How to adopt a child to an unmarried woman

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Adopting a child by an unmarried woman is not impossible, but it is often a complex and difficult process. Your chances of adoption can be increased if you take some time to research the basics before starting the adoption process.


  1. 1 Prepare yourself for the requirements of a single parent adoption. If you are reading this article, it means that you have already made a decision that you want to adopt a child. Take your decision one step further and review the requirements for single parent adoptions you are dealing with. Read about strategies other women have come up with for coping with this situation. In other words, fully explore what you will have to face as a woman who is about to become a single mother. This way, you will be aware of any problems that may arise in the adoption agency.
  2. 2 Make a list of adoption agencies that allow single parent adoption. Most agencies do not allow this, so you should limit yourself to a list of agencies that are willing and able to work with you. Sites such as the Adoptive Families Circle and The Child Welfare Information Getaway, of the US Department of Health and Human Services, are a good place to start. These are just two sites that may direct you to single parent adoption agencies. These and other sites contain testimonials from other single foster parents. Testimonials are something that can save you a huge amount of time in your initial search.
  3. 3 Know that you will get the best chances of adoption internationally. The process is usually much shorter and you will most likely be successful in adopting an infant or child. According to Children’s Hope International, the likelihood that biological mothers of children in the United States are chosen to adopt their children by single parent families is very small.
  4. 4 Be prepared for people coming to your home for a check. This is done in order to evaluate you and your home in detail. It is also necessary for all types of adoptions. This assessment is done to assess your suitability to become a parent. Here's what you need to know about this process:
    • Full background information will be collected about you. This includes your medical and financial records, as well as personal and employment details. The assessment is usually carried out by an assessor appointed by a court, a licensed social worker, a public child welfare officer, or a licensed representative of an adoption agency.
    • An appointment with an appraiser awaits you. At least once in your home and about three additional times to discuss the entire adoption process. A social worker will also conduct an assessment of your area. If you are considering adopting a school-age child, schools in your area will also be assessed.
    • At the end of the assessment process, you will be given a copy of the results. This document will contain the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluator.
    • Estimation costs can range up to $ 2,000. The final cost is determined by the estimated travel costs of the evaluator, as well as the costs incurred to obtain a criminal background check for child abuse.
  5. 5 Be proactive. Assess your financial capabilities, as well as your support group of family and friends. Show the agency as well as the appraiser that you are aware of all aspects of the adoption process, as well as obstacles that may arise.


  • Be mentally and emotionally prepared for a lot of rejection from institutions and biological mothers. Since single women are not the preferred choice of adoption agencies, you must have the emotional and physical strength to achieve the success you want.
  • Before and after adoption, consult sites such as I'm a Single Mother, forums and chat rooms. These sites offer support, advice, and encouragement from other single moms.
  • If single parent adoption is not a matter of principle, then is a great site for resources, information and support for both domestic and international adoptions.
  • If you are considering adopting a child at the age of 3 or 4, the adoption agency will most likely arrange for a series of preliminary visits to your home. This will prepare you and your baby. Learn more about how to prepare for these visits at


  • One of the biggest hurdles you will have to face when trying to adopt a child is resistance from some adoption agencies and their staff. They are concerned about the ability of a single parent to take care of the child's physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Having a support group in the form of family and friends can help you overcome this obstacle.