How to care for pagli

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 7 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
পাগলিরে আমার মতো কেউ কি আছে তোর || Pagli Re Amar Moto by F A Sumon || Indo-Bangla Music
Video: পাগলিরে আমার মতো কেউ কি আছে তোর || Pagli Re Amar Moto by F A Sumon || Indo-Bangla Music


Pugleys are a cross between pugs and beagles, so they are not purebred dogs. Pugley is considered to be a designer breed. Many people love puggles for their wrinkled forehead, soft short coat and curled tail. If you want to have a dog, then you need to feed it correctly, regularly take it to the veterinarian for examinations, take care of it properly, train, entertain, and also provide a comfortable living environment.


Method 1 of 5: How to feed puggles

  1. 1 Choose high quality products for small breeds. The puggle needs high quality food for its health. It is important to choose food for small dog breeds. The quality of a product can be determined by the ingredients. If meat (not organ meats) is listed among the first two ingredients in the list, then the feed should be considered high quality. If not, keep looking.
    • You can also find food specially formulated for small dogs.
  2. 2 Consult with an animal nutritionist if you would like to prepare your own dog food. In such a situation, thoughtfulness of the diet is of key importance in order to satisfy all the nutritional needs of the beggar. Dogs need a certain balance of vitamins and nutrients, which is very difficult to achieve.
    • If you want to cook your own food, you should first show the puglya to the veterinarian.
  3. 3 Determine the amount of feed required. An animal's daily allowance depends on weight and activity level. The recommended amount is usually indicated on the food packaging, but this amount needs to be adapted according to the activity of your dog.
    • For example, if the food manufacturer recommends giving half or a glass of food a day and your pet is very active, then give him a full glass of food every day. If the puggle behaves very calmly, then half a glass may be enough for him.
    • If in doubt, seek advice from your veterinarian.
  4. 4 Observe a consistent feeding regime. Some people give the dog free access to food - they leave a large amount of dry food in the bowl so that the pet can come and eat at its own request. In the case of puggles, this approach can lead to excess weight and even obesity, so it is better to regularly feed the animal with clearly measured portions of food.
    • To find the correct serving size, you will need to divide the total daily amount of puggle by the number of servings. For example, if your animal needs to eat a glass of food a day, you can give him half a glass in the morning and another half in the evening.
  5. 5 Consider the age of your pet. If the puggle tolerates this approach well, then you can give it all of the daily allowance at one time, but some animals feel better with two meals a day. If your puggle is still a puppy, it is best to feed him more than twice a day. How to feed the puppies:
    • 8 to 12 weeks old - four times a day;
    • by the age of 3 to 6 months - three times a day;
    • from 6 to 12 months - twice a day.
  6. 6 Leave plenty of clean water. Pagles need constant access to plenty of clean fresh water. Wash the bowl and pour clean water at least once a day. The bowl of water should always be in a convenient place.
    • It is best for dogs to leave the water in a stainless steel or ceramic container to prevent your pet from chewing on the bowl. Also, containers made of such materials are considered cleaner than plastic bowls.
  7. 7 Let's eat healthy treats. Give your dog some treats from time to time, but in limited quantities, otherwise the animal may gain excess weight. Instead of high-calorie foods, you can offer your pet the following:
    • steamed broccoli;
    • mini carrots;
    • slices of cooked sweet potatoes;
    • cooked green beans;
    • blueberry;
    • pieces of watermelon;
    • slices of banana.
  8. 8 Do not feed your pet harmful human food. Certain types of food can cause illness and even death of an animal. Never give them to dread. These include:
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • avocado;
    • chocolate;
    • caffeine;
    • raisins and grapes;
    • onion and garlic;
    • nuts;
    • yeast;
    • xylitol.

