How to cook a New York steak

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Cook The BEST New York Strip Steak | Step By Step | Cooking Is Easy
Video: How To Cook The BEST New York Strip Steak | Step By Step | Cooking Is Easy


New York Beefsteak is a delicious fillet of beef made from the tender loin of a cow. These steaks are pretty easy to make - no matter what cooking tools you have at your fingertips. The main goal is to crunch the outer rind of the meat and then bring it to the desired degree of doneness. Depending on the cooking method you use, it's not hard to cook a juicy steak in 20 to 30 minutes, so get started now!


For a simple, well-done steak

  • 2 slices boneless New York short sirloin steak (1 inch thick)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

For grilled marinated steak

  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

For steak sous

  • 1 cup clams or porcini mushrooms
  • 2 teaspoons of olives or vegetable oil
  • 2 shallots, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


Method 1 of 4: Cooking a Simple, Well-Dried Steak

  1. 1 Heat a skillet to high heat on the stove top. The secret to making a wonderful, well-done steak is the hot pan and the amount of time it takes to cook. Thin fresh steaks have a crisp crust that can only be achieved with a scalding hot skillet, so the first thing to do is put the skillet on the stove top and heat to a high temperature. While the pan is heating up, you can take your steaks out of the packaging and season them.
    • Check if the pan is hot enough by sprinkling it lightly with water. If the droplets immediately fizzle and evaporate or "dance" across the surface of the pan, then it's ready to use!
  2. 2 Dry and oil the steaks. Since the pan is already heating up, place the steaks on a clean cutting board or platter. Season each side with salt and pepper.The exact amount you use is to your liking - some, for example, recommend using a mixture of about 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1 1/2 teaspoon salt for two steaks. then in the direction of using less salt (after all, you can always add salt to the finished steak).
    • You can also add any additional dry spices you like. Pre-packaged spices like Johnny etc. Proprietary blends are also good (eg: rosemary, thyme, and minced garlic are one common combination).
    • After seasoning the steaks, coat each with oil. This is essential for a crispy crust - the oil essentially "fry" the outer layer of the steak.
  3. 3 Place the steaks in the skillet. Using a pair of tongs, place the steaks into the hot skillet. Avoid hot oil burns - place steaks away from you, not the other way around. They should immediately start sizzling and crackling - that's a good sign! Move the steaks about one inch from their original location, a few seconds after you put them in the pan to keep them from burning, then just let them cook.
    • Some cooks recommend letting the steaks come to room temperature before placing them in the hot pan, because this helps them cook more evenly. Although heating steaks for 20 to 30 minutes is certainly not hurt to them, there is some evidence to consider this claim just a myth.
  4. 4 Turn over after about three or four minutes. The trick to getting a great steak in a skillet is to simply cook each side for the same amount of time, and too long frying can make the meat tough. Allow your steaks to fry in a skillet until a dark brown crust appears on the underside, but avoiding any charred parts. Depending on the height of your skillet, this usually takes about three to four minutes, although you can fry for longer or faster, so watch out for the steaks.
    • For a well done steak, you can cook a little longer - up to or more than five minutes. Conversely, for a steak with blood, it is necessary to turn the steaks a little earlier - after two to two and a half minutes.
    • The debate about whether to flip a steak just once or periodically flip is old. It is believed that steaks should be flipped once for the best crust. However, many modern steak aficionados disagree, recommending frequent turning instead.
  5. 5 Let them cook and serve! Once you have flipped your steaks, there is a little time to cook something else, and cook (unless you intend to constantly flip the meat, thinking that it tastes better). Wait until the steaks have a dark crust on both sides, then check for signs of doneness. If the steaks are not quite cooked, you can cook them in the oven or grill them for a few extra minutes in a skillet. Below are common signs of a cooked steak:
    • Sturdy structure at the edges that softens towards the center of the meat
    • No red remaining in the center (pinkish brown to light brown)
    • Internal temperature approximately 120 to 150 F (49 to 65 C).

Method 2 of 4: Marinating and Grilling the Steak

  1. 1 Make a marinade. Just like other cuts of meat, New York steaks can be added flavor by soaking them in a marinade prior to cooking. We've provided a recipe for one simple yet delicious marinade, but literally hundreds of others will work just as well. There are no rules for creating your own marinade, but there are a few basic guidelines for most marinades. If you are a beginner, try including the following ingredients in your marinade:
    • A source of fat. Typically, this is oil such as vegetable oil, canola oil, olive oil, sesame oil, etc.
    • Acid. You can use citrus juice (lemon, lime or orange), wine, vinegar (balsamic, red wine, apple cider, etc.).
    • Other spices. You can turn on your imagination - use sauce, mustard, peanut butter, parsley, garlic, soy sauce, but only if it works well with other ingredients.
    • Salt and pepper to your liking.
  2. 2 Marinate steaks before cooking. When the marinade is done, place your steaks in an airtight plastic dish or tightly sealed container in the refrigerator and cover them evenly with the marinade. Let them sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours so that they can absorb the flavor of the marinade - some cooks let the meat sit in the marinade for even a few days to give it an extra dose of flavor.
  3. 3 High grill temperature. As with a skillet, steaks require high-temperature cooking to get a delicious crust from the start to get them done well. Therefore, you need to heat up your grill or barbecue well in advance of the planned cooking. Covering with a lid will speed up the heating process of the grill.
    • For gas grills, preheating is easy - just install one or more burners and cover for 5 minutes or so.
    • For grills - barbecues, firstly, you will have to light your charcoal, wait for it to ignite, and finally the ash will appear before cooking can begin. This process can take more than half an hour, so you have a lot of time. Once your charcoals are ready to cook, place them evenly with the grill tool to prepare the entire grill.
  4. 4 Lay out the steaks. Use a grill brush to lightly apply olive oil or vegetable oil to the grill, then place the steaks on the grill surface with tongs. Allow them to cook for as long as it would take in a skillet, turning them once every three to five minutes for a crust to appear.
    • Once you understand your gas grill, you know the steps to follow. But this is not always necessary for barbecue grills, the cooking time on which can vary depending on the amount of charcoal used and the temperature reached. Therefore, flip the steak when you are satisfied with the dark brown crust at the base edge.
  5. 5 Remove cooked steaks. After the initial frying, allow the steaks to cook for another 2-4 minutes, until they are satisfactory to your taste. Check for the same doneness signs in the same way as above (firm structure at the edges, soft in the middle, no red in the meat, etc.) and remove from the grill and serve!
    • You may want to consider various leftover marinade steaks during the cooking process to help them achieve delicious looks. However, you should not use any marinade that has already been used once, as the marinade has come into contact with raw steaks, this can transmit harmful bacteria.

