How to remove leg scars

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove old scars on legs fast? - Dr. Rasya Dixit
Video: How to remove old scars on legs fast? - Dr. Rasya Dixit


Leg scars can be very unattractive, which can make you uncomfortable when you bare your legs. In addition, it is not possible to completely get rid of scars, there are many creams and gels, medical procedures and home remedies that can reduce the outer scar of a scar. Whether scars are the result of burns, surgeries, trauma, chickenpox, acne or insect bites, there is a cure for each of these cases. Read on to find out more.


Method 1 of 4: Reducing the appearance of scars

  1. 1 You need to know what kind of scars you have. Before choosing a treatment, it is very important to know what type of scars you have and what kind of treatment will help you get rid of them. You should always consult a dermatologist before starting any treatment. The main categories of scars are:
    • Keloid scars: These are large scars, the formation of which is associated with an inappropriate response of the connective tissue to injury. Keloid scars can grow larger over time and sometimes even return after treatment. They are especially common in people with dark skin.
    • Hypertrophic scars- these are scars of pink or red color. They disappear over time. These scars are the result of burns, surgery and can cause itching.
    • Atrophic scars... These are deep depressions left by severe acne or chickenpox.
    • Stretch marksare thin, reddish-purple scars that appear due to rapid weight gain or loss. They are especially common among pregnant women. Over time, these scars fade and turn white.
    • Contracted scars: Usually these scars are caused by severe burns and cover a large area. These scars tighten the skin, especially around the joints, which can restrict body movement.
    • Dark spots: These spots are not actually scars, they are a type of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, usually caused by mosquito or other insect bites.
  2. 2 Start healing scars as soon as they appear. You should start treating your scar with a suitable cream or other remedy as soon as the wound has healed completely. Treatments for most scars are more effective if started as soon as the scars are formed, preventing them from becoming obsolete, thereby saving you time and money.
  3. 3 Cleanse your skin regularly. Most scars will go away on their own if you regularly exfoliate the top dead skin layers, thereby allowing new layers of skin to appear. You can help this process by regularly using a body scrub or stiff bristled brush.
  4. 4 Apply sunscreen. This is one of those tips that is often overlooked and can significantly reduce the appearance of scars. What many people don't realize is that new scars are very sensitive to UV rays and this can cause them to darken. By applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30, you protect your skin from new scars and darkening of old ones.
  5. 5 Massage your legs. Regular foot massage works on the fibrous tissue that causes scarring. It also improves blood circulation, which can help discolor scars. You can massage your feet in the shower with a body brush or massage your feet with your hands in long, circular motions.
  6. 6 Use concealer. A good concealer can work wonders, and thanks to it, you can hide scars on your legs. Make sure you have a good concealer that matches your skin tone and that you blend it properly to blend in with your skin tone. It is best to use a waterproof concealer, as you can be exposed to unpredictable weather conditions and if you are wearing theatrical makeup (which is much thicker than regular makeup). Even the biggest scars can be covered with concealer.

