How to connect deeply with a guy

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Connect Deeply With A Man’s Heart So He Falls For You | Helena Hart
Video: How To Connect Deeply With A Man’s Heart So He Falls For You | Helena Hart


It takes time and effort to connect deeply with a guy. Show patience, kindness, and a willingness to listen to each other right from the start to lay the foundation for that connection. It will not be possible to establish it by force, only active actions are allowed, designed to ensure open communication without condemnation. It is important to understand that communication consists of both fun and serious conversations. As you reach a comfortable level of communication, remember to strengthen your emotional connection and improve your emotional expressions of love and care. Finally, learn to communicate and interact on a spiritual level to provide an even deeper connection.


Method 1 of 3: Improve Communication

  1. 1 Encourage open communication. Share personal thoughts, ideas and dreams. Tell your boyfriend about your dreams and hopes for the future, including your future together.
    • Spend at least a few minutes a day discussing personal aspects such as hopes, dreams, and fears.
    • Encourage your guy to share his thoughts with you, but don't force him to verbalize his thoughts or feelings.
    • Do not assume that he is able to read your mind or you can get into his head.
    • Ask: "Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you want to achieve in life? What are your most important values ​​that guide your actions?"
  2. 2 Be condescending. Create a calm, non-judgmental environment. You need to listen to your boyfriend and get into his position in order to get to know him better. Try to understand his views and help him feel comfortable sharing his thoughts without looking stupid.
    • Reassure your guy that he can be himself and not try to impress you. You must appreciate him for who he is.
    • There is a definition of masculinity in society that prevents men from sharing their fears and personal emotions, so they tend to try to solve problems rather than talk about them.
    • Say: "You can always open up to me and you will not hear judgments. It is not the first day we have been together and my love for you does not depend on external conditions. You should not be ashamed of your fears and doubts, because almost certainly I am worried about the same questions!"
  3. 3 Take an interest in your boyfriend's thoughts and feelings. Trying to get to know the guy even closer should bring you joy. Take an active interest in his inner world and try to understand what shapes his personality. Come up with questions that will open the veil of the secrets of his soul.
    • Ask: “What was the happiest moment in your childhood? What was the hardest aspect of growing up? ”
    • “Who has made the biggest impact on your life? How did this manifest itself? "
    • “What are your most important values? Why are they so dear to you? How do they affect your behavior? ”.
    • Ask: “What is important to you in a partner? How can I become better for you? ”.
  4. 4 Talk about funny and irrelevant topics. Serious conversations and discussion of current events are very important, but do not overestimate the overall level of seriousness of your communication. It is equally important to chat about all sorts of nonsense and let your imagination run wild. Relaxing conversations about anything and everything will keep conversations from becoming routine chores.
    • Discuss how your days are going, especially any funny moments and situations that happen during the day, as well as jokes from the Internet.
    • Ask nonchalant questions that also reveal a person's character: "Which cartoon would you like to be?" or "What superpower would you like to have?"
    • Don't forget about humor and laughter: funny conversations and jokes can help you relax and communicate without undue stress.

