How to help your dog completely relax

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
15 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!
Video: 15 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!


Each dog has its own personality and some of them find it difficult to relax. Some dogs cannot relax because they are shy or restless. Others cannot relax because they are full of energy. Either way, you can train your dog to relax. Taking the time to teach your dog how to relax will also add to your free time, which is one of the greatest pleasures in life.


Part 1 of 2: How to Meet Your Dog's Basic Needs

  1. 1 Prepare a quiet place for your dog. You will only be able to get your dog to relax if you can satisfy all of its basic needs and if it feels safe enough to give up its defensive behavior. If you have a mess and noise at home, music is playing too loudly, children screeching, adults quarreling, the dog feels all this, and it will be difficult for him to relax. Try to make your home cozy and quiet, and eliminate loud noises.
    • Also make sure the dog has a place to hide from general activities in the house. This could be her house or her cage. The dog needs its own safe place where it can go if it becomes uncomfortable. If the dog does not have a place to hide or a house, it can be very stressed, as it is natural for him to hide when he feels threatened.
  2. 2 Give your dog enough exercise. Breeds such as the Jack Russell Terrier or Border Collie, whose ancestors were working dogs, need a lot of physical activity. If they spend many hours alone at home, and even in a cage, then by the time you return home, they will clearly be hyper-active.
    • Plan to take your dog for long walks to burn off energy before the dog wants to relax. After all, if the dog had nothing to do all day and was just asleep, then he is unlikely to want to relax.
  3. 3 Provide your dog with plenty of mental stimulation. Again, a tired mind needs peace, and if the dog is bored, it will want to have fun. Stimulate your dog's mental alertness with regular spontaneous training for 5-10 minutes 2-4 times a day. If your dog doesn't get tired, train him longer.
    • Offer puzzles to your dog, such as tucking a large pellet of dry food into a sealed cardboard box so the dog has to tinker with finding ways to get the food out. At the same time, it will stimulate her mental activity.
  4. 4 Monitor your dog's nutritional status. Feed high quality food (meat comes first) that is appropriate for your dog's age. If your dog is too energetic, visit your vet and possibly put your dog on a low protein diet.
    • You can also try giving your dog hypoallergenic food if the dog's hyperactivity is caused by food intolerance.
  5. 5 Make sure your dog is comfortable. If your dog is in pain, for example, due to arthritis, it will be difficult for him to relax, he may even become irritable. If your dog's personality changes, for example, from calm to aggressive, take him to the vet. Perhaps she has health problems and needs medical attention.

Part 2 of 2: Help your dog feel relaxed

  1. 1 Find out what your dog likes and dislikes. Your dog may not be able to relax because you are doing something he doesn’t like. For example, many dogs don't like being stroked on the head. This happens because the hand moves over the head and eyes, which in canine language means threat. If your dog moves away from you or freezes when you approach him, think: he probably doesn't like it.
    • Better to clench your hand into a fist and keep it below the level of the dog's nose. Let the dog come over and sniff the hand. If the dog wags its tail, lifts its head, moves its ears, or comes closer, these are good signals: it allows you to pet it.
  2. 2 Take enough time. If you are in a hurry and try to calm her down as soon as possible, the dog will feel it. Teach your dog to relax when you have a lot of time for it. It is very good to do this when you are watching TV in the evening. While watching your favorite TV shows, you can gently pet your dog.
    • Remember that dogs have very sensitive hearing, so do not turn on the TV too loudly.
  3. 3 Make sure your dog has a comfortable place to lie down. Be that as it may, the dog should always have free access to its bed, but do not force it to go to the place. This could be a blanket on the floor or on the couch next to you.
    • Decide if you want to prevent your dog from climbing onto the couch or not. Keep in mind that inviting your dog to the couch will mean jumping onto the couch. Therefore, invite her only if you do not mind her doing it all the time.
  4. 4 Pet your dog. Iron it gently, ruffle the wool, iron only on the wool. Do not rub roughly against the grain, dogs do not like it. Imagine someone pulling your hair or slapping your face. Keep your movements long and fluid. Your dog will love it if you take turns stroking it with both hands.
    • Remember that some parts of the body are more susceptible to tickling, and dogs feel vulnerable when touching certain parts of their body, such as the belly. Caress the part of the dog's body that it presents to you. So, if she is lying on her side, just stroke her side, and do not try to turn the dog over on its back. The dog may perceive this as showing hostility, as you forcefully try to force him into a pose of submission. But if the dog voluntarily gives you his tummy, then stroke it.
  5. 5 Adjust the rhythm so that the dog can completely relax. If all goes well, try massaging her gently. Press deeply with your palms, moving them back and forth over the dog's neck, shoulders, and back. If she shows any signs of discomfort, such as tenses, looks up, jerks her head or leg, or stands up, then you had better stop.
    • Remember that older animals can have joint pain, especially the elbows. Therefore, never put pressure on your dog's joints unless shown to you by your veterinarian.
    • Do not abruptly end your relaxation session. This can shock or frighten the dog.Let your pet take a peaceful nap with full awareness of your duty.
  6. 6 Use pheromones to help your dog relax. For maximum relaxation, use the dog pheromone nebulizer (chemical messengers), which send signals through the dog's sense of smell that he is safe and can relax.
  7. 7 Try alternative relaxation techniques. Another popular relaxation technique is the T-Touch or Tellington Touch. This is a massage therapy specially designed for your pets. It can be learned at home and involves repeating circular motions with your fingertips or palms all over your dog's body. First, try doing small circular motions along the ears and cheeks of the dog, and when you have already mastered this technique a little and the dog begins to relax, try other parts of the dog's body, for example, on the shoulders or on the back.


  • Try playing relaxation music. If the dog likes the music, it will relax after a while.
  • If the dog is behaving well, praise him.


  • If the dog starts to growl or walks away from you, do not chase him or he may get angry and bite you or attack you.

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