How to care for frogs

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to take care of frogs || How to take care of frogs for a pet
Video: How to take care of frogs || How to take care of frogs for a pet


Frogs are cute little critters that can be made into unusual and useful pets.However, there are quite a few types of frogs that require some care. Use this article as a general guide to choosing and caring for indoor frogs, but be prepared to do a lot of in-depth research on the specific frog species you choose.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Household Frog

  1. 1 To get started, check out some suitable frog breeds. The first thing to understand when it comes to frogs is that there is a huge variety of species available. Some are easy to take care of, while others will take a lot of time and expertise. If this is your first frog pet, then we strongly recommend that you choose the right breed for beginners. Here are some options:
    • African dwarf frog. This is a great option for beginners because these frogs are small, active and easy to care for. They do not require live food and constant presence in the water.
    • Far Eastern toad. These frogs are a good option for beginners who want a terrestrial (non-aquatic) frog. They are quite active and don't grow too big.
    • Coral tree frog. This tree frog is perhaps the easiest tree frog to handle. Such frogs are active, easy to feed and even handle from time to time (which is unusual for frogs).
    • Pacman. They are large, land frogs that are easy to care for. They tend to be quite sedentary, which lowers their space requirements, but this can make them a boring pet for children.
    • As a beginner, you should avoid poisonous frogs or toads, which are also expensive. Poisonous frogs tend to be quite fragile and require difficult care, while more expensive frogs are a risky choice for people who are new to caring for them. Better to start with an inexpensive, simple breed and work your way up gradually.
  2. 2 Do not keep wild frogs as pets. While it is possible to catch wild frogs to keep as pets, there are a few things you should look out for first.
    • First, it can be difficult to determine which type of frog you have caught. Different types of frogs have very different requirements in terms of food, temperature and habitat, so if you keep a wild frog in the wrong conditions, it can die.
    • If you decide to take a frog from the wild, be sure to take into account the environment in which you found it. Maybe it was a leafy area, grassy cover, or maybe a frog was hiding under a stone or swimming in a pond? Such conditions, most likely, will need to be created for her at home.
    • However, you should still try to pinpoint the exact species of your frog by searching the Internet for an image of it, researching frog books, or consulting with a local wildlife scientist. This will help you determine the exact requirements for its content.
    • Second, many species of frogs found in the wild are on the verge of declining populations or even extinct. Taking a frog from its natural environment can harm its wild population, especially if it is an endangered species.
    • Indeed, it is illegal to take a protected species in the wild in some areas, so be sure to check the country's laws before bringing your frog home.
  3. 3 Consider the size of the frog and the amount of space it needs. The size of your frog (when it gets stronger) and the size of the storage tank are the main factors when choosing a frog.
    • Sometimes, tiny frogs in the pet store grow into giant monsters. For example, elves (a type of frog, whose name suggests diminutiveness) initially reach only 2.5 cm in length, and then can grow more than 20 cm.
    • Large frogs require a lot of space. For example, a fully grown frog will need a 75 gallon tank or more.If the frog lives in a small aquarium, it can be unhappy and sick.
    • Large aquariums take up a lot of space in your home and take a lot of effort to keep clean. These frogs also eat more food, making them more expensive to feed than the smaller frog species.
    • This is another reason to do your research and find out the exact breed of frog before you buy one.
  4. 4 Consider the feeding requirements of the frog. Before jumping headlong into buying a cute (or ugly, depending on your preference) frog in the store, you should take the time to figure out what it is eating.
    • Most frog species enjoy eating crickets, worms (such as red wigglers and night caterpillars) and other creepy critters. However, it is important to remember that frogs generally prefer live food, especially if you are squeamish about this sort of thing.
    • Large frogs often require more substantial food, which may include mice, goldfish, or guppy fish. To provide your frog with such food, you need to be ready for extensive work, and this is not for the faint of heart!
    • In addition, you need to think about where you will get food for your frog from. Your local grocery store probably doesn't sell live crickets! Do you have any large pet shops nearby where you can buy everything you need for exotic animals?
    • Of course, you can find food for the frog in the back garden, but this can be quite time consuming and very unreliable. In addition, garden pests are often chemically treated, which will be harmful to your frog.
  5. 5 Find out how active your frog species is. Another important factor is the activity level of your frog species. This is especially important if you want to have a frog for children, as most children want an animal to play with.
    • Many large, cold, or unusual looking frogs are popular choices among budding frogs, however these frogs tend to be the least active and just sit still like a statue and sleep throughout the day. It can get boring pretty quickly.
    • If you are looking for a more active type of frog, it is better to choose small frogs, aquatic and some types of tree frogs, as they often jump or swim, which makes watching them more interesting.
    • You should also keep in mind that even the most active frogs will do nothing but jump or eat crickets. You cannot take the frog for a walk, teach it tricks, or do anything else with it. Therefore, it is important to decide for yourself if the frog is really the perfect pet for you (or your child).
  6. 6 Understand that keeping your frog at home is a commitment. It is important to understand that caring for her is not the same as caring for a goldfish. Most frogs that are well cared for can live up to 25 years.
    • Therefore, you must be willing to take care of your frog for many years, feed it, keep it clean and take care of it when it is sick.
    • You should also think about what to do with her during your holidays, who will take care of her during your absence. Volunteering can be difficult to find, especially if your frog only eats live crickets or even mice!
    • If you own a frog but find that caring for it is too much work or too much expense, you need to know the channels through which you can get rid of it.
    • If you've picked a wild frog from your yard or local park, you should be able to release it where you found it. Leave the frog as close to its original location as possible, whether it was under leaves in forest soil or next to a stream.
    • However, if you bought the frog from the store and it is not a native species, you cannot simply release it into the wild.You will need to turn the frog back to the pet store, sell it to a new owner, donate the frog to your local nursery school, or contact your nearest animal care organization.
  7. 7 Find out if you need a license. In some places, you are required to be licensed to keep a certain type of frog as pets, especially if they are endangered or venomous.
    • Contact your local authority for more information on licensing requirements in your area.