Method 2 of 5: How to keep track of your pet's health

  1. 1 Castrate or sterilize the dog. This is necessary if you are not planning to have an animal. Neutering and neutering also help to limit animal populations and have health benefits.
    • By spaying bitches, the risk of infection or cancer is reduced.
    • Without castration or neutering, males and females are more likely to roam around. Dogs can also behave aggressively under the influence of hormones.
  2. 2 Buy a dog collar with a dog tag. Pugleys are half Biglies, so they love to prowl and run. If the puggle catches a scent, then he can follow him and get lost. The pet should always have a collar and a contact information tag so that it can be returned to you if the puggle is lost. The token should include your address and telephone number.
    • You can also implant a microchip in your pet so that it can be returned even if the collar is lost.
  3. 3 Bring your dog to your veterinary checkups regularly. Regular veterinary care is essential for your pet's health. Show the puggle to a specialist immediately after you have it. The animal will need:
    • rabies vaccination;
    • vaccination against Lyme disease;
    • medicine for heartworms.
  4. 4 Make sure there are no breed diseases. Like most other breeds, Puggles are more prone to certain diseases than other dogs. Ask your veterinarian to carry out the required examinations right away. Puggles often have the following problems:
    • dysplasia or shallow depth of the hip joint and subsequent arthritis;
    • chronic dislocation of the knee joint;
    • expiratory stenosis;
    • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (insufficient blood supply to the hip joint).

Method 3 of 5: How to care for puggles

  1. 1 Brush out paglya every week. Puggles have a short coat that does not require much grooming, but if you brush the dog every week, the short and sharp hairs will not remain on furniture and carpets. Buy a natural bristle brush or a rubber wrist brush to care for your puggle.
    • Brush the dog's back, sides, abdomen, and chest with quick, firm strokes.
    • Watch out for fleas, ticks, bumps, bumps, scabs, and other problems. If you notice anything unusual, then the puglya should be shown to the veterinarian.
  2. 2 Bathe your dog every month. In this case, you cannot bathe the puggly too often, otherwise the animal's skin may dry out. Once a month is enough to keep the coat clean and soft. You can bathe the animal yourself or bring it to a groomer. If you decide to bathe your pet yourself, consider the following tips and tricks:
    • Buy a dedicated dog shampoo and conditioner... Never use human shampoo or conditioner. Some of the ingredients in these foods can be harmful to the puggle. Buy a specialty dog ​​shampoo and conditioner.
    • Do not wash your pet's ears, eyes, and nose.... If the shampoo gets into the ears, eyes or nose of an animal, it can feel painful and stop loving the shower. Dirty puggle's face can be cleaned with a damp cloth - just collect dust and dirt.
    • Rinse off shampoo thoroughly... After bathing the dog, the dog's coat should be thoroughly washed. You can use either a shower head or a scoop of water.
  3. 3 Inspect and clean puggle's ears. You should also brush your ears once a week. Take a damp (not wet) piece of bandage and wrap it around your finger. Use a bandaged finger to gently clean the inside of the puggle's ears and auricles.
    • If you notice discharge, a lot of wax, or other ear problems, take your dog to the vet right away.
  4. 4 Trim your pet's claws. It is also important to trim the paglet's claws in a timely manner so that they do not crack and cause discomfort to the animal. Use a guillotine clipper and only cut off the edge of the claw.
    • During the trimming process, be careful not to damage the pulp, which is made up of small, sensitive blood vessels. Cut only the very edge of the claw and monitor the surface condition after each cut. If a circle appears on the cut, then you are approaching the pulp. Don't cut the claw anymore.
  5. 5 Brush your puggle's teeth. Keep your pet's teeth clean to keep your dog healthy. Teeth can be brushed with a special dog toothbrush or a clean bandage. Use only special dog toothpaste. Common human toothpaste can make the animal nauseous.

