Heal cracked skin

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DermTV - How to Heal Cracked Fingertips [DermTV.com Epi #125]
Video: DermTV - How to Heal Cracked Fingertips [DermTV.com Epi #125]


Cracked skin usually occurs when our skin is over-worn. When the skin dries out, it loses suppleness and the stress of everyday use causes the skin to crack. These cracks can be painful, but they are also a huge source of infection. It's important to treat cracked skin before you end up with a much more serious health problem.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating the skin

  1. Check for infections. Start by checking yourself for signs of infection. If the area is swollen, forms blood or pus, or is very sensitive and painful, see a doctor right away. Cracks in the skin are very prone to infection and these infections require medical treatment.
    • Do you live in the U.S. and you don't have health insurance, go to the official list of low-income clinics. It should be possible to find a clinic that adjusts the bill according to financial means.
  2. Soak your skin in a disinfectant. Start treating common cracks by moisturizing the skin. Clean a bowl, bucket or tub and fill it with warm (not hot) water. Then add a little apple cider vinegar to help disinfect the skin. Use about 1 cup per gallon of water. Sanitizing helps reduce the chances of the cracked skin becoming infected.
  3. Gently exfoliate the skin. Use a clean washcloth and gently rub the affected area. This removes dead skin cells and allows the medicinal products you use to treat the area to penetrate the skin better. Make sure you do it gently and that the washcloth is clean.
    • Once you've healed the cracks, you can use more aggressive exfoliants, but no more than once a week. Your skin is sensitive and should be treated with care.
  4. Apply a layer of moisturizer. Rinse the skin one last time and then apply a layer of moisturizer. This will retain the moisture that your skin has absorbed during the soaking process and prevent the skin from drying out even more.
    • It is recommended to use a lanolin-based product, but you will see other recommendations in the next section.
  5. Apply a wet compress to the skin at night. If you have the time, such as having the option to treat your skin at night or on the weekend, a wet compress can help heal the skin, or at least reduce discomfort. Wet compresses consist mostly of a damp cloth, covered with a dry layer. Suppose the skin on your feet is cracked. Wet a pair of socks and squeeze them until they stop dripping. Put it on and put a pair of dry socks over it. Sleep with this at night.
    • It's important not to do this if you suspect that the cracked skin is infected, as this can make the infection worse.
  6. Put a bandage around it during the day. As far as daytime treatment is concerned, fill the cracks with a wet or gel "bandage", or at least with a disinfectant product like Neosporin. You can then cover the area with a protective sterile gauze and wrap it with bandage gauze. This should reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
  7. Keep the area clean and protected until the cracks are healed. Now you will just have to be patient while the cracked skin heals. Make sure to keep the affected area clean and covered to avoid further irritation. If your skin is cracked on your feet, wear socks that are clean and put on new ones at least once a day until the cracks are gone. If you have cracks on your hands, wear gloves when outside and for activities such as washing dishes.

Part 2 of 3: Keep it moist

  1. For the long haul, create a routine to keep the skin moist. Once you have started the healing process of cracked skin, the best thing to do is to establish a longer term routine to prevent further cracking in your skin. Unfortunately, this is a skin problem that is better to prevent than to cure. Whatever moisturizing routine you are going to use, make sure it is something you can stick with for a longer period of time and use it regularly as it is the best way to prevent future problems.
  2. Choose a lanolin ointment. Lanolin, a waxy substance derived from wool-producing animals, is the best natural way to protect the skin. If you use it every other day, or even every two days, you should keep seeing the same smooth skin as a result. When you start using it, apply it generously overnight and give it time to soak into the skin.
    • Look for lanolin-based products at the drugstore or grocery store.
  3. Choose other moisterizers based on the right ingredients. If you're not using lanolin, check out which moisturizers you can try. Only buy products with the right kind of ingredients, so that you can be sure that it will work. Many moisturizers will consist of many natural, healthy-sounding ingredients but will be of little use to your skin. Instead, look for the following substances in the list of ingredients:
    • Humectants that draw moisture into the skin. Examples are glycerine and lactic acid.
    • Processors that protect the skin. Examples are lanolin, urea and silicon oils.
  4. Apply a light coat right after bathing or soaking. Every time you bathe or expose the cracked skin to water, you rinse off natural oil that protects the skin. At the very least, apply moisturizer after every shower and after each time your feet are soaked.
  5. Apply a thick layer of moisturizer before going to sleep. If you can, put a thick layer of moisturizer on your skin before going to bed. This will give your feet time to really absorb all of a medicinal remedy, while at the same time ensuring that your skin is not overly soft. Cover your skin with a thick layer of moisturizer, then put a protective layer over it to protect the moisturizer while it sets.
    • If the skin on your feet is cracked, put on socks. If you have cracks in your hands, use gloves.

