How to train with dumbbells

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Workout at Home for Beginners (DUMBBELLS ONLY)
Video: Workout at Home for Beginners (DUMBBELLS ONLY)


Dumbbells can be used when training with weights, as well as when performing aerobic and other general development exercises. Follow the steps below to get started with dumbbell workout.


Method 1 of 4: Learn Appropriate Technique

Before performing any exercise, it is very important to know and understand the technique for the correct execution of physical elements. Weightlifting is fraught with several safety rules and exercise techniques that must be followed to avoid injury.

  1. 1 Find the right dumbbell weight for you. If you are new to weight lifting, then you will need to use dumbbells that are appropriate for your level. Purchase and use a set of dumbbells of different weights, which is especially important for men.
    • If you are striving to achieve a slim figure, then acquire dumbbells that you can lift 12-20 times before you feel fatigued.
    • If you have set yourself the goal of increasing strength and muscle mass, then find dumbbells of such a weight that you can only lift 8 times until you feel tired. Move to heavier weights as your muscles adapt to specific weights.
  2. 2 Take your time when working with dumbbells. Since lifting a dumbbell causes tension in the muscles, it takes time for the muscles to adapt to the load, so slow and conscious movements play a large role in terms of safety. Hurrying and jerking increases the risk of tearing muscles and ligaments.
    • Slow movements also contribute to better development of muscle mass, affecting the efficiency of the entire workout, as the muscles will have to adapt to the new load with each small step of the exercise, which increases the amount of work per dumbbell lift.
  3. 3 Follow the correct technique. There are many free videos and written materials on the Internet about this.
    • Keep your hands, elbows, arms and legs in the correct position to avoid injury and to improve the quality of your workout.
    • Exercising in front of a mirror may initially seem like a good idea to control your posture and posture.

Method 2 of 4: Train the arms and shoulders

Hand training is instantly associated with dumbbells and is the easiest to learn. If you are currently exercising on simulators, then the transition to dumbbells will not be difficult, since all movements will be repeated. And if you have never done weightlifting at all, then most likely you have often seen this type of training in movies or magazines.

  1. 1 Perform biceps curls. This classic exercise begins with taking dumbbells in both hands and placing relaxed hands at the seams. Next, you will bend your elbows, bringing the dumbbells to shoulder level. Gently lower the dumbbells and repeat these movements 8 to 20 times.
  2. 2 Perform a French press for triceps and straighten your arms back while standing in a bent over. These triceps exercises can be done in many different ways, and straightening the arms back will add a payload to the back muscles as a workout dessert.
    • Hold the dumbbells overhead and slowly lower and raise them together or one at a time. The French press for triceps can be performed both sitting and standing.
    • To straighten your arms back, you should place one arm and leg on a bench or chair, looking down. Do 8 to 20 reps before changing hand positions.
  3. 3 Perform shoulder press and deadlift. Both exercises are performed both sitting and standing.
    • Press from the shoulders. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level and lift them together or one at a time up, straightening your arms almost completely.
    • For the deadlift, place the dumbbells at the bottom of the sides. Raise your elbows and hands to shoulder level before slowly lowering them.
  4. 4 Raises and shrugs. These exercises can be performed both while sitting and standing.
    • Start by placing the dumbbells on the sides, arms almost fully extended; Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level in front of you or to the sides, and then slowly lower them.
    • Pick up dumbbells. Place your hands at the seams and perform simple shrugs as if you were saying “don’t know” in response to a question.

Method 3 of 4: Core Training

With the help of dumbbells, you can develop not only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also the muscles of the core of the trunk (press, chest, back) with the following exercises.

  1. 1 Dumbbell bench press. Pressing both barbells and dumbbells from a prone position on a bench promotes the development of the pectoral muscles. This element can be performed while lying on a bench at an incline or in a neutral position.
    • Lie with your back on a bench and press both dumbbells up, and then slowly lower them.
  2. 2 Exercise on the pectoral muscles "Butterfly". Sitting on an incline bench, on an instep, or in a neutral position, extend your arms with dumbbells to the sides at shoulder level, and then slowly raise them in a closing or hugging movement. The arms will be rounded at the elbows to avoid injury.
  3. 3 Back exercises. Rows, bends, and deadlifts are useful and simple exercises for strengthening your back muscles. If you are experiencing a back injury, then consult with a therapist before performing these exercises. You should also ask a professional or experienced athlete for help with the following exercises to create a safe environment.
    • Stand slightly forward (or over a bench) and move your arms towards the core as if you were starting a boat motor.
    • Bends are performed in a similar way, only touching the toes. Hold the dumbbells in both hands and bend down towards the feet on the same or opposite sides of the body, slowly returning to the starting position.
    • Place the dumbbells on the floor, hold them in both hands and slowly lift them from the floor to waist, shoulder, or head level.
    • Focus on abdominal and back control of core muscles throughout all bends and lifts to provide more support for the spine.
  4. 4 Use dumbbells to do abs exercises. Add dumbbells to the floor lift and side bends, and you will greatly increase the effectiveness of these abs exercises.
    • Cross your arms at your chest, lie with your back on the floor, and begin lifting your torso while enjoying the extra dumbbell load.
    • Keeping the dumbbell in one hand, bend over to the opposite side, as if stretching the oblique abdominal muscles. Do the same on the other side. Complete a total of 8 to 20 consecutive tilts.

Method 4 of 4: Exercising the Leg Muscles

The basic principle of these exercises will be to keep the dumbbells in both hands while doing standard leg exercises such as squat lunges and toes.

  1. 1 Rise on socks with dumbbells in hand. Dumbbells in both hands - arms at the seams. Slowly come up onto your toes, feeling the tension in your calf muscles. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.
  2. 2 Perform a variety of dumbbell lunges. The lunge is carried out one step forward, backward or to the side, evenly distributing body weight between both legs.
  3. 3 Dumbbell Squats. Do squats with a straight back, holding dumbbells in your hands - arms at the seams. You should squat, bending your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, fixing the lower position for a few seconds and slowly returning up.


  • Consider doing cardio exercises with dumbbells in your hands, doing chest presses and biceps curls while riding a stationary bike. You can also do shoulder presses or arm swings while walking.


  • Consult with a therapist before starting an active dumbbell set.