How to remove dog hair from furniture

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Pet Hair Removal - 7 Best Ways
Video: Pet Hair Removal - 7 Best Ways


Dog hair often sticks to upholstered furniture, but with a little patience, you can easily clean it up with household products. Wool can be collected with a vacuum cleaner, a sticky garment roller, duct tape, a damp cloth, or damp rubber gloves, or you can use an old toothbrush to remove stuck hairs. If you constantly notice dog hair on furniture, then first of all you need to make sure that it does not get there. Brush your pet often, teach him not to jump on furniture, cover it with sheets or towels, or ask your veterinarian about a hair loss reducing agent so that the problem is not so serious.


Method 1 of 2: Cleaning Dog Hair from Furniture

  1. 1 Use a roller to clean clothes. Run the roller over the furniture to pick up the wool. You can buy the video at almost any hardware store. The roller can be used to clean furniture, clothes and even the dog itself. The adhesive on the roller is not strong enough to damage skin, furniture, or clothing.
  2. 2 Use scotch tape. Apply some of the tape to the furniture, leave it literally for a second, and then peel it off along with the wool. Use large strips of duct tape to speed up the process. You can use either adhesive tape or masking tape for this. You will have to do this many times to remove all the fur.
    • Try making a homemade cleaning roller, preferably with duct tape or masking tape. Tear off more of the tape and wrap it around your hand, sticky side out. Then press the tape over the furry areas to collect them onto the tape. You may need several strips of duct tape to remove all the fur.
    • Be careful when using duct tape (and other stronger types of duct tape) to remove wool from painted and thin veneer furniture. If you decide to use tape anyway, don't stick it on for more than a few seconds. If the tape is too tacky, the paint may come off the furniture.
  3. 3 Use a wet rag. With a damp cloth, it is very easy to remove wool from the fabric surface. To clean pillows and clothing, rub in one direction only. To remove wool from carpets, try using a wet sponge mop. Again, rub in one direction only. This will gather the wool into a pile and can be easily picked up by hand.
  4. 4 Vacuum the furniture. Use the telescopic tube of the vacuum cleaner, a small handheld vacuum cleaner, or lift the vacuum cleaner onto a sofa or chair. Vacuuming is not suitable for all types of furniture.
    • To make it easier for you to vacuum, use a window scraper to collect all the wool in one place.Just run the scraper over the furniture as you would on the windows. Shovel all the wool into one spot on the couch and then vacuum up.
    • If there is a lot of wool, do not vacuum up. Wool can clog the vacuum cleaner and even damage it.
    • For cleaning fabric furniture, it is better to use a washing vacuum cleaner. Make sure pet shampoo can be used on your furniture.
    • In the future, try to brush your pet more often or cover his favorite pieces of furniture with sheets so that they do not have a lot of fur on them.
  5. 5 Use a toothbrush. If there are only a few hairs, try brushing them off with a toothbrush. Dog hair is quite difficult to get out of the bristles of a toothbrush, so do not grab the brush that you are going to use for anything else.
    • A wool brush works much better for this. Much larger than a toothbrush, it is specially designed for cleaning pet hair. You can buy this brush from your local pet store or order it online.
  6. 6 Make sure that the house is not too dry. Static electricity and low humidity can make the coat worse. Eliminate these factors to make cleaning easier.
  7. 7 Remove wool from upholstered furniture and clothing with rubber gloves. Put on a pair of disposable rubber gloves and soak them in water so that the fur sticks to them. Run your hand over the furniture to pick up the wool. Just rinse off the wool from the gloves when there is too much of it, and repeat it all over again if necessary. If you don't have rubber gloves on hand, try using a slightly damp sponge instead. The advantage of this method is that you don't have to use a lot of adhesive tape.
    • Alternatively, you can use gloves for combing fur and cleaning pets, if you have one. These gloves are very good at picking up wool.
    • Upholstered furniture can also be sprayed with a mixture of water and fabric softener and then wiped off the wool.
    • To remove wool from wood furniture, use a soft cloth and furniture polish or anti-static furniture spray. The aerosol will eliminate electrostatic discharge, making it easier to clean the coat and preventing further adhesion.

Method 2 of 2: How to prevent hair from growing on furniture

  1. 1 Cover the furniture. Many people use plastic wrap to keep furniture in good condition. However, this method is often considered useless and inconvenient due to the noise, discomfort and opacity of the polyethylene.
    • On the place where the pet likes to lie, you can lay an old towel or bedspread. The towel can be washed at any time and removed from the furniture when guests come to you.
    • If your dog often jumps onto a particular piece of furniture and lies down in the same spot, you may be able to keep the furniture free of fur by covering that spot. Some pet stores sell furniture covers specifically designed for dogs.
  2. 2 Keep your pet clean. Brush, trim, and bathe your dog often. Use a brush to remove excess hair.
    • Brushing your pet at least twice a week can significantly reduce the number of tufts in the room.
    • Trim your dog once a month. The amount of wool left behind will be much less if you control this process yourself.
    • Bathe your pet once or twice a month, or as often as you like. After the bath, leave the dog outside for about an hour to dry.
    • Try covering the hose with a stocking or thin sock and then vacuuming your pet. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to get the dog to sit still.
  3. 3 Teach your dog not to jump on furniture. If your pet is constantly jumping onto your bed or sofa, try teaching him to sleep on the floor. Scold your dog when he climbs on furniture, and let him know not to do this.Be persistent and stand your ground to retrain your pet and prevent fur on furniture. Note that if your dog sheds a lot, you will still need to vacuum frequently to get the fur off the floor.
  4. 4 Check with your veterinarian. If you think your hair loss is related to a medical condition, you should see your veterinarian. The veterinarian will be able to prescribe medication for hair loss or determine the medical condition that is causing the condition.


  • Remove wool about once a week or at least once a month. This way it won't take you too long.
  • These methods are also suitable for removing hair from clothing.
  • If you want to remove wool from wood furniture, spray it with an anti-static spray first. This will eliminate the electrical charge on the furniture, which should make it easier to clean the wool.
  • Try ballooning the fur off the couch. Inflate the balloon and then slide it over the surface of the sofa. The static charge from the ball will attract the wool.