How to become a famous artist

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Smart Artists Do This - How To Become Famous
Video: Smart Artists Do This - How To Become Famous


Are you dreaming of becoming a famous artist? Prodigy John Milles, who founded the Pre-Raphaelite movement, won the Art Society's silver medal at age 9. Pablo Picasso, the founder of Cubism, was also recognized as a genius in his early years. Even today, young talents like Kramarik are recognized as genius. So if you are gifted, you too can make your name go down in history. Ready to learn how to do this? Read the article!


Method 1 of 2: Your Skills

  1. 1 Practice. Inspiration is definitely wonderful. But without technical training, you will not be able to portray what you see. It doesn't matter what technique you choose, if you don't practice, nothing sensible will come of it.
    • Set aside an hour of drawing every day, detaching yourself from everything else.
    • Spend more time on the aspects that are most difficult for you, but do not forget to hone your skills with those that are your gold mine.
    • Take advantage of all sorts of resources and communities. You can find a lot of video tutorials, sites, forums, free communities, where you can find advice on both the technique and the concept.
    • Some art stores, for example, host workshops and themed artist meetings. At these workshops, you can meet other artists and share experiences.
  2. 2 Work with what you like. Choose a topic that is close to you and that you can portray well.
    • Start with still lifes or drawing from your photographs or photographs found on the Internet.Draw the same plot over and over again using different materials - paints, pencils, pens; using different styles - realism, cubism, etc.
    • Draw geometric primitives - a ball, a cube, as well as more complicated shapes - roses, glass glasses or a shiny metal ball. Try to convey the qualities of the subject you are painting: reflections, highlights, dark and light spots. These tasks will help you develop your drawing skills in general.
    • Practice drawing on time. Select the object to paint and set a timer for 2 - 3 minutes. As soon as time runs out, stop drawing, even if you haven't finished drawing yet.
    • Set the timer again and paint again. 10 sets of 3 minutes will give you more experience than 2 hours of detailed drawing.
  3. 3 Use a variety of painting tools. Start drawing with a pencil, then try charcoal, pastels, colored pencils, pens, markers - anything you might be interested in drawing with. Don't be afraid to try new tools and techniques.
    • Tools and supplies can be purchased not only from an art store, but also online. Some online stores send templates before you purchase an expensive material or tool, so that you first try out the product before buying it.
    • This gives you a chance to try out the material before buying it. Try materials from several manufacturers because they can vary greatly in quality, color, etc.
  4. 4 Ask family and friends to criticize your work. Explain that it is very important for you to receive objective criticism, not based on the fact that you are loved and do not want to offend. If they really like it, you are great. If they don't like it, you are still on the right track: if people say that you have good technique, but the object itself is not worked out, this is your opportunity to improve.
    • Don't be embarrassed or afraid to be criticized, especially if the critic himself is not interested in you becoming an artist.
  5. 5 Broaden your horizons. Ask for criticism from those who paint better than you. Get to know the artists whose work you admire online. Ask their opinion on your work. You will soon find out that experienced artists are happy to help budding artists and are happy to share their experiences.
    • Share with beginners what you have already learned. You will learn new things every time you explain to someone. Plus, teachers often learn from their students.
  6. 6 Learn to skillfully accept compliments. If your family adores absolutely everything that you paint, and your mother has covered the whole house with your drawings, thinking that you are the next Picasso - relax and consider this as supportive.
    • The more you delve into art, the easier it is for people to compliment you and call you talented.
    • Sometimes, compliments can be criticism, and these compliments are very valuable! If an artist you admire gives you this compliment, “I really like the colors,” that could mean that you can only be praised for the colors in this work, and the rest didn’t work out very well.
  7. 7 Develop your own distinctive style. To do this, draw your favorite subjects in the technique that is closest to you, and which is used by the artist you like. The more you learn a technique, the more you will understand your passions and the more your own style will be formed.
    • Having your own style means painting with your favorite tools and paying attention to your favorite subjects.
    • You will become a specialist at a certain stage. Mastering the plot and means comes later, when you will no longer think about what and what to draw for too long. This is the result of practice.
  8. 8 Draw a lot. To get your work into the gallery, you need a portfolio with dozens of works that must have something in common (like style, size, or plot), but at the same time, they must be.
    • Your work should be available in different formats so that there is no difficulty in communicating with gallery owners or customers.

