How to dry chili

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to dry chillies - three easy ways
Video: How to dry chillies - three easy ways


  • 2 Be aware that air drying techniques are only suitable for dry climates. If you try to air dry the chili in humid climates, you end up with moldy and soft chilies.
  • Method 1 of 3: Drying chili in the sun

    1. 1 Use a sharp knife to cut the chili in half lengthwise. Remove seeds.
    2. 2 Determine when your local weather forecast promises hot and sunny weather for a specified period of time, at least three consecutive days. You can use your local weather channel, web forecasts, or newspapers.
    3. 3 Place the peppers, cut side down, on baking paper and place in direct sunlight. Although outdoors is best, you can also place it on a windowsill if needed.
    4. 4 Dry the peppers in the sun for at least 8 hours. Flip the peppers over so the cut side is facing the sun and let dry.
    5. 5 Cover the peppers with a clean sheet in the evening to keep out insects. And the next morning, with the first rays of the sun, remove the sheet so that the peppers continue to dry.
    6. 6 Collect the chili as soon as you feel that you can easily break it with the pressure of your fingers. Store in an airtight container for future use.

    Method 2 of 3: Use the oven to dry the chili

    1. 1 Preheat oven to 79 degrees Celsius. For ovens equipped with a fan, the temperature should be 40 degrees Celsius.
    2. 2 Place the peppers, cut side down, on baking paper. Spread them out in one layer. Baking paper works best as it is covered with a layer of muslin.
    3. 3 Place a piece of paper in the oven.
    4. 4 Cook the chili for about 6-8 hours. If you like, you can flip the peppers once while drying, but this is not necessary. Once they start to brown, they have dried out. Note that the drying time is very dependent on the size of the peppers.

    Method 3 of 3: Hanging the peppers

    This method requires a dry environment. If you try this method in a humid environment, your chili will grow moldy.

    1. 1 Cut the long thread. You can use food thread, polyester or nylon, and calculate how much thread you need based on how many peppers you have.
    2. 2 Tie the stems together. Using thread, tie the stems as close together as possible. You can also use a large needle and thread all the stems with it.
    3. 3 Hang the peppers in a well-ventilated area. Leave them to dry for at least three weeks.


    • Chile freezes well.
    • Leave the door ajar when drying chili.
    • You can dry chili seeds in the same way. You can grind the seeds and use to spice up your meals in the same way you would use ground red pepper.
    • If you are going to hang the peppers to dry, then you need a well-ventilated place where wind and air currents can freely penetrate.
    • If you're drying your chili in the sun, start early in the morning as early as possible on the first day to use as much sunlight as possible.
    • Drying time depends on the size of the chili.
    • Fruit and vegetable dryers can be used to dry chili. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Putting baking paper on top of the machine will speed up the drying process. Typically, this is a hot, reflective surface that heats the pepper on both sides.


    • Wear protective gloves when handling chili peppers. Peppers and seeds contain oils that can burn eyes, ears, mouth, and skin. These protective features will help to minimize the risk of damage.

    What do you need

    • Chili peppers
    • Baking paper
    • Knife
    • Protective gloves
    • Protective glasses
    • Sheet or towel (optional)
    • Oven (optional)
    • Large needle (optional)
    • Line (optional)
    • Wooden spoon (optional)