Part 2 of 3: Housing Your Frog

  1. 1 Find out what kind of reservoir your frog needs. Different types of frogs need very different "houses", so do your research first before buying one.
    • Ground tanks are the simplest frog huts, but should only be used for frog species that live in dry environments.
    • Water tanks. This type of "house" is only used for purely aquatic species of frogs, mainly water aquariums, just like aquatic fish gardens.
    • 50/50 is the most common type of frog "house", where half is filled with water and the other half is dry. Most frogs will do well in this environment.
    • The tree tank is specially designed for tree frogs that prefer to climb branches. These reservoirs are generally taller and narrower than other types of reservoirs.
    • Pond. In some situations, you may want to keep native species of frogs in a pond in your yard. Sometimes a regular backyard pond will attract local frogs and you won't need to catch them on purpose! However, you should never keep non-native species out in the open as they can disrupt the local ecosystem by feeding on native frogs and other endangered insects.
  2. 2 Place the reservoir in a suitable location. Once you have a tank, you must decide where to put it.
    • You should always keep the "cabin" out of direct sunlight, as this can raise the temperature and make the "cabin" uncomfortable (and possibly dangerous), dry and hot inside.
    • Keep the "house" away from the kitchen, as smoke and other gases from cooking can be harmful to the frog.
    • You should also be careful not to expose the tank to any aerosols (such as paint in the garage or hairspray in the bedroom) as they can penetrate the frog's skin and potentially affect its health.
  3. 3 Fill the house with the correct backing material. The backing is the material used to cover the bottom of the house. The main thing here is to determine whether the substrate should be wet or dry and the ease with which it can be cleaned.
    • Gravel is a good option for most common frog species. It is easy to clean and easy to obtain in a variety of colors and sizes. Other good options include soil, pine bark, sand, and cedar or pine shavings.
    • Once the backing materials are in place, you can mount the decoration inside! You can cover the gravel with a layer of moss to make the house look much more natural. Just make sure the moss is wet by sprinkling it with clean fresh water as often as you can, and remember to keep an eye on its shape.
    • Placing several stones inside the "house" is also a good option, as this will give the frog an opportunity to climb something. Just make sure the stones don't have any sharp edges that could hurt her.
    • You can also decorate the "house" with plastic plants or small living ones, while the hollow container will provide a good hiding place. Buy or make a colorful backdrop for your aquarium, such as a rainforest, as this will help keep your frog feeling at home.
  4. 4 Find out the temperature and light requirements of your frog. Temperature and heating requirements for frogs vary greatly from species to species, so make sure to do your research well before setting up your “house”.
    • Unlike lizards, snakes, and turtles, most frogs do not require any special lighting as they get the necessary amount of vitamin D through their food.
    • However, it is necessary to provide a light source for up to 12 hours a day, especially if the "house" does not have access to natural light.
    • A fluorescent light is the safest option for frogs as it doesn't get too hot. Hot fires can be dangerous if the frog decides to jump on them.
    • In terms of heating, the ideal temperature for your frog will depend on its species. The easiest way to change the temperature inside the tank is to change the temperature throughout the room.
    • Alternatively, you can buy heating lamps (which should be on the outside of the "house") or a heated pillow (which can be used to wrap the "house" from the outside) to raise the temperature inside.
    • If you need to heat water in the entire "house" or in part of it, you need to purchase a glass tube or a fully submersible water heater.
    • Make sure you can operate the heater for a couple of days before putting the frog in the “house”. This will allow you to control the temperature. Make sure this is how the frog works best.

