How to become famous as a child

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Become FAMOUS As a Child | easy step by step ??????
Video: How to Become FAMOUS As a Child | easy step by step ??????


Some kids become famous because their parents are famous. Fortunately, this is not the only path to fame! If you are talented, smart and ambitious, you can use these qualities in different ways and become famous.


Method 1 of 2: Do What You Love

  1. 1 Participate in contests. Competitions are one of the main ways to achieve fame. There are essay, dance, beauty contests and many others. Look for competitions that will allow you to showcase your talents, and try your best until you find the right one.
    • Explore contests that have weight to promote in your area of ​​interest. Some competitions are just a way to make money for sponsors. If the competition is not favored by professionals in the field you need, you will not become famous.
    • In a competition, always do your best. Even if you don't like it anymore, the competition will serve as good practice next time.
    • If you haven't won the competition, don't stop trying. The personality of the assessor and the type of competition on that day - everything affects the results of the competition.
  2. 2 Take part in a reality show. Shows such as "Minute of Glory", "The Voice" or other well-known competitions are a great way to fame. Auditions of candidates for these shows are taking place all over the country.
    • Remember, these shows are fiercely competitive! You will literally stand in line with thousands of other guys who also dream of being famous.
    • Part of such shows is the jury's sarcastic attitude towards the participants. Be prepared to be ridiculed no matter how talented you are.
  3. 3 Get an agent. Browse professional producer websites. Pick the ones representing the celebrity kids and get in touch with them.
    • Remember that if you are under the age of 18, a self-respecting agent will not negotiate anything with you without your parent's consent. Never follow an agent's directions without consulting a parent or guardian.
    • Always be honest about yourself to potential agents. If you are not at all like your photo, no agent will work with you.
    • Never lie about your age if you are under 18.
  4. 4 Get your wallet ready. Participation in any competition is paid. You have to have the best equipment you can afford to show yourself, and that comes at a cost. You need to dress well and look great. You can save money if you learn to do something with your own hands - for example, sew suits, or visit economy class stores - there will definitely be unforeseen expenses on the way to fame.
    • Talk to people who might be financially supportive.
    • Find out about scholarships in your area of ​​interest.
    • Use the power of grassroots fundraising sites like Boomstarter or Kroogi to raise money for your venture.
  5. 5 Move to where everyone is. It is easier to become a famous singer if you already live in Moscow. Being in St. Petersburg, you will quickly break into show business. Get closer to notoriety by approaching celebrities.
    • Use your connections. Talk to everyone you know about your talents, take the opportunity to meet the right people.
    • Attend events that affect your ability whenever possible, even if you yourself are not performing there.
    • Support other glory seekers. And then, perhaps, they will support you!
  6. 6 Study the circle you want to join. If you really want to be famous, you need to do your research carefully. Find people who have the same talents as you, and who are famous, and do whatever they do. Can you copy them or develop your qualities by looking at them? What did these celebrities do when they were kids?
    • Follow your social media role models. Learn more about the things they love to do, the places they visit, and their daily life at work and at home.
    • If you look closely, you will most likely find that the ideal does not exist. Even the most popular personalities make mistakes. Learn from their mistakes and try not to repeat them.
  7. 7 Be persistent. Everyone can become famous, but few become. It's not always about talent; some people just choose more important things than fame. On the road to glory, you need to show perseverance.
    • If you were refused by one agency, go to another.
    • People fail in competitions more often than they win.Keep competing and your chances will automatically increase.
    • Don't be confused. If you are serious about making a career and becoming a celebrity, you shouldn't waste time arguing with classmates, relatives, and neighbors. Stand your ground, the likelihood of success will be greater.

Method 2 of 2: Go outside the box

  1. 1 Generate ideas. Go to YouTube and browse the list of the most watched videos or the most popular channels. This way you will have the opportunity to see what the other guys are doing and understand what you might be doing.
    • See what you would have done better than the guys in the video.
    • Consider if you can make changes to what the people in the video do to make it even better or more unusual.
    • Discuss ideas with friends and family. Maybe you can figure something out together. After all, the most famous singers also have musicians and dancers. You don't have to do everything alone.
  2. 2 Take a video. It is needed to showcase your talents. Here you will need a video camera and skills in recording, editing and uploading video to the Internet. Make sure the video soundtrack is of good quality. If not, consider adding a soundtrack.
    • Perhaps one video will be enough, or several will be required.
    • Make your video more interesting with cool effects, animations or freeze frames.
    • If you yourself are not interested in watching your video, then others will not want to. Be interesting, funny, friendly.
    • When implementing your ideas, do not break the law, otherwise your video will be blocked on social networks.
  3. 3 Advertise yourself. Create your website, video channel, be active on social networks. Don't dwell on the most popular networks - look for new and trendy ones.
    • Do not include your personal phone number, home address, or other personal information about where you can be found on websites. It is not safe and will not add to your popularity.
    • Make sure that all your online information works for your image. For example, if you are trying to become a famous gymnast, people should see how much gymnastics you do rather than drinking at parties.
    • Find the right people on social media. Twitter is a great platform to showcase yourself directly to celebrities. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. The line between self-promotion and spam is very thin.
  4. 4 Get ready for the glory to go away. There is a well-known phrase by the artist Andy Warhol: "Everyone has the right to fifteen minutes of fame." Fame doesn't always last long. You can be famous for a day or two, or a few weeks or longer.
    • Learn about the lives of other celebrities. What are they doing after their fame has waned? Find role models whose life you find attractive.
    • You will feel that being famous is not easy. Constant attention may seem enjoyable, but it can also be tiring. Depending on what you become famous for, there will be various restrictions in your life in terms of what you do and how you present yourself. Along with fame, worries go away.
  5. 5 Check with your family. If you become a celebrity, it will affect your family as well. Rest assured that they will continue to support you. You will always be a member of the family, and popular - as it turns out. This is true for most celebrities and will surely prove to be true for you.
    • Your family can give you ideas. They will spot your talents and help you think of ways to present them.
    • If you need to travel to a certain place or pay for something, parents can help with this.
    • If you are under 18, your parents will need to sign some permits for you. It would be nice to bring them up to date in advance so that you don't have to go into explanations at the last minute.


  • Don't let yourself get sucked into a relationship with scammers or perverts.Child pornography is a big business, but illegal. This is not how you become a celebrity.
  • Never go to auditions, screenings, or hire agents or managers without parental permission.
  • Remember that everything that comes out online, people will watch for the rest of your life. Don't post things on the Internet that you will be ashamed of when you get older.