Method 3 of 4: Making a Sousseed Steak

  1. 1 Frypot temperature is high. This method for preparing New York steaks may be unfamiliar to food lovers. But, when done correctly, it will allow you to get extremely tender medium-rare steaks. To get started, fill the frypot about two-thirds full of water at medium temperature.
    • You need to get the internal temperature of the frypot to approximately 130 o F (54o C) before you start cooking the steaks. If the frypot does not have a built-in thermometer, you can use a strip thermometer by attaching it to the side of the oven.
  2. 2 Brown the steaks in a skillet. The problem with cooking steaks in a damp environment such as the broiler makes it impossible to give them a good, crispy crust such as on the grill or in a skillet. However, there is an option - to let the steaks fry until crisp in a pan before (and, as we learn, after) cooking in a brazier.
    • Season and cook the steaks and skillet just like you would for a skillet. However, cook steaks according to one minute to the side - remember, you only need the brown outside of the steak.
  3. 3 Cook steaks slowly in a plastic bag. Once the steaks are slightly browned, place them in a sturdy plastic bag and seal. Remove air from the bag or with a vacuum sealing tool.
    • At this point, toss the bag of steaks into the broiler and close it. If necessary, adjust the oven temperature to 130o. Cook at this temperature for about two to two and a half hours.
    • Check the steaks periodically as you cook. Move the bag and turn it over once an hour to ensure the meat cooks evenly.
  4. 4 Prepare the sauce to your liking. While the steaks are being cooked, you have plenty of free time to prepare other dishes if you wish. You can make a simple sauce or side dish to serve the steaks. For example, you can make a delicious mushroom side dish by melting a few tablespoons of oil in a saucepan, then adding some mushrooms, chopped shallots, and minced garlic for flavor - just mix the ingredients together for flavor.
    • Try adding some white wine for extra flavor!
  5. 5 Refried steaks and serve. After a few hours in the broiler, the steaks should be completely cooked through. At this point, if you wish, you can place the steaks back in a hot skillet with oil and fry for one or two minutes on each side to enhance their outer rind. The steaks are ready!
    • If you've made a sauce or side dish, spoon over each steak before serving.

Method 4 of 4: Serving the steak

  1. 1 As soon as you remove the steaks from the skillet, grill or oven, you will likely smell their delicious aroma and want to eat them immediately. Resist this urge! Instead, let your steaks sit under the foil for about ten minutes before you eat them. You will be happy with your cooking - steaks that get to stand are slightly more raw and flavorful than those served straight away.
    • Meat is made up of tight-fitting muscle fibers - as these fibers are cooked, they contract by displacing moisture from the inside of the meat. Giving the meat a chance to cool slightly after cooking allows the fibers to relax and reabsorb some of the moisture.
  2. 2 Consider serving with a sauce. New York Steak is a versatile dish with countless side dishes and sauces that are superbly paired with. For a quick fix, serve steaks with sauce. Prepare sauces in advance, as it can take a few minutes to make sauces from scratch, create a few options ahead of time. Here are just a few sauces that some food experts recommend for steak:
    • Seasoned oil (garlic, parsley, thyme, etc.)
    • BBQ sauce
    • Pepper sauce
    • Pesto sauce
    • Evaporated red wine sauce
  3. 3 Together with potatoes for a classic combination. Which dish is closer or more satisfying than steak and potatoes? Many varieties of potato side dishes go well with steak. Try serving some of the following potato steak dishes:
    • Fried French Fries (Roast)
    • baked potato
    • Potato slices
    • Fried potatoes
    • Puree
    • Boiled potatoes
  4. 4 Try pairing with another delicious side dish. While potatoes are a super reliable side dish for a steak, they're far from the only option that goes well with steak. There are a huge variety of foods that taste great with steak. Here are just a few suggestions that might apply - note that there are no real limits when it comes to serving steaks:
    • Fried / caramelized onions
    • Pony spinach / Swiss chard / collard greens
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Stewed or fried tomatoes
    • Salad
    • Fried vegetables
    • Onion rings
    • Bruschetta


Video: Cook New York Strip Steak


  • Use a good quality steak for the best taste - choose USDA.


  • Do not use the same utensils previously used for raw meat. This can lead to cross-contamination causing bacterial disease.