How to install and configure the Apache web server to host a website on your home computer

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Apache web server: How to install and configure a website
Video: Apache web server: How to install and configure a website


In this article, you can learn how to download, install and configure the Apache web server to host a website on your Windows home computer.


  1. 1 Go to and download the latest version of Apache webserver.
  2. 2 Install Apache.
  3. 3 During installation, a window will appear with the following fields: domain name, network name and email address. You can write whatever you want. Use this format:
  4. 4 After clicking Next, you will be asked to select your web server type. You can choose Apache.
  5. 5 Then the error “Apache could not be configured.”" Edit you Apache.conf file "
  6. 6Go to Start-Programs-Apache HTTP server version number>
  7. 7 Select "Configure Apache Server".
  8. 8 Select "Edit the apache.conf configuration file".
  9. 9 Open the Document Root "drive:/ location "
  10. 10 Modify the document root to point to the location of the website directory in the above style, using / instead of .
  11. 11 Do the same for the Directory "drive:/ location ">
  12. 12 To check your settings:
    • Go to Apache on the taskbar and stop the service.
    • Restart the service.
    • If it does not start, edit the conf file.
    • After successful launch, open any web browser and write localhost or in the address bar.

Method 1 of 1: To restore httpd.conf

  1. 1 If you mess up your httpd.conf file, don't worry, go to the main Apache directory. Further in the conf.
  2. 2 There you will find a folder called "Original". All original files are in this folder. Open it.
  3. 3 Select the httpd.conf file.
  4. 4 Go to Edit-Select All.
  5. 5 Copy.
  6. 6 Next, open the corrupted httpd.conf file.
  7. 7 Select Edit-Select All.
  8. 8 Click Remove.
  9. 9 Paste the copied text.
  10. 10 Press CTRL + S or Save.