Ways to Find Gay Men

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Why dating as a gay man SUCKS | Dating apps, Physical expectations and more
Video: Why dating as a gay man SUCKS | Dating apps, Physical expectations and more


Finding gay men is not easy. First you have to determine if the guy you like is gay. Then you will find a way to approach him and open up the conversation with him. But this only works if you have the confidence to start a conversation with that charming yet strange guy. Take the time to build your confidence and soon you will be able to step up to start a conversation with a cute guy without any hesitation.


Part 1 of 3: Building confidence

  1. Impress with body posture. Before leaving the house, stand in front of a mirror with your legs and arms open on your hips. Think of yourself as Superman or Wonder Woman (male and female versions of famous comic books). Studies show that standing with "strong posture" can increase confidence. Changes in posture will give you a mental "kick".
    • Try standing in a "winning" position. Raise your arms to your head in a "V" shape.
    • Stretch out in the chair or cross your legs and put your hands behind your head.
    • Hold these positions for about 2 minutes before going to the pub (or doing anything stressful).

  2. Pay attention to your self-image. This does not mean that you can only seduce others if you have good looks, but the purpose is for you feel better. You will be more confident if you feel perfect.
    • Try wearing clothes you like. If you've always liked to wear a suit then go for it. It is crucial that you wear something that makes you feel strong and confident.

  3. Take pressure off yourself. Your goal is not to impress everyone in the pub, but to just find someone to impress you. Focus on finding the guys you want to reach out to.
  4. Practice showing confidence. It takes time to build your confidence, don't expect this to happen overnight. But the more patient you are, the more likely you will become a confident person.
    • Feeling confident is only part of the battle. You must act with confidence. It is always believed that confidence will make you attractive.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Go to a place where you can meet gay men. They may appear in regular pubs, but you'll be luckier if you go to a gay pub. Not every guy there is gay, but the number will be more.
    • Don't feel pressured to go to gay pubs. If you want to go to other clubs in the evening then go. Today's world has improved, but you should still be careful. Some people don't like it if you ask about their gender identity.
  2. Reach out to guys who catch your attention. Maybe you will have to reach out to a lot of men to get a response. If you want to meet a man, you must go out to communicate.
    • You don't have to approach a man every time you go out, it's important to be in the mood to flirt and be flirting with.
    • Don't attack anyone you find attractive. You will encounter dishonest people and lose your chances of meeting better people.
  3. Skip flirting sentences. Simply say "hello", or smile. Letting go of flirting will make them ignore you, or worse, make fun of you.
    • This doesn't mean you shouldn't make jokes or utter a witty joke. Quite the contrary: if the statement is new and you say it honestly, you should.
  4. Be friendly. After you approach him, just talk normally. Try to keep your conversation casual and informal. Don't try too hard to flirt with him.
    • Don't joke around. If you like him, let him know.
  5. Talk about common experiences. If you are dancing at a club, talk about places you'd like to dance, or invite him along. Keep the conversation fun and open. Asking questions is good, but don't ask questions. Let the talk run naturally. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Ask for his phone number

  1. Make sure he likes you, but you don't have to ask in person. Pay attention to his body language. If he interacts with your body language and maintains eye contact, then obviously he likes you.
    • Long talk is also a good sign. If he doesn't distract and doesn't try to get away from you, they may like you.
  2. Ask for phone number. Be simple and straightforward. There's no need to whirle or make this big deal. Invite him out for a coffee or a dance. You must keep talking to him after you have your phone number so you don't give them a false impression.
    • Be prepared to face the truth because they may refuse. Even though the talk went well, they didn't want things to go any further. That is okay. Everyone was rejected at some point. Don't let this discourage you.
  3. Continue to plan after having phone number. You don't have to ask for the phone numbers of everyone you're talking to. But if you have overcome the difficulty of reaching a man and finally get a phone number, then continue with your plan afterwards. Invite him out for coffee or let him know you plan to hang out with your friends. Perhaps he also wants to participate.
    • It is likely that they will not respond to your plan. If this happens, it means the two of you do not have much in common, or have no attraction between the two of you. Either way, you must show respect.


  • Whatever you do, be yourself. Don't try to be another person and don't try too hard to impress others.
  • Body language is one of the most obvious things about whether a person likes you or not. If he looks you in the eyes all the time, feels his face or chin, or rolls up his sleeves, he definitely likes you.
  • It is normal to touch here and there a little bit, but absolutely don't scratch him. People love to be touched, but don't overdo it. Touching your arm or shoulder is a good way to let him know you like them.
  • You can meet men anywhere, not necessarily in a pub. Head to museums, art shows or concerts to try your luck.
  • Some people just want to have fun crossing the street and maybe that's what you are looking for. But if you want to have a real relationship, be patient.