Method 2 of 4: Using home remedies

  1. 1 Use vitamin E. Vitamin E has been used in many health and beauty treatments over the years, and many people claim that it is helpful in treating scarring. Vitamin E oil is highly hydrating and contains powerful antioxidants that help repair skin and improve the appearance of damaged tissue.
    • You can take Vitamin E capsules by mouth, or you can pierce the capsule and apply the oil to the affected area.
    • Before using vitamin E oil, test on a small area of ​​skin, because vitamin E oil can cause allergic reactions in some people, resulting in dermatitis.
  2. 2 Try cocoa butter. Cocoa Butter is a natural product that helps reduce the appearance of scars by moisturizing and softening the outer and middle layers of the skin while smoothing the surface of the skin. You can use pure cocoa butter or a lotion with its extract, which must be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin 2 to 4 times a day.
    • You should rub the cocoa butter into the skin in circular motions, making sure it is completely absorbed into the skin.
    • Expect cocoa butter to work more effectively on new scars than on old ones, but you'll see improvement anyway.
  3. 3 Apply lemon juice. Lemon juice is a well-known home remedy for scars, but there have been many conflicting reviews regarding it. It is believed to reduce the appearance of scars, reduce skin redness, and help skin heal with exfoliation. Although lemon juice has helped some people to reduce scars, this method is not recommended by dermatologists because lemon juice dries out the skin and is not scientifically proven.
    • If you do decide to use lemon juice, cut off a small slice of lemon and squeeze the juice directly onto the scars. Leave lemon juice on scars overnight or for a few hours. Do not use freshly squeezed lemon juice more than once a day.
    • If lemon juice burns too much, you can dilute it with some water or chopped cucumber before use, this will reduce the soreness.
  4. 4 Use aloe vera. Aloe vera is a plant and its juice is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. It is often used to treat burns, but it can also be used as an effective treatment for scars. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it most effective in treating fresh scars (although it should not be applied to open wounds). Also, aloe vera soothes the skin and helps it regenerate, which reduces the appearance of scars over time.
    • Take an aloe vera leaf and squeeze the gel-like juice directly onto the scar. Rub the juice into the skin in light circular motions. Aloe vera is very gentle on the skin, so you can repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.
    • If you don't have the ability to use aloe vera leaves (although it's easy to find), there are many creams and lotions containing aloe vera extract that you can use that are just as effective.
  5. 5 Try olive oil. Olive oil is another natural remedy that improves the appearance of scars. It is believed that olive oil, in particular Extra virgin olive oil, gives the best results because it has a higher acidity level than other olive oils, as well as more vitamins E and K. The oil softens and moisturizes the skin, and the acid contained in oil, cleanses the skin.
    • Rub a teaspoon of olive oil into the damaged area until the oil is completely absorbed. You can also use olive oil as an exfoliating scrub. Mix olive oil with a teaspoon of baking soda, massage the mixture into the scar area, then rinse with warm water.
    • You can increase the effectiveness of olive oil by mixing it with another oil. Mix 2 to 1 olive oil with rosehip, chamomile or calendula oil and apply to scars. The added oils will enhance the moisturizing properties of the olive oil.
  6. 6 Use a cucumber. Cucumber is a safe natural remedy that is said to break down scar tissue and cool and moisturize the inflamed skin around the scar. However, this treatment has a better effect on new scars than on old ones. To use this product, you need to peel the cucumber, cut it and beat it in a blender until it is pasty. Apply a layer of this mixture to the scar and leave it on overnight, or apply a thicker layer for 20 minutes and then wash off.
    • Cooked cucumber paste can be kept in the refrigerator for several days and you should continue with this remedy every night.
    • You can enhance the effectiveness of this treatment by adding some of the foods mentioned above, such as lemon juice, olive oil, or aloe vera.

Method 3 of 4: Using Other Means

  1. 1 Try creams and gels that reduce scars. A lot of available products can be purchased at pharmacies, these products prevent the appearance of scars or are aimed at completely removing them. In any case, whether these products are effective for you depends on the type and complexity of your scars.
    • Doctors are skeptical about the success of such creams. However, many people find that products such as Mederma and Vita-k are quite effective.
    • Mederma works well on stretch marks and other types of scars if it is systematically applied 3-4 times a day for 6 months. Its action is to soften and smooth scars on the legs or any other part of the body.
  2. 2 Use silicone-based tapes to remove scars. Silicone tapes are an innovative new method of treating scars, and the use of tapes is especially important if the scars do not look aesthetically pleasing. Silicone strips adhere to the skin, they moisturize, soften and help fade scars. Silicone tapes are available online, with each box typically providing 8-12 weeks of stock.
    • Silicone strips have been proven to be effective in treating scars, but it will take a while and it will take patience to get a noticeable result. The strips should be glued to the scar every day for 2-3 months and worn for at least 12 hours.
  3. 3 Try whitening creams. Whitening creams containing hydroquinone reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks and dark brown spots that result from skin hyperpigmentation that leads to dark brown, black, bright red or purple scars. These creams effectively change the color of the scars, making them less visible over time.
    • You should be aware that creams containing hydroquinone are banned in the European Union because they are believed to contain high levels of carcinogens that cause skin cancer.
    • Hydroquinone-containing products are still available in the US over-the-counter market, but only where the concentration does not exceed 2%; higher concentration products can only be purchased with a prescription.

