How to make contact with an angry, frightened cat

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
The Compilation Of Angry and Scary Cats
Video: The Compilation Of Angry and Scary Cats


Cats are amazing animals, it is so nice to keep them in the house, but they, like people, have feelings and emotions. But unlike people, they won't understand if they are told, "Hey, stop it, it's okay." This article will teach you how to interact with angry cats.


  1. 1 Be patient. As with any aggressive relationship, you need to be patient with your cat. Don't grab her, lash out, chase or even look at her strangely.
  2. 2 Respect the cat as if she is a mother-in-law, whom you do not love, but must reckon with.
  3. 3 Show your cat that good comes from you. Bring the animal a treat when you approach it. If your cat hisses and is aggressive, don't be angry with her. Just leave her alone. If she is too scared to let you close, gently push the food towards her (note: push the food towards the animal, not into it).
  4. 4 Gradually train your cat to come closer and learn to eat from your hand.
  5. 5 Put on a show before dinner. Shake the food bag, open the can as loud as possible, call the cat by name, etc.
  6. 6 Take some time to sit next to the cat, but do not look at it. Eat something that smells good (like meat) or play with a cat toy. Do this until the animal shows interest. When she pays attention to you, let the cat sniff you first and figure out who you are. You can scare the cat away if you move.
  7. 7 When the cat comes up to you, offer it food or a toy.
  8. 8 If she accepts her and does not run away immediately, pet her.


  • If your cat is hiding behind the couch, don't rush to get it. Cats need a place where they can feel safe. Better get into the habit of sitting next to the animal where it can see you. Then the cat will feel more comfortable in your presence and will come out to you more often.
  • Try showing your cat a special new place to hide. It could be a box, a covered pet bed, or the cat itself can choose such a place. Make it a rule that no one will be able to touch the cat when it is sitting in its shelter. Having its own comfort zone, the pet will feel more confident. It seems strange, but if there is cover, the cat will hide less.
  • Instead of making your cat love you, make her think she likes you. Stay with her all the time, but not so that it seems obvious. Just be there. Tracking a cat and staring at it will make it feel like you are stalking it, it will scare it, no matter who you are.
  • Watch her body language. Aside from the obvious hiss, look out for the cat's whiskers, which can be pulled back, and the tail that the cat uses to beat. These are signs of aggression.
  • If you're still making contact with your pet (or whoever else), bribes are an option. Give your pet gifts for any occasion.
  • Remember: bribes, bribes and more bribes.


  • Never be angry with your cat or punish it when it hisses. Hissing is just one way to tell that an animal is scared. If you punish your cat for this, it will only get more scared.
  • Remember, cats are different from dogs. Dogs need to prove their superiority, but with cats this method will not work. You are not the owner of the cat, but it is your owner. At least from her point of view.
  • Take your time and don't expect too much at once. You need to give the cat time. Any trainer will tell you that if a cat doesn't want something, then nothing can change it.

What do you need

  • Cat toys
  • Cat treats