How to remove a Facebook tag

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Remove a Tag on Facebook
Video: How to Remove a Tag on Facebook


We can tag or be tagged on photos, videos and statuses uploaded to Facebook by your friends. Sometimes we get tagged by mistake, or we tag the wrong people. When this happens, you can choose to un-tag yourself or your friends. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot remove tags for others from posts from other people.


Method 1 of 3: Remove the people you tagged

  1. 1 Click the Edit status or comment button.
    • To unmark someone on an image or video, click on the photo or video and click “Edit.”
  2. 2 Delete the name of the person you tagged. This will remove the person you tagged in status or comment.
    • For photos or videos, just delete the name of the person you want to unselect and click the “Done Editing” button to save.

Method 2 of 3: Remove yourself from tag status

  1. 1 Click the Status Options button. It is - with an arrow down, located in the upper right corner of the status. Click the "Report / Remove Tag." A small window will display options for removing marks.
  2. 2 Select the radio button “I want to remove this tag. Or, if you see that the status is offensive or contains explicit content, select the other options below it.
  3. 3 Click on the “Continue” button once you're done. You will be prompted for what you will do after you remove the tag:
    • Remove the Tag Created - Your name will be removed from the tag, but the post will still be visible on your friend's wall and News Feed.
    • Ask Your Friend to Take the Post Down -Send a message to a friend asking him or her to remove the post.
    • Block Your Friend - Your friend will be removed from the friends list and he / she will not be able to perform any interactions with you on Facebook.
  4. 4 Click on the “Continue” button after you have selected the option you want. You will be notified that the tag has been removed.
  5. 5 Click on “Okay” to continue.

Method 3 of 3: Remove yourself from photo and video tags

  1. 1 Open the photo or video you were tagged in in a separate tab or new browser tab.
  2. 2 Click the “Remove Tag” button below the image or video. A notification window will appear informing you that you will no longer be flagged in the post, but the post will still be visible in the news feed section.
  3. 3 Click on the “Okay” button to confirm and remove the tag.


  • You cannot unmark yourself from comments.
  • You can set the privacy of your Facebook account, so tags will require your permission before they appear on your wall or news feed with your name.