How to manage chakras

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)
Video: The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)


Our body is made up of seven chakras or energy centers, and each chakra reflects an area of ​​the human body as well as personality traits.Try the following ways to control your chakras and try to achieve harmony in them, thereby ensuring optimal emotional, mental and spiritual health for yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Meditation

  1. 1 Sit in a comfortable place free of noise and other distractions. Cross your legs, straighten your spine, relax your body. Focus on your breathing, inhale and exhale deeply, clear your mind of disturbing thoughts.
  2. 2 Imagine the main (root) chakra. This chakra is associated with health, physique, and safety. Continue to focus on the breath and focus on the energy in this chakra, allow yourself to feel firmly anchored to the ground, taking root. Visualize a bright red ball spinning clockwise.
  3. 3 Focus on the second chakra, sacral or water, in the lower abdomen. Think about feelings of love, passion, and sexuality. Relax the muscles in your glutes, abdomen, and pelvis while continuing to breathe deeply. Visualize a bright orange ball spinning clockwise.
  4. 4 Bring your attention to the area above the navel and below the rib cage, to the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is associated with concentration, will and strength; focus on your personal energy while continuing to breathe deeply. Visualize a bright yellow ball spinning clockwise.
  5. 5 Think of the heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Focus on feelings of love, forgiveness, compassion and harmony as you work through this chakra, allow your mind to explore your personal connection between body and spirit. Visualize a bright green ball spinning clockwise.
  6. 6 Open your mouth and breathe deeply with your throat chakra. Think about the power of communication, the ability to create, share wisdom and knowledge. Focus on the area between your chin and upper chest. Visualize a bright blue ball spinning clockwise.
  7. 7 Focus on the “Third Eye” chakra located on the forehead, just above the eyes. This chakra is the key to wisdom, knowledge, imagination, intuition and perception. Think about the influence of our eyes on our perception of the world and ourselves, do not forget about breathing. Visualize a bright blue ball spinning clockwise.
  8. 8 Take a deep breath and exhale; focus on your crown chakra at the top of your head. This is our connection to our spirituality, this is our connection to where we find inspiration and sense of the higher self. Keep focusing on the breath. Visualize a bright purple ball spinning clockwise.
  9. 9 Imagine a white light flowing through you from the crown chakra to the root chakra, with which you are firmly anchored to the ground, and through all the chakras. Imagine that you are a luminous white entity with vibrant revolving chakras within you.

Method 2 of 3: Meditation with Crystals

  1. 1 Lie on the floor in a quiet place, in silence, or using sounds to help you relax (such as bubbling water or ocean sounds). Turn off your phone and remove anything that might get in your way.
  2. 2 Focus on your breathing, imagine healing white light entering your body with every breath, and stress and negativity leaving your body with every breath.
  3. 3 Place stones on the corresponding chakra. Usually the color of the stone corresponds to the color of the chakra, for example, put amethyst on the seventh chakra, lapis lazuli - on the sixth chakra or the "third eye" chakra, blue calcite - on the fifth chakra or throat chakra, rose quartz - on the fourth or heart chakra, citrine - on the third. chakra or solar plexus chakra, carnelian to the second or sacral chakra, and black tourmaline to the first or root / main chakra.
  4. 4 Imagine that the stones are luminous spheres of different colors; visualize energy of the same color as the stone, passing through the stone and pouring into the chakra until you can visualize the chakra as a large, glowing sphere of a certain color.
  5. 5 Go up or down, depending on the purpose of the activity. As a prelude to spiritual practice, focus on chakras / stones in order from 1 to 7. For general health and prevention, move in the direction of 7 to 1 chakra. In the order you choose, focus on the color of the stone that will resonate naturally with each chakra and renew the structure, harmony and balance of the entire system.

Method 3 of 3: Yoga Asanas for Each Chakra

  1. 1 Root chakra: Mountain asana, Raven asana, Bridge asana, Warrior asana, Corpse asana, Lateral Triangle asana and Forward Bend asana.
  2. 2 Sacral Chakra: asana of the Cobra, asana of the Frog, asana of the Dancer, asana of the Child and asana of the Twisted Triangle.
  3. 3 Solar plexus chakra: asana of Warrior I and Warrior II, asana Bow, asana of the Boat, asana of Leo and extended asana.
  4. 4 Heart chakra: Camel asana, Cobra asana, Forward Bend asana, Eagle asana.
  5. 5 Throat Chakra: Plow asana, Fish asana, Cobra asana, Camel asana, Bridge asana, shoulder stand.
  6. 6 Chakra "Third Eye": asana Lightning, asana Downward-facing dog, asana of Guru Pranam.
  7. 7 Crown Chakra: Corpse asana, Half lotus asana, headstand, seated Kriya asana.


  • Images of yoga poses can be found on many sites, however, it is recommended that you work with a yoga instructor first to make sure you are doing all the asanas correctly.
  • Check out websites that teach how to balance each chakra.
  • Look for online helpers who can guide you on how to choose the right crystal for each chakra.


  • Practice yoga asanas very carefully; ideally, start with a yoga class where an instructor will help you do the asanas correctly.

What do you need

  • Yoga mat
  • Crystals