Method 4 of 4: Applying Medical Treatment

  1. 1 Try dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a skin exfoliation technique that uses a rotating wire brush or diamond wheel to remove the top layers of skin around the scar. Within a few weeks, new skin will appear around the scar and the scar will not be as noticeable. Dermabrasion is commonly used to remove acne and other scars on the face, but it can also be used to remove leg scars by a qualified surgeon. Dermabrasion on the legs is a very delicate procedure, as the skin on the legs is very thin, and if done incorrectly, it does more harm than good.
    • Dermabrasion on the feet is generally recommended for dark spots or scars caused by mosquito bites, etc. Keloid or hypertrophic scars (scars) should not be treated with dermabrasion.
    • Make an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can analyze your scars and decide if dermabrasion is necessary for your case. Please be aware that these types of procedures are usually not covered by insurance.
  2. 2 Use chemical peeling. Chemical peeling can be used to treat superficial scars on the legs and is also effective on scars caused by hyperpigmentation. During chemical peeling, a dermatologist will apply a layer of acidic solution to the injured skin and leave it on for about two minutes. You may experience a burning sensation that should stop after the acid has been neutralized and the solution has been washed off. Within two weeks after the procedure, the top layers of the skin begin to flake off, leaving smooth, new skin.
    • Depending on the type of scars, you may need several chemical peels before you see noticeable changes in the appearance of your skin.
    • Expect chemically peeled skin to be especially sensitive and you should especially protect it by avoiding sun exposure and using a high SPF sunscreen for several weeks after the procedure.
  3. 3 Try laser treatments. Laser treatment is a better way to improve the appearance of deep scars than dermabrasion and chemical peeling. Laser treatment burns out scar tissue, allowing new skin to grow and replace the injured surface. The place of the scar is covered with a special cream, which makes the treatment less painful.Another benefit of this treatment is that the laser targets damaged skin in a targeted manner, leaving healthy skin intact.
    • The laser therapy procedure should only be performed in specialized clinics with certified personnel, because the laser can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
    • You may need multiple laser treatments to get rid of scars completely. The disadvantage of this option is that laser treatment is quite expensive - from 35,000 to 175,000 rubles, depending on the size and depth of the scar.
  4. 4 Steroid injections. Steroid injections have been used successfully to treat keloid scars that are difficult to treat. For small keloid scars, steroid injections containing hydrocortisone are injected directly into the skin around the scar. Large keloid scars are sometimes frozen before the procedure.
    • Steroid treatment is not a one-off treatment, so you will need to come to the clinic every 2-3 weeks for this injection.
    • This treatment has a high efficacy rate, but is relatively expensive and can lead to skin discoloration in dark-skinned patients. Consult with a cosmetic surgeon to decide if this treatment option is best for you.
  5. 5 Try collagen or other fillers. Collagen or other fat injections improve the appearance of smallpox scars. Collagen is a naturally occurring animal protein that is injected under the skin with a thin needle, thereby filling in the irregularities inside the scar. This treatment is very effective, but it is not permanent because the body absorbs natural collagen. You will need to repeat the procedure after 4 months.
    • Each collagen injection costs about 9,000 rubles, so treatment can be quite expensive.
    • You will need to do a test before having a collagen injection to make sure you are not allergic.


  • Make sure you are not allergic to the products you intend to use to treat your scars. Take a test to make sure you are not allergic.