Method 4 of 5: How to train a pugley

  1. 1 Train your dog to go to the toilet on the street. This is a key form of training. People often discard dogs because of problematic behaviors that can be avoided by training at a young age. A strict schedule must be followed to get the dog used to walking. Take your pet out to relieve several times a day, especially after eating. Also watch him when the dog is in the house to prevent him from defecating or urinating indoors.
    • If you notice that the puggle is about to go to the toilet, calmly pick it up and take it outside. If you are late, then you do not need to scream, beat your pet or poke your nose into urine. This will only scare the animal. Just clean up the mess and take your puppy to the toilet.
    • You can use puppy diapers or newspapers to train your pet to go to the toilet in one place. So he will understand that in case of emergency, you can relieve himself in a specific place if you are not around.
  2. 2 Introduce the dog to the cage. This kind of training can help train your dog to walk. Also, the puggle will not be able to chew on everything in the house. It is important to note that a crate is not a way to punish a dog. It should become a den for the pet in which he likes to spend time.
    • Make sure the cage is large enough for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie in. A cage that is too large or too small will not be as comfortable.
    • Leave a toy and a comfy bedding in the cage to keep him interested. Leave the door open for the first few weeks so your dog can explore and get used to it.
  3. 3 Teach your puggle basic commands. Help your pet become a well-mannered family member. Training consists of daily activities and will require a lot of patience from you. Also, in the process of training, the following aspects must be taken into account:
    • Promotions. Use rewards to motivate the student to learn. Never shout or hit an animal. Dogs respond much better to positive stimuli, so praise, fondle, and indulge in treats for correct commands.
    • Duration of classes. Dogs have short attention spans, so each session should not exceed 10 minutes. If the puggle begins to lose interest, then say the command learned earlier, praise the dog for the work and end the lesson.
  4. 4 Introduce the dog to the outside world from early childhood. Pugli are friendly dogs, but all dogs should be introduced to the world around them so that they do not feel fear and do not show aggression in new conditions and at the sight of strangers. Start walking with the puggle on a leash when he is still a puppy, and also invite other people to visit so that the dog gets used to the company. Keep your puppy away from other dogs until the first step of the required vaccinations. It is important to introduce puggle to:
    • people of different sex, race, age and size;
    • cats and other dogs;
    • people in unusual clothes, headdresses, with umbrellas in their hands;
    • loud noises and crowds of people;
    • bicycles, cars, roller skates, skateboards.

Method 5 of 5: How to calm and entertain a puggle

  1. 1 Buy your pet a lounger. Puggle needs a warm and cozy place to sleep, so provide him with a comfortable lounger. A sleeping place for a puppy can be arranged in your room so that he is calm next to you. If you do not want the dog to sleep in the same room with you, arrange a sleeping place for him in a cage with an open door.
    • Puggle should always be in the house when you do not have the opportunity to look after him on the street. Designer dogs often attract the attention of thieves.
  2. 2 Buy toys for your pet. Puggle needs constant brain power and toys to chew. Provide him with a variety of toys - puzzles, rope toys, squeakers. Also, dogs like interactive toys - frisbees or tennis balls, which can be brought to the owner.
    • Make sure to play with the puggle every day to keep your pet from getting bored. Even if you only have 15 minutes to spare, the dog will be happy to play with you in the common room and get his dose of attention. Use opportunities to befriend your pet to build affection between you.
  3. 3 Walk with the puggle. Take short walks of 15-30 minutes every day to keep your dog getting the right amount of physical activity. Always use a harness or collar and a light leash.
    • Take a walk in the area, stop by a café, or go to a dog park.
  4. 4 Pet your pet. Puggles love to be with their owner, so give your pet enough attention and affection every day. Pugli are small dogs that can be easily picked up. Suggest that the dumbass jump on your lap while you read, watch TV, or work on your computer.


  • Never buy a puppy online or at a pet store. In such places, puppies from "puppy factories" are often sold. Puppy factories breed dogs, but do not care for the socialization of the puppies and do not provide the necessary veterinary care. When buying a pet from a puppy factory, you run the risk of getting a sick puppy or experiencing problematic behaviors due to lack of socialization. Take a puppy from a shelter or contact a responsible puggley breeder.
  • It should be borne in mind that puggley's wool is not hypoallergenic, so some people may experience an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to beagles or pugs, you may be allergic to puggles.