Method 2 of 2: Promote Yourself

  1. 1 Submit your work. The surest way to become famous is to make yourself known. The 21st century allows you to create online portfolios, edit works - take advantage of this.It is very important to use whatever is at your disposal to build your reputation.
    • Update your online portfolio daily. Add photos of the creation process and final options.
    • Visit as many galleries as possible and try to get to know the owners. Not necessarily to promote your work, but to meet other artists. You will still have time to move the work forward.
    • Create a Facebook account for your artwork. Meet other artists on Facebook, tag exhibitions as favorites, and join all kinds of communities. You will see that Facebook will help you a lot in self-promotion.
    • Tweet regularly about art. About your art, about the history of art, about pop art, in general, about any art. The more you know about art, the faster you will attract attention to yourself. Subscribe also to updates of other artists and galleries, comment on their tweets. So other people will see you and also subscribe to you.
    • Create a profile on Flickr and publish your work there. This is a fairly active community, with the help of which you can make your name recognizable and meet other talented artists.
  2. 2 Participate in contests. Start with student-grade contests and small local contests.
    • Conduct workshops (seminars). This will not only glorify you, but also show that you are a master of your craft.
    • Improve your skills until you get to a more serious, national, international competition.
    • Take part in competitions with judging. To get into such a competition is a great achievement, it will look good on your resume. If you have participated in many of these contests, then indicate only the most significant in your resume.
  3. 3 Find a reliable agent. Find out information about agencies, contact their clients and get their opinion on the agency. Agents will promote you and your work. Make sure your agent is competent and has a contact base.
    • You can also work with a lawyer who specializes in art. For example, an agent may not understand legislation and law, since his job is promotion. A lawyer knows everything related to law and can be useful to you.
  4. 4 Draw on topics that interest you. If you paint on a topic that is indifferent to you, it will be noticeable in your works. Many artists get a little fixated on the chosen theme, be it a still life with fruit or a model.
    • If you enjoy expressing aggression or negative emotions, meet artists who have already worked in this style. If you like abstraction, study this style. Each style has its own technique, and this one is no exception. You cannot call any smear on paper art.
    • If you like nature, get a portable easel and paint in the "open air" (in nature) your favorite landscapes.
    • Whatever your passion for drawing, try to capture it on canvas.
  5. 5 Develop as an artist. Being an artist means improving your whole life. When you reach the level you were striving for, for recognition, money and fame, you will still want something more.
    • Keep learning and discovering new things. Even if you have already become famous - think about the future and strive for new goals.
    • As your talent and style develops, the paintings painted in the later period become more significant. Collectors will be interested in your entire life path. Moreover, even those drawings that you drew as a child will also become valuable (those that your mother hung around the apartment), so keep everything.


  • Make sure you want to be famous. Fame isn't always just fun and enjoyment, so decide how famous you want. A successful artist can make good profits without being world famous.Being the best artist in school or in the community is glory too. Glory is when other people you don't know like what you do. How many people you need to be happy is your choice.
  • Enjoy the art. As you draw better and better, you will look at the world differently. If you look for beauty, you will find it in the most unexpected, strange and even ugly things: the glint of broken glass on the sidewalk, a swirling blade of grass, or even the smile of an unattractive old woman who becomes beautiful in a moment because you see her that way.
  • As you learn to appreciate and enjoy the work of other artists, you will find that what you do also brings pleasure and enjoyment to others. You will look for the invisible treasures of the world, even abstract canvases will be clear to you in the sense that they express (love, pleasure, anger), and they will help you cope with your own emotions.
  • Do not forget about your personal life and take care of it if fame invaded your comfort zone. What your fans are interested in is your work and some information about your life. You will have to say why you like to draw, what you do, etc. For a biography, there is enough information about the place of birth, mention of the family and pets. It is not necessary for everyone to know what you ate for breakfast, what shoes you like the most, etc.
  • Appreciate your work. Be glad that you can draw, because talent is not given to everyone. Many can learn to draw, especially in childhood, when information is assimilated easily and quickly.
  • As you learn to paint, you will change as a person. You will use a part of the brain that others are used to ignoring. You will be able to develop intuition and creativity in other areas of life. You can also become more expressive and begin to orient yourself well visually. Understanding the color will influence the choice of clothes and you will look your best. Most of these changes are positive.
  • The more you learn to love beauty, the better artist you will become, and this will affect your overall taste. You will better feel the taste of wine, taste of food, walk for many hours in the morning dew to sketch beauty in 15 minutes - you will enjoy it. Your journey is a reward.


  • Never pay an agent up front. If he hasn't promoted your work, he doesn't deserve money. If they ask for an advance payment, it is a sign that they cannot be trusted. In addition, if an agent is too good to be real, prophesies fame for you and calls you a new Picasso, leave him: he is too good to be real.
  • Believe in yourself. You will change your identity as you feel like an artist. Some people will be angry, they will not appreciate your work, they will call them unworthy, and you will be lazy and a fraud. Don't let them break you!
  • Changing yourself can be daunting. When incomprehensible feelings take over you, you can take paint and with its help overcome all fears.
  • The relationship with your romantic partner can become unstable if the partner is jealous of the time you devote to art. This can become an unresolved conflict. Try to be patient, and if that doesn't work, find someone who can accept you and your passion for art.
  • The worst kind of fame that will ruin your life is notoriety: the fame of an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a spoiled star.

What do you need

  • Paper / Canvas
  • Drawing tools