How to become more mindful

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Ways to Be More Mindful | daily mindfulness
Video: 13 Ways to Be More Mindful | daily mindfulness


Most people are sometimes faced with such situations when it is necessary to exercise increased attention. You may sit in a meeting and worry that you just won't make it through to the very end.You may need extra care for a long drive. Perhaps you have problems with nighttime sleeplessness, and during the day you have difficulty maintaining your ability to work. Regardless of the reason, there are quick ways to increase your mindfulness that will immediately allow you to feel a surge of fresh strength and energy to vigorously address all the challenges posed to you. If you need a longer-term effect in terms of increasing mindfulness, then you can start cultivating this quality in yourself, start eating right, and also make some simple changes in your own lifestyle.


Method 1 of 5: Ways to Increase Mindfulness Rapidly

  1. 1 Drink coffee, but not too much. Not surprisingly, coffee contains caffeine, which can increase alertness; however, overuse of caffeine can lead to lethargy and drowsiness. To increase your alertness without causing excessive anxiety or sleepiness, limit yourself to 2-3 cups of coffee a day.
    • People can react differently to caffeine, so if you are anxious, have indigestion, or you suspect that coffee is making you drowsy, reduce your intake.
    • Studies show that a safe dose of caffeine for a healthy adult is 400 mg per day, which is the equivalent of about 4 cups of coffee.
    • When drinking coffee, refrain from sugar, as it will quickly lead to feelings of weakness after the high sugar levels in the body subside.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause lethargy and decreased alertness, so drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated and alert to your surroundings.
    • If you feel less alert, try drinking 1-2 glasses of water right away.
    • Avoid sugary drinks such as soda, energy drinks, and sugary juices, which will quickly fizzle out soon after.
  3. 3 Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing slows down the heartbeat, normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation. This increases