How to become a famous singer

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Famous Singer - In 5 Steps!
Video: How To Be A Famous Singer - In 5 Steps!


If you have a great voice, why not become a celebrity for your talent? This is a great goal! It is important to understand that voice alone is not enough to become a famous singer.You cannot do without stage charm and your own manner of performance. All of these abilities come with practice and experience. No one can guarantee you a particular level of popularity, but there are many steps you can take to gain fame and recognition, as well as make a living with your talent.


Part 1 of 4: Develop Talent

  1. 1 Practice and practice again. Sing whenever possible so that your voice develops and stays in good shape. Choose from a wide variety of songs with different vocal ranges and in different keys. Your goal is to get the maximum amount of practice in all possible genres.
    • Sing in your bedroom, in the shower, while driving, with friends.
  2. 2 Take vocal lessons online or in the real world to develop your skills. Finding a good singing teacher is one of the most important tasks you need to accomplish in developing your music career. Even if you have an amazing natural voice, professional guidance will help you take it to the next level. In the classroom, you will learn not only how to sing well, but also the following techniques:
    • breathe correctly;
    • keep tonality under load;
    • pronounce words and sounds clearly;
    • expand your vocal range without undue stress;
    • believe in yourself.
  3. 3 Find your unique features and develop your own style. It is important to understand how you are different from everyone else. Sometimes you have to experiment to determine your vocal abilities and special manner.
    • If you are capable of alternating alto and soprano, feel free to demonstrate the breadth of your vocal range.
    • Perhaps you have a harsh voice and a squeaky manner of playing that suits soul music.
    • If you play guitar or piano, then this can also stand out from others.
  4. 4 Sing on stage for an experience of performing in front of an audience. When you feel confident in your voice, take the next step and start singing in front of strangers. People often prefer to sing alone or in the presence of friends and acquaintances who will support them in any situation. It takes great courage to sing in the presence of strangers!
    • Start going to a karaoke bar, enroll in a school or church choir. This is a “surefire” option as it allows you to sing for fun and with other people with ample reason to rehearse, but still get the chance to show yourself.
  5. 5 Sing in places that require you to step out of your comfort zone. Once you get used to the scene, try something new. You can perform as a guest performer with a local band or sing in the open air of a restaurant. Any new and unusual experience will be useful.
    • It is unlikely that you will be offered a fee for the first performance, but you can always put up a donation jar. If you do get paid, then treat it as a nice bonus!
    • No two events, performances, or even song performances are the same. Take advantage of the opportunity to expose yourself to various external factors. Get the experience that will allow you to perform successfully in any conditions.
    • You should never be shy. Show yourself and introduce yourself to the people you want to work with. If you want to perform with a specific group, then find out if you can go to them for rehearsals. Dating will allow you to stay on top of upcoming events and collaborate with other musicians.
    • Another similar experience will allow you to understand which performances you like best. You may find that you are more comfortable performing with a group or other singers rather than solo.
  6. 6 Choose your signature song that can be sung at any time. Always be prepared. If you are unexpectedly asked to stand up and sing to music or without musical accompaniment at the audition, then you should always have a homework. Pick a song that sounds great at every moment.
    • The song you choose should be familiar to most listeners, popular, and match your vocal range.
    • With experience, the list of such songs can expand. You will probably have a few songs that you can perform well in any conditions and circumstances.
  7. 7 Practice songs from other artists. Many singers don't write their own songs. It's quite normal. When meeting you for the first time, it is important that people pay more attention to your voice, rather than the talent of the songwriter. Create a “repertoire” of 10-15 cover songs that can be performed spectacularly in the park, and rehearse each one.
    • Try to correctly combine modern and classic compositions.
    • One way to stand out is to play a popular song in a different key, tempo, or accompaniment. Compare different renditions of "Hallelujah" or a Civil Wars cover to Michael Jackson's timeless hit "Billie Jean" for inspiration.
    • Don't worry about copyright when performing other people's songs live. These aspects only come into play when recording and distributing songs.

