How to remove stripes from your windshield

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Windshield stripes often appear when windshield wipers are used when it is raining. They can limit your visibility and be dangerous while driving. Fortunately, these streaks are easy to remove. With a little effort and the right tools, you can restore your windshield to its original appearance!


Part 1 of 3: How to clean your windshield

  1. 1 Choose a glass cleaner. If you are not strapped for money, you can buy a special car glass cleaner. This type of cleaner is more expensive, but the cleaning results will be better. Regular or foamy glass cleaners are also suitable. Finally, you can make your own cleaning solution with water and vinegar, or wipe your windshield with pure ammonia.
    • Ammonia is an excellent glass care product. However, it can easily damage paint, upholstery and carpets. Watch out for drips and drips when cleaning.
    • Mix one part hot water with one part vinegar in a spray bottle to make your own solution. Shake well.
  2. 2 Wash your windshield. Apply a thin layer of detergent to your windshield. If you are unable to cover all the glass at once, divide the area in half. Use a new, clean microfiber cloth and wipe the windshield back and forth horizontally. Gently lift up the wiper blades to clean the entire glass surface.
    • If you are using ammonia, apply a small amount of the alcohol to a microfiber cloth and wipe the glass. Remember to wear gloves.
    • If a microfiber cloth is not available, newspapers can be used.
  3. 3 Clean the glass with a rubber scraper. A rubber scraper can be used instead of cloths. Spray a thin layer of cleaner onto your windshield. Use the porous side of the scraper to remove dirt and oil stains. When the glass is covered with lather, simply turn the scraper over and start scrubbing across the surface with the rubber side without using too much force. Remove all soap suds this way.
    • If you are using a scraper, you can do without a cleaning agent. Fill a bucket of warm water and add some dishwashing liquid. Soak a scraper in a bucket and wash the glass.
    • Keep a paper towel handy to dry the rubber side of the scraper.
  4. 4 Dry your windshield. Use a new, clean microfiber cloth. A dirty or even washed cloth can scratch the glass. Wipe the windshield dry using gentle circular motions. Press the cloth gently against the glass to remove any remaining dirt particles. Work one small area at a time and act quickly. If the cleaning agent dries in air, streaks may remain on the glass.
    • If you don't have a microfiber cloth, use crumpled newspapers. Newsprint leaves no lint, and ink polishes the glass to a shine.
    • Do not let the glass air dry on its own - this is how streaks and streaks appear on it.
  5. 5 Clean the inside of the windshield. Move to the passenger compartment and repeat the entire cleaning process. Apply the product to the glass and gently wipe the surface with a clean microfiber cloth. Wipe the glass dry in a circular motion and check for streaks. Repeat as necessary.
    • Keep all doors open for ventilation, especially when handling ammonia. Chemical vapors are hazardous to health.
    • Do not use the scraper inside the passenger compartment.
  6. 6 Use windscreen washer fluid while driving. The wipers themselves are not capable of removing dirt from the windshield. Dirt and stains can dangerously limit your vision. Read your vehicle manual and learn how to use windshield wipers.
    • Most often, the wipers are turned on with a special lever under the steering wheel. Move the lever towards you to spray the liquid onto the windshield.
    • Check that all systems are working regularly and monitor the fluid level. Never fill the washer fluid reservoir with water.

Part 2 of 3: How to Clean Your Windshield Wipers

  1. 1 Wash the wiper blades. If the glass is clean and the wiper blades remain dirty, there will still be stripes on the windshield. Gently bend the wipers away from the glass towards the hood. Fill a small bucket of water and add some dish soap. Dampen a clean cloth with soapy water and wring it out to stay damp. Then wipe the wipers gently.
    • The wipers can be easily moved from their normal position to the "cleaning position". If they won't budge, don't pull hard. Stop and read the instruction manual.
    • Make sure that soapy water does not get on the glass, otherwise you will have to start all over again!
  2. 2 Dry the edges of the brushes. The rubber comb at the very edge of the brush is the most important part of the wipers. If it is wet and hard, it will not be able to make proper contact with the glass. Gently rub the rubber edge with a clean microfiber cloth in a gentle motion to dry the brush. Then dampen a portion of the wipe with rubbing alcohol and rub the rubber edge of the brush lengthwise to speed up the drying process and treat the rubber.
    • Squeeze the edge with two fingers as you dry to keep it straight and crisp.
    • Wipe the wipers in one direction. Start at the near edge and work your way to the back of the wiper blade.
  3. 3 Replace the wiper blades annually. This is often overlooked, especially in dry climates. It is important to remember that even sunlight can damage the thin rubber edge of the brush. A worn rubber comb leaves scratches that reduce visibility. God saves man, who save himself!
    • If you are good with machines, try replacing the brushes yourself. Always use the correct brushes.
    • Most often, the wiper blades are changed at the end of winter before the start of spring rains.

Part 3 of 3: Prevention

  1. 1 Use water repellents. There are various water repellents, such as "anti-rain" that can protect the windshield from water and dirt. Spray generously onto clean, dry glass. If the fluid is not sold in a spray bottle, apply a small amount to a clean microfiber cloth. Work the windshield in small circular strokes. Leave to dry for 5-10 minutes.
    • Check the manufacturer's recommendations. Some products need to be applied every week.
    • If a thin film remains on the glass after the product dries, polish the surface with a clean microfiber cloth using circular motions.
  2. 2 Use a high quality windscreen washer fluid. It is sprayed onto the glass from the outlet just below the wiper blades. The liquid helps to remove dirt and smudges on the glass while driving. Ask your auto mechanic for a suitable brand. Get ready to spend a little extra. This investment will definitely pay off in the long run!
    • Do not use wipers without special fluid. This is dangerous. If there is dirt on the glass, the wipers will not be able to handle it without liquid and visibility will be dangerously limited.
    • If you run out of washer fluid, and you do not know how to add it to the reservoir, then contact your auto mechanic.
  3. 3 Monitor the condition of the brushes. Inspect the wipers regularly for corrosion and other damage. The rubber edge should be firmly attached to the brush. Cracks, tears and holes in the rubber can cause streaking. Pull the wiper gently and make sure it is securely attached to the wiper. In case of problems or damage, replace this brush with a new one.

What do you need

  • New Clean Microfiber Cloths
  • Rubber scraper (optional)
  • Newspapers (optional)
  • Special windshield cleaner (optional)
  • Household glass cleaner (optional)
  • A solution of water and vinegar (optional)
  • Ammonia (optional)
  • Small bucket (for cleaning the wipers)
  • Dishwashing liquid (for cleaning wipers)
  • Rubbing alcohol (for cleaning wipers)
  • Water repellent (optional)


  • Rub the windshield well with a microfiber cloth while cleaning. It is not enough just to wipe off the cleaning agent!
  • It may be convenient for you to stand on the side of the car and first wash the half of the windshield closest to you, and then move to the other side.
  • Wash your car first and then move on to cleaning the windows.


  • Some glass cleaner can corrode paint, so be careful not to get it on the car body.
  • If the car has tinted windows, make sure that the cleaning agent will not destroy the film.
  • Use ammonia only with gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Use only new microfiber cloths! Lint and dirt can leave streaks on the glass and even scratch the surface.