Method 2 of 3: Strengthen your emotional connection

  1. 1 Examine yourself and your emotions. A deep emotional connection with another person requires you to understand and accept your own emotions. Sometimes we are tempted to brush aside an emotion or suppress a strong feeling in ourselves, but it is very important to comprehensively evaluate our own emotions and logically comprehend the experience we have experienced.
    • Be honest about your emotions and learn to understand your emotional responses in different situations.
    • When your emotions are heightened, ask yourself the question, "What is this emotion?" Name the emotion: “I feel anger right now. It seems to me that the guy is not listening to me, so I start to get angry. "
    • Emotional reasoning allows you to avoid suppressing your feelings and to better understand the emotions of others.
  2. 2 Watch out for external emotions. Learn to notice those emotions that the guy is not trying to hide. If you have been able to create a comfortable environment for communication, then you will be able to share emotions with more confidence. Emotional responses can be positive and negative, so it is important to openly respond to both extremes of the emotional range.
    • If a guy is having a difficult day, angry, or upset, then you shouldn't be scared. Don't take it personally. It is better to let the guy talk to you or do not bother him to release the tension otherwise.
    • Help your significant other better understand your external emotions. Say, "I'm usually annoyed after work, so I apologize in advance for any harsh reactions" or "Honey, I have the most couples on Wednesday, so your tight hug after class will mean a lot to me."
  3. 3 Notice and listen to the emotions the guy is not expressing. You get to know each other better, so develop an empathy that allows you to anticipate his emotional needs. Listen carefully to your boyfriend and learn to hear what he doesn't say out loud. It’s not easy, but over time, you’ll learn to understand a guy’s emotional reactions.If something pisses him off, consider how it relates to deeper emotions.
    • For example, personal space is very important to him and your boyfriend is upset with whom you are shifting his things. Do not rush to the conclusion that he is hiding something. Try to look at the situation through his eyes.
    • Does he have brothers or sisters? It is possible that as a child he had no personal space. In this case, it is very important for him to have his own room, apartment or other place that gives him a sense of his own individuality.
    • Dig deeper and think about how his actions express inner emotions. Then let the guy know that you share and support his emotions. Say, “I understand perfectly well that you need personal space. You grew up with two brothers, and your age difference is literally a couple of years. You didn’t have enough personal space, so it’s very important for me that you feel comfortable. ”
  4. 4 Rebuild emotional connections in no time. Any relationship has its ups and downs, as we all sometimes disagree. If there is an emotional distance between you and your boyfriend, then it needs to be bridged as soon as possible. Do not force the guy to discuss the situation if he is against it, but do your best to establish an emotional connection as soon as possible.
    • Don't use emotional breakdown as a weapon in fights. If the guy pulls away to apply pressure, then tell him about it. Let them know that you respect their need for space, but would like to discuss your feelings and emotions in the next couple of days.
    • Say, “We're not on the best of terms right now, but I would like to talk about this situation. You are very important to me and I hope that you are not indifferent to my feelings. Let's discuss this in order to better understand the situation and our reactions with you. "
    • Assess the situation a couple of days after reconciliation. For example, say the following: “I know we have already discussed this. I just want to make sure everything is working out and there are absolutely no reservations left after _____. "
  5. 5 Figure out how to channel your feelings into action. Don't confuse emotional with physical intimacy, so don't let sex be the only way to turn emotions into action. Find more original ways to show your relationship with your boyfriend and show your feelings. Try to think through various pleasant little things.
    • For example, you might cook a special dinner on Saturday, find a common hobby, or give each other a massage on some evening. Notice the little things that bring joy to both of you.
    • Physical intimacy should complement the emotional life and give vent to your feelings, but emotions should not be dependent on sex.
    • Discuss your sex life openly, do not let it go, and make time for physical intimacy, but do not let it define your relationship.
  6. 6 Have fun together. Try not only to spend time together, but also to have fun as often as possible. Discuss and start doing things that bring joy to both of you.
    • If you enjoy going to the movies, plan to go to the cinema every one to two weeks. You can also watch movies at home. Don't forget to discuss your genre preferences.
    • If you like different things, then plan your time alternately. For example, if you love skating and your partner has never been to the rink, try teaching him how to skate, and next weekend do something that interests your boyfriend.
  7. 7 Enjoy your time. Try to make your time together as enjoyable as possible, but keep important conversations in mind when walking. Share your emotions and potential concerns.
    • Try to spend time in "neutral territory" - outside the home of one of you or your common home. To do this, just go for a walk or go to a cafe.
    • It's great if you're doing housework or other tasks together, but try to find enough time to devote directly to your partner. Arrange dates, go for walks, play board games. Choose activities that do not require excessive concentration so that you can keep the conversation going. Try to learn a little more about each other each time.

Method 3 of 3: Create a Spiritual Connection

  1. 1 Think about how you envision a deep spiritual connection. Both partners must imagine such a connection. Make a list of keywords and keywords. Find out which aspects of the relationship are important to your partner.
    • Imagine a perfect couple: how do they match your idea of ​​the ideal? How do they discuss problems and enjoy success? How do they relate to each other? Imagine even the smallest details - how close they are to each other or how they laugh together.
    • Share these looks with your boyfriend and ask him to describe his own ideal couple. So you will find out where your ideas intersect, you will be able to develop points of contact.
    • Discuss how you can turn your ideas into reality, including large and small details. For example, if your ideal couple is holding hands while walking, then try to hold hands more often.
    • Differences between your imaginary ideal couples will provide answers to important questions. Love may not only look the way you imagine. This exercise will teach you to be surprised and perceive love in all its forms.
  2. 2 Put shared values ​​into practice. Find out which views and values ​​are close to both of you. Study them “inside and out” as you get to know each other's inner world, create an emotional connection between you and begin to set common goals. Observe and develop your common views and beliefs.
    • If you are of the same religion, then you can go to church together and develop relationships within the framework of religious teachings.
    • Try meditating together, making pilgrimages, or developing spirituality in a different way.
  3. 3 Don't try to change each other. Common views are great, but it's okay if you disagree on some aspects. Try to broaden each other's spiritual horizons, rather than trying to adjust to yourself. If you have established healthy communication, created a strong emotional connection, and laid the foundation for deep intimacy, then by this point you should soberly assess your spiritual compatibility.
    • Spiritual compatibility does not require having the same views or beliefs. You must complement and develop each other, promote personal growth through the harmonious combination of different spiritual values.
    • If you do not belong to a particular religion, but you have spiritual beliefs that relate to the natural world, then strengthen the bond between you by deepening your connection with the world around you. Go hiking, travel, or enjoy the beauty of nature in other ways.
    • Find a connection between you and shared experiences, and strengthen your relationships and feelings with shared memories.
  4. 4 Discuss your common future. If you feel like you want to connect your life with this person, then start discussing your common future. Imagine how you will work to achieve common goals and expectations, and follow common values. Introduce your home, work, travel and children.
    • Ask questions: "What are your goals in life? What job do you like the most? Where and in what house would you like to live? Do you want to start a family?"
    • Your relationship is becoming more serious, so do not put the issue of children on the back burner. How many children do you want (and do you want at all)? A common opinion on this issue is very important for strengthening the bond between you.