Part 3 of 3: Feeding and caring for your frog

  1. 1 Feed the frog crickets (and other creepy critters). As mentioned above, the most common frog species eat crickets, worms, and other insects, while larger frogs also eat mice or goldfish as an occasional treat.
    • How much and how often a frog needs to be fed will depend on each frog and may initially be determined by trial and error.
    • To get started, try feeding the frog three crickets a day. If she eats all three quickly and looks hungry over the next few days, you can increase the number of crickets. However, if she only eats one or two and ignores the rest, you can reduce the dose.
    • You can also experiment with different types of food, such as mealworms, wax worms and grasshoppers, to find out what your frog likes best. Water frogs typically eat frozen bloodworms or Artemia.
  2. 2 Keep your frog clean and moist. It is very important to provide the frog with clean water on a daily basis, which it will use for drinking and bathing.
    • Frogs absorb water through their skin instead of drinking. As a result, they spend long periods of time just sitting in their water baths or swimming pools. This water should be dechlorinated if possible.
    • You will also need to clean the cabin every couple of days to remove any debris, wipe the bottom of the tank, check for mold or algae, and maintain a healthy environment.
  3. 3 Avoid holding the frog too often. Frogs don't like being picked up, plain and simple. Thus, you should try to keep the frog inside the "house" for as long as possible and just look at it from the side.
    • If you can't resist, make sure to wash and dry your hands thoroughly, and do not use any lotions, as the frog can absorb them from your skin and possibly get sick.
    • Keep in mind that it can wriggle when you handle it and it can get damp. This is a sign that the frog is not in the mood for communication and you should put it back in the “house” as soon as possible.
    • Also, be very careful not to drop the frog (even if it is writhing), as falling from a height can seriously injure it.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the health of the frog. Once a frog gets sick, it can be very difficult to cure it, and the prognosis is rarely good.Therefore, the best way to keep your frog healthy is to prevent it from getting sick.
    • If the frog starts to look thin or malnourished, ask yourself if you have provided it with enough variety of food. A frog cannot survive on a diet of only crickets or mealworms. One of the most common disadvantages of a frog is calcium deficiency, so sprinkle powdered calcium on its food.
    • Watch out for signs of red leg, a potentially fatal disease that commonly affects captive frogs. A red leg appears as redness of the skin on the lower legs and abdomen, while suffering frogs tend to become lazy and lethargic. If you suspect your frog has this disease, you should clean out the house to remove the parasite and then give the frog daily sulfamethazine baths for two weeks.
    • In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to fungal infections and diseases such as dropsy and spring diseases. In these cases, it may be necessary to seek treatment from a veterinarian who can prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.


  • NEVER (or usually never) use a pet store as a guide! People can be wrong there!

* Don't squeeze the frog!

  • Don't let small children handle it! They can squeeze it or damage it!
  • Freeze-dried flies are also considered excellent frog food. You can buy them at a pet store or even a supermarket.


  • These guidelines are general. Before introducing a frog, do research on its grooming needs.
  • Always use dechlorinated water! Tap water can kill the frog if it's not dechlorinated.