • Remember the expression: "What is not broken does not need to be repaired."
  • Don't be overly shy. This will only increase the feeling that you are not at ease.