Part 2 of 4: Empower

  1. 1 Set many small, achievable goals for yourself. Choose a specific and achievable goal, and then set an adequate time frame for yourself. You don't have to say, "One day I want to be a famous singer." Say, "I should be performing at an open-air festival this summer." Take concrete actions to reach your goal.
  2. 2 Find a paid performance. It is unlikely that the pay will be high, but the opportunity to earn money by singing will establish you as a potential performer. The first gigs may be free, but if you make a name for yourself, it will be easier for you to find paid events and concerts.
    • Look for opportunities to perform in restaurants and clubs, at weddings and parties, sing along with other bands, participate in theatrical performances and even talent contests.
  3. 3 Start writing your own music to build your reputation. Having your own songs is a big step forward and growing your reputation, but don't worry if you can't write songs. Many singers work with authors and composers. Your goal is to give your listeners something new and not rely solely on cover songs.
    • When collaborating with other songwriters, you need to decide whether you will credit the songwriter or work under “unnamed” authorship. Usually fans value sincerity.
  4. 4 Connect with other musicians to expand your possibilities. Meet in person and online to make useful connections in the music industry. Other singers and musicians were in your place too. Surely they have a couple of useful tips for you. Just ask.
    • The more people you know, the more opportunities open up for you. Acquaintance with one person is potential acquaintance with his circle of communication.
    • If you want to get to know someone, then try to flatter the person. Say the following: “You are a great performer. Such calmness and lightness on stage. How do you do it? "
  5. 5 Get involved in the local music community. Spend as much time as possible in places where you can meet successful musicians and producers. Go to clubs and venues. Behave as a full member of the community, even if no one knows you yet.
    • While on vacation, try to visit cities famous for their musical culture. You can drop in St. Petersburg, Sochi, Moscow and chat with local musicians.
  6. 6 Find a manager if you need help. As your music career progresses (especially when combined with other responsibilities like work, school, or family), you will find it difficult to keep up with everything at once. A good manager can handle organizational issues, advertise, and promote your career.
    • Managers find performance opportunities, plan events, solve financial issues, and make long-term plans.
    • Usually the manager's commission is 15%. In the early stages of a career, it is wise to enlist the support of close friends and family with an entrepreneurial streak to save money for the future.
    • First of all, a manager should be right for you: be reliable, self-friendly and possess the necessary skills.

Part 3 of 4: Promote Yourself

  1. 1 Be active on social media. The more platforms you use, the higher your reach and potential dating circle. Create accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and VKontakte.
    • You may already have personal accounts, but it's better to create separate accounts as an artist (like fan pages on Facebook).
    • If you love writing, you can create a blog. This will help your fans get to know you better and follow your creativity closely.
  2. 2 Create your YouTube channel and post content regularly. With one billion monthly visits, his own YouTube channel will allow the singer to show himself to millions of listeners around the world.
    • Create a channel and share it on social networks with your family and friends. Ask everyone to share the link on their pages.
  3. 3 Make a demo to promote yourself in your local market. Take advantage of the services of a professional recording studio or create your own home studio to record your best songs. Share your material on CDs, flash drives and online.
    • Send your recordings to club DJs, local radio stations, publishers and recording studios.
  4. 4 Share music on online platforms. Thanks to the advancement of digital technology, people from all over the world can listen to, download and buy your music today. In addition to being famous, you get the opportunity to earn money!
    • Check out Bandcamp, SoundCloud, CD Baby, Record Union, MySpace, Google Play Music, and iMusician.
    • Each company has its own user agreement and cost of services, so explore all possible options and choose the best service.
  5. 5 Make business cards. A business card is always more solid than a simple phone number. In addition, you can simply forget who owns the number in the phone book. For effective promotion, include your contact information, occupation and add an element on your business card that will make you stand out from the crowd.
    • Business cards can be made at home, at a local print shop, or online.

Part 4 of 4: Learn to Deal with Failure

  1. 1 Throw away negative criticism to stay focused. Ignore hurtful and angry remarks. You don't need to dwell on those words that will not benefit you and will not help you achieve your goal. Sometimes it is difficult to learn such a lesson, but there will always be people who just do not like you who will say unpleasant things and express their dissatisfaction in their actions.
    • There are people who hate Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift, but this does not deny the fact that they are famous and successful performers.
  2. 2 Take constructive criticism to get better. Constructive criticism can be recognized by the combination of positive and negative aspects of the review. The person may say that you need to improve on some points, but at the same time praise you for successful performance features.
    • Helpful constructive criticism can be heard from fellow performers, your vocal teacher, and music professionals.
    • Sometimes friends and family are too polite. They may think that you are already excellent at singing and will not give you useful advice and recommendations on aspects that need to be developed and improved.
  3. 3 Move forward after bounces. Rejection is one of the most difficult barriers to success.The music industry is very competitive, so some singers get rejected - that's the nature of business. Don't let them unsettle you. Develop persistence and patience.
    • If you were not accepted on the show or did not pass the casting, find out the reasons. It may turn out that the issue is not at all about the level of your talent and abilities. Perhaps the show requires a different type of singer.
  4. 4 Analyze reviews to improve. Find out the reason for the refusal? Okay, but that's only part of the story. Next, you need to analyze the review and eliminate the existing shortcomings. This is the only way to get better.
    • If you are told that you are singing softly, start singing louder during rehearsals to strengthen your voice. If you are expressionless on stage, then work on facial expressions and use various movements or a musical instrument during performances.


  • The music industry is a tough industry with ups and downs. Never lower your head! Success isn't going anywhere if you continue to work hard, promote yourself, and never give up.
  • Try to stand out with unique features.