How to train and care for a Siberian Husky puppy

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Train A Siberian Husky - 5 Easy Steps!
Video: How To Train A Siberian Husky - 5 Easy Steps!


Congratulations! You've just taken one of the cutest fluffy lumps ever to your home. This cute, small, loving and fluffy ball is your Siberian Husky. You don’t know anything about the typical qualities of this breed, how to care for, train a puppy, or what problems may arise with his health? Well, read on, because this article was written just for you.


  1. 1 Possessing great physical strength, huskies are usually silent animals, but their barking is very loud. It can be heard 10 miles away.
  2. 2 Huskies are bred for work. They love cold weather and love to pull the sled. Instead, you have to take him out for walks, jogging, and play with him. Huskies are very hardy and therefore difficult to wear down.
  3. 3 Raise your husky puppy. Parenting requires a lot of patience. Don't try to outsmart him. Teach him to dig holes in a specific place so that he does not destroy your garden. Huskies love to dig holes, they have developed this habit to hide from the wind in the cold. You will also have to train your pet to crate. When you are not at home, the husky can ruin furniture or even run away.
  4. 4 Brush it out regularly. The thick double coat requires a lot of attention. At least once a week, you need to comb out the coat, otherwise the bottom layer may get lost in a lump. Huskies often shed, so you need to brush them regularly.
  5. 5 Take care of the health of the animal. Despite the fact that huskies are very strong and healthy dogs, they have several health problems, namely problems with the thigh bone and eyes.
  6. 6 Don't be afraid to leave your husky with your kids. Huskies are used to living in a pack and feel an emotional affinity with their children. They will make a wonderful pet. Huskies love to be in a company and will join your friendly family. Although, out of a sense of security, constantly supervise the children.


  • At the pet store, buy a workout clicker, this is a good accessory that can be used with toys and treats.The animal should associate the clicker with a treat obtained for good behavior. Then, move on.
  • Did you know? A flock of Siberian huskies rescued Nome, Alaska. In 1925, an outbreak of diphtheria hit the city. A flock of Siberian huskies made their way through the blinding blizzard to deliver the medicine. The leader of the pack, Balto, was even erected a monument in New York Central Park.
  • The Siberian Husky always tries to get away, so keep it on a short leash (if not in a kennel). Make sure your fence is high enough and there are no objects nearby that your pet cannot jump over it.


  • Don't get a husky if you live in hot, humid climates. They won't be able to adapt. These animals were bred for work in Alaska. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep your husky in hot and humid regions.