Remove Newfolder virus

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove Newfolder virus
Video: How to remove Newfolder virus


Newfolder.exe virus is one of the more dangerous viruses that hides in USB files and disables things like Task Manager, Regedit and Folder Options. The virus creates .exe files that mimic your existing files, allowing the virus to take up 50% of your current disk space, along with other nasty side effects, which can contribute to slowing down your computer and making it less efficient.

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Method 1 of 2: Delete Newfolder.exe manually

  1. Open the Command Prompt. Go to "Start" and find "cmd" (without the quotes). Click on "Run". A black window will appear.
  2. Enter the following commands, one at a time. This will remove the first stages of the virus.
    1. taskkill / f / t / im “New Folder.exe”
    2. taskkill / f / t / im “SCVVHSOT.exe”
    3. taskkill / f / t / im “SCVHSOT.exe”
    4. taskkill / f / t / im “scvhosts.exe”
    5. taskkill / f / t / im “hinhem.scr”
    6. taskkill / f / t / im “blastclnnn.exe”
  3. Open Task Manager and Regedit. Since one of the hallmarks of Newfolder.exe virus is that Task Manager and Regedit are disabled, you will have to re-enable them after removing the virus. You can do this by entering the following commands one by one:
    1. reg add HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System / v DisableTaskMgr / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
    2. reg add HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System / v DisableTaskMgr / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
    3. reg add HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System / v DisableRegistryTools / t REG_DWORD / d 0 /
    4. reg add HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System / v DisableRegistryTools / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
  4. Enable "Show hidden files". You do this by going to the "Start menu" and selecting "Control Panel". Then choose "Appearance and Personalization" and select "Folder Options". Choose "View", "Advanced Settings" and finally "Show hidden files, folders and drives". Click on "OK".
  5. Delete the following files, one by one. This will remove the rest of the virus.
    3. C: WINDOWS hinhem.scr
    4. C: WINDOWS system32 SCVHSOT.exe
    5. C: WINDOWS system32 blastclnnn.exe
    6. C: WINDOWS system32 autorun.ini
    7. C: Documents and Settings All Users Documents SCVHSOT.exe

Method 2 of 2: Using a Newfolder Removal Tool

  1. Find and download a Newfolder Removal Tool. If you do not trust that the virus can be removed properly manually, there are several free tools that you can use for this. Newfolder Removal Tool is the most commonly used option because it is free, easy to download, and has been used with great success. Download the tool from and select the download option.
  2. Rotate the tool. This can take ten to thirty minutes. After that, you will be presented with all files associated with the virus. Select "Next" to delete them.
  3. Repair your Registry. Viruses and Malware affect your registry and you can fix it by looking for articles on how to repair your registry for free.


  • Changing something in the registry can cause serious problems to your system if you are not careful.