How to burn fat

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)
Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)


Fat is easy to build up and so difficult to get rid of. You can go in for sports and limit yourself in nutrition, but he still refuses to leave. If this sounds familiar to you, don't worry: there are healthy ways to burn fat effectively. Although there is no guarantee that everything will succeed easily and without much effort (as promises in advertisements of many questionable diets, pills and exercise), you can burn excess fat, improve your health and improve your appearance through changes in your diet and image. life.


Method 1 of 4: Change Your Eating Habits

  1. 1 Reduce your calorie intake gradually. A sudden transition to a low-calorie diet is a shock to the body. When you drastically cut your diet, your body doesn't understand what's going on and tries to keep fat stores as a protective measure. Therefore, it is best to reduce your calorie intake gradually.
    • Set a reasonable goal (daily calorie intake) for yourself to gradually achieve. This can be 1200 or 2200 calories, depending on individual factors. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about this.
  2. 2 Vary your daily calorie intake and gradually lower your average. Your body can get used to a reduced but constant amount of calories, which will slow down the release of stored fat. To avoid this addiction and speed up your metabolism, try raising and lowering your daily calorie intake slightly. This will help prevent the infamous weight loss plateau and strengthen your resolve.
    • In other words, if you eat a consistently low-calorie diet, your body can adapt by slowing down your metabolism, making it harder to get rid of fat. However, it will be much more difficult for the body to adapt to new conditions if you vary the number of calories.
    • This plan should be accompanied by a gradual decrease in the average daily calorie intake. Talk to your doctor or dietitian who can help you create an appropriate meal plan.
  3. 3 Eat more often but in smaller portions. Simply put, food intake speeds up the metabolism - the process by which the food received is converted into energy. Thus, eating more often will help boost your metabolism (for example, if you eat six times a day, you will have six such “bursts”). However, it is necessary to ensure that more frequent meals do not lead to the fact that you will eat more than you should. Remember to gradually reduce your average daily calorie intake.
    • For light snacks, choose good hunger-satisfying foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Try a tablespoon (15 grams) of peanut butter with celery, almonds, and an apple, or a tablespoon (15 grams) of hummus with chopped vegetables.
    • Try to stick to a specific schedule and eat every 2-4 hours.
  4. 4 Have breakfast. When burning fat, you need to maintain a high metabolic rate. During a night's sleep, the metabolism slows down. So get up in the morning, brush your teeth and be sure to have breakfast. The more dense and protein-rich your breakfast is, the better.
    • Eat eggs, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats regularly. Avoid foods rich in empty calories (donuts, high-calorie coffee drinks, and the like) and eat bread and other whole grain foods.
  5. 5 Drink enough water. It is not only good for the skin, hair and internal organs, but also helps in losing weight. According to some studies, drinking water may itself boost your metabolism. Finally, drinking water before meals will help you feel full (and eat less).
    • Drink water often throughout the day. This will keep your body hydrated, improve your health, and help you shed excess fat faster.

Method 2 of 4: Choose the Right Food

  1. 1 Cut back on unhealthy carbohydrates. Fat is stored food; in other words, it is the amount of fuel in the body. Carbohydrates are the main external fuel source, and your body can burn both carbohydrates and stored fat for energy. Therefore, as long as you provide your body with carbohydrates, it will not burn fat.
    • However, reducing carbohydrates alone will not help you burn fat unless it is accompanied by a decrease in total calorie intake.
    • Remember, not all carbohydrates are created equal (refined sugar and whole grains, for example). There are healthy carbs such as slow-digesting oatmeal and some vegetables; unhealthy carbohydrates include simple sugars (various sweets and candies).
  2. 2 Eat more lean protein foods. Protein and carbohydrates contain roughly the same number of calories per gram, but unlike carbohydrates, protein is not the body's primary fuel. Protein is used as a building block for muscle; it does not turn into fat. Therefore, include enough lean meat, fish, and soy in your diet.
    • If you eat a lot of protein and low in carbohydrates, your brain sends signals that are interpreted as feeling hungry, and then ketosis (fat burning) begins. After that, the feeling of hunger subsides.
    • A diet rich in protein negatively affects the liver and kidneys, and some prefer a "ketogenic diet" (a diet high in fat and moderate in protein). It is not recommended to completely exclude carbohydrates from your diet, just limit their amount and give preference to healthy carbohydrates.
  3. 3 Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories (i.e. unhealthy carbohydrates), and after a small serving, you want more. Therefore, in companies, try to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether, or at least limit yourself to small doses. After all, after a significant dose of alcohol, you are unlikely to remember that you are trying to burn excess fat!
    • If you do have to drink alcohol, limit yourself to one serving if you are a woman and two if you are a man. One serving equals approximately 350 milliliters of beer, 150 milliliters of wine, or 45 milliliters of spirits. However, in this case, alcohol should be consumed only occasionally in order to achieve your goals for burning excess fat.
  4. 4 Drink green tea and coffee instead of alcohol. Some studies have shown that 700 milliliters of green tea or 450 milliliters of coffee can boost metabolism. However, do not add a lot of sugar to the drink.
    • Green tea and coffee appear to be beneficial in many ways, possibly due to their antioxidant properties.
  5. 5 Switch to foods that burn fat. One should not only think about what is harmful and what is better to abstain from; there are many delicious foods that you can and should eat in order to speed up your metabolism. Include the following foods in your diet:
    • oat flakes;
    • low-fat or low-fat dairy products (this seems a little strange, but studies have shown that those who ate the recommended amount of dairy products burned fat faster than those who abstained from them completely);
    • healthy fats found in nuts, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish
    • eggs;
    • hot spices;
    • grapefruit.

