How to wake up without an alarm

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
1 Easy Method to Wake Up Without an Alarm
Video: 1 Easy Method to Wake Up Without an Alarm


Like most people, you probably only wake up on an alarm clock in the morning. However, the human body already has a biological clock that helps to get up without the help of such devices. Using circadian rhythms and adjusting your sleep patterns can help you sleep better and improve your overall health.


Method 1 of 3: Examine Your Circadian Rhythms

  1. 1 Determine your sleep pattern. Circadian rhythms are circadian (24-hour) rhythms that affect physical and mental behavior. In addition to controlling your natural sleep patterns, they also affect your body's hormone production, body temperature, and hunger. If you wake up feeling thirsty in the middle of the night or early in the morning, chances are your natural circadian rhythms are disrupted.
    • The body's circadian and other rhythms are ultimately controlled by a “master clock” known as the “suprachiasmatic nucleus” located in the hypothalamus.
  2. 2 Keep a sleep diary. Before giving up your alarm, you need to understand your current sleep pattern. For at least one week, note what time you go to bed and what time you wake up. Studies have shown that over the course of a week, people go to bed later every day, and many end up with chronic sleep deprivation. Strive to follow your natural biorhythms and always go to bed at the same time.
    • Circadian rhythm disruption occurs when your body clock is out of sync with your social clock. Sleep experts have called this phenomenon jetlag. It can lead to serious health problems such as obesity and inflammatory diseases.
    • Scientists recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a night for adults and 9-10 hours for teenagers.
  3. 3 Spend some time outside. Circadian rhythms are in part related to sunlight and darkness. If you have to go to work early in the morning, before dawn, and you can't see the sun all day, your natural sleep patterns may be disrupted.
    • If your work schedule is such that you have to go to work and return home in the dark, then try to go outside at least briefly during the work day to see the sunlight.
    • If you cannot go outside during the working day, then at least try to be by the window to see the daylight.

Method 2 of 3: Cancel the alarm

  1. 1 Practice getting up without an alarm on weekends and holidays. If you have a tight work schedule, then chances are you don't want to risk going to bed without an alarm. The risk of oversleeping is especially high if you stay awake for the recommended 7-10 hours at night. Instead, try waking up without an alarm on weekends.
    • Perhaps you can try getting up without an alarm on weekends. If you have a long vacation, then this is the perfect time to learn how to wake up without an alarm.
  2. 2 Change your alarm melody to a quiet and calm one. Probably, at the moment you have a very loud melody set on your alarm clock, which definitely does not allow you to oversleep. Try setting an alarm that sounds more natural, such as birdsong or the sound of rain, instead. If your windows overlook a noisy street, then try to find an alarm clock that resembles the sounds of your surroundings, that is, the sounds of city traffic.
  3. 3 Use a regular alarm clock instead of a mobile phone alarm. When you look at a cell phone screen before bed, you inhibit the body's production of melatonin. This hormone is required to maintain circadian rhythms.
    • Move any phones and tablets away, especially if you wake up in the middle of the night.
    • If you wake up with an alarm clock in your phone or tablet, then set it in advance, a few hours before bedtime - thanks to this, you will not have to access the screen of your mobile device before going to bed.
  4. 4 Do not use the snooze button. If you frequently use the snooze button on the alarm clock, we recommend that you stop doing so. When you press this button and continue to sleep, the circadian rhythm becomes fragmented.
    • When sleep is frequently disturbed, there is a high risk of developing a sleep disorder called sleep inertia. Sleep inertia negatively affects human health and leads to diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Method 3 of 3: Natural Awakening

  1. 1 Get everything ready for bed. Once you learn to wake up without an alarm at the same time and your sleep pattern is established, you can try waking up without an alarm regularly. Making sure your bedroom matches your circadian rhythms is key.Window curtains should be slightly open to allow the body to adjust to the sunlight in the morning. Try not to use dark curtains.
    • Remember that the sun rises in the east, so in the northern hemisphere, the south side receives more sunlight. That is why it is better if your bedroom windows face east or south - unless, of course, you plan to wake up when the sun is already high.
    • If you need to wake up before the sun rises, then try to find a timer lamp and set it to a specific time - this can help you wake up, but it definitely will not replace an alarm clock.
  2. 2 Bring sounds into the room. If you are using white noise to block traffic noise, then stop doing it (or use a timer to turn off white noise before morning). If the weather permits, keep the window ajar to hear the sounds of the morning - they will wake you up.
  3. 3 Don't forget about regular exercise. Various studies have shown that regular exercise can help improve sleep quality - especially for people with insomnia or other sleep disorders. Try to do 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3-4 times a week.
    • Aerobic exercise can be activities such as walking, running, swimming, or playing football or basketball.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods. Avoid eating foods high in sugar, fat, and processed grains. Instead, try to eat more lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and limit the amount of fat. A heavy and plentiful dinner can negatively affect your sleep, as it takes a lot of energy to digest it.
    • Try eating more foods that contain tryptophan, such as milk, eggs, bananas, or nuts. Tryptophan helps induce sleep.
  5. 5 Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks. You probably already know that drinking coffee in the evening leads to sleep disorders. Many over-the-counter medications (such as pain relievers and cold medications) contain caffeine. Make sure the drugs you take before bed are caffeine-free.
  6. 6 Create a comfortable sleeping environment. If you are struggling with stress or anxiety, try taking some time to meditate before bed and clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts - even a few minutes are enough for this. You can play calm, relaxing music and practice breathing practices to help you fall asleep. The tips below are about meditation for sleep: [1]
    • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable. You may need to bring an extra blanket if it's cold, or turn on the air conditioner to the max if it's very hot. To avoid waking up due to heat or cold at night, check the timer - make sure the air conditioner or heater will run all night. To wake up without an alarm, you can use a combination of temperature and light: as soon as it gets too warm and light in the morning, you wake up.


  • Use the alarm daily, and then start skipping days periodically: don't set the alarm. If you are afraid to oversleep, try installing it a few minutes later - this way you are guaranteed not to oversleep.
  • Do not pull the curtains all the way down - let sunlight enter the room through them.


  • If you have a “non-fixed” work schedule, then your sleep-wake cycle is already more or less knocked down. With the above methods, you will help your body develop a better sleep rhythm, but remember that this will take a long time. If you often work in different shifts, then these techniques will be especially difficult for you.
  • Have you decided to take a nap? Be careful with this case, it knocks down the daily rhythm. Taking a nap during the day will make it harder for you to fall asleep on time in the evening.If you do decide to lie down, try not to sleep for more than half an hour. If you go to sleep every day, make it part of your daily cycle and rest at the same time every day.