Part 3 of 3: Getting the problem under control

  1. Check for health problems. There are many health complaints that such severe skin dryness can cause. It is wise to take a closer look at your health and make sure you are not affected by these problems. If you have a more serious medical problem, it's important to treat it before the cracks come back and become infected ... or before other, more dangerous symptoms start to appear.
    • Diabetes is a common example of a disease that can cause the skin on your extremities to dry out excessively.
    • Talk to your doctor to find out if you have any other factors affecting your health.
  2. Try to avoid losing skin fat. Your body will produce fat itself to protect the skin and prevent cracking. But bad bathing habits can rob your skin of its oils and put you at greater risk. In general, you should avoid harsh soaps and hot water, as both allow the oil from your skin to pass through.
    • If you soak your feet, don't put soap in the water. It is usually better not to expose sensitive skin, such as that of your feet, to soap. Water and a washcloth are more than enough to clean them.
  3. Protect your skin from the elements. When the air gets really cold, it also gets dry. The place where you live can also be naturally very dry. This dry air pulls the moisture out of your skin. Protect your skin from drying out by moisturizing the air or protecting your skin. Place a humidifier in your home or office and wear socks and gloves when you go outside.
    • The skin should also be protected from the sun, which can cause dryness and damage over time.
  4. Get another pair of shoes. If you especially notice that the skin on your feet is cracking, this could be at your feet. Shoes with an open back and poor suspension can lead to cracks in already sensitive skin. Wear closed shoes and make sure they are very comfortable.
    • Wear running shoes or at least insoles to protect your feet from the pressure.
  5. Drink more water. Too little water can definitely make your skin more prone to dryness, and when you combine this with improper washing and a dry environment, it's a recipe for cracking skin. Drink plenty of water every day to provide your body with the best moisture possible.
    • The correct amount depends on the person. If your urine is pale or clear, you are getting enough. If not, you will have to drink more water.
  6. Get enough nutrients. The skin needs many vitamins and nutrients to grow healthily. You can improve the quality of your skin by ensuring that nutrient deficiencies cannot be the problem. Get plenty of Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids to help your skin get what it needs to stay healthy.
    • Good sources of these nutrients are: kale, carrots, sardines, anchovies, salmon, almonds, and olive oil.
  7. Evaluate your weight. Obesity and overweight are often linked to severe dry skin problems. If you find that it is not possible to solve this problem and there are no other health factors involved, but you are overweight, try to lose weight. Remember, cracked skin is very prone to infection: while it may seem like a minor problem, it can become very dangerous, so you shouldn't ignore it.
  8. Talk to your doctor. Again, if you're concerned because the cracked skin won't go away, or because there's an infection, see a doctor. This is a very common problem and there are many solutions out there. A doctor should be able to help you find out if this is a problem you can fix with a good habit or if medication is needed to prevent infections.


  • Naturally dry skin or thick dry skin (callus) around the heel is more likely to crack, often due to over-activity of the feet.
  • Open sandals or backless shoes allow the grease under the heel to be pushed to the side and increase the chances of cracks forming in the skin under the heels.
  • Illnesses and abnormalities such as athlete's foot, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid abnormality, diabetes, and some other skin conditions can cause cracked heels. Consult your doctor for advice.
  • Standing for a long time at work or at home on hard floors can cause the skin on your feet to crack.
  • Being overweight can put pressure on the fat under the heel, pushing it to the side. If the skin is no longer supple, this pressure can cause the skin on your heels to crack.
  • Continuous exposure to water, especially running water, can strip the skin of its natural oils and leave it dry and rough. Standing in a humid environment, such as a bathroom, for extended periods of time can cause the skin on your heels to dry out and crack.