Method 3 of 4: Burn Fat Through Exercise

  1. 1 Exercise more often. Metabolism speeds up after each burst of physical activity. Thus, it is best to split one hour workout into two half-hour workouts, as in the latter case, you will experience two bursts of metabolism instead of one. After exercise, the body burns fat intensively (sometimes it lasts several hours), and if you exercise a little more in the afternoon, you will achieve even greater effect.
    • You can be physically active not only during your workouts, but throughout the day. Even two 15-minute walks can help speed up your metabolism. Therefore, along with proper nutrition and exercise, try to be more active in your daily life.
  2. 2 Combine cardio training with strength training. Cardio exercises are great, but fat is burned even more efficiently when supplemented with strength training. Combine these two exercises to lose fat faster.
    • Strength training is important if you've reduced your calorie intake. Restricting calories instead of fat can reduce muscle mass. In this case, you will lose a couple of kilograms, but you will not achieve the desired result.
  3. 3 Start your workout with strength training, then move on to aerobic exercise. When combining cardio and strength exercises, it is better to do the latter, and then move on to the first - in other words, “first strengthen, then burn!”. After such workouts, the acceleration of metabolism continues for a longer time (up to the very evening).
    • Among other things, it is usually easier to do the exercises in this sequence. Strength training generally requires better form and technique. If you get tired after running or cycling, it will be difficult for you to lift weights and exercise properly on strength machines.
  4. 4 Try interval training. Such training allows you to avoid taking breaks between different types of exercises. At the same time, a moderate pace alternates with bursts of activity. You will be able to choose the appropriate length of moderate to intense intervals. This will help you burn more calories and speed up your metabolism even more.
    • The simplest example of interval training is the following treadmill activity. Walk for 30 seconds, then run as fast as possible for the next 30 seconds. Just 15 minutes of this workout is more beneficial than 30 minutes of jogging at a steady pace.
  5. 5 Diversify your workouts. Whether you’re doing 15-minute walks with your dog or 10-kilometer runs, your body will gradually get used to it. In the event that the body is accustomed to certain exercises and their intensity, it burns fewer calories. In view of this, show imagination and diversify your physical activity.
    • Engage in a variety of exercises: jog one day, swim the second, then ride a bike. Variety is not only good for the body, it also prevents boredom!

Method 4 of 4: Change Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Don't weigh yourself if it helps keep you motivated. Burning fat does not necessarily reduce muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than adipose tissue. Therefore, remember that the readings of the scales should be treated with a certain degree of caution - much more important is how you look and feel.
    • It is believed that weighing at least weekly is beneficial for long-term weight loss plans. So do not throw away your scale, but determine the weighing frequency that suits you.
  2. 2 Find ways to deal with stress. Excessive stress contributes to unhealthy food choices and can also slow down fat burning. Stress negatively affects the condition of the skin, spoils sleep and relationships with others - it is bad from all sides.Find healthy ways to deal with stress and you will feel better whether it helps you burn even more fat.
    • Many people successfully relieve stress through meditation and yoga. However, you may be better off taking long walks in the park or listening to soothing music. Try different methods and find out which works best for you.
  3. 3 Take enough time sleep. Although everyone has their own needs, try to get 7-9 hours of sleep at night. You may think that sleep is not conducive to fat burning, but after a good rest, the body processes carbohydrates more efficiently.
    • Among other things, lack of sleep leads to the fact that a person craves sweets. Hormone levels (cortisol, ghrelin and insulin) are disrupted and your body craves for extra fat and sugar. Get enough sleep to prevent this.
  4. 4 Be active even in small things. Even little physical activity is better than no physical activity. Studies show that restless people are, on average, lighter in weight. Calm and heavy lifting people put on excess weight and fat more easily. So besides cleaning the house, walking the dog, and parking away from your destination, find other activities to keep you moving!
    • There are tons of tricks that can be used. Go up the stairs, not the elevator. Go to the nearest store along the roundabout path. Do squats throughout the day, and so on. Over time, you will get used to doing this without even paying attention to it.


  • Never go hungry because calorie restriction is too strict. This can lead to serious health problems.
  • Before switching to a ketogenic diet, most experts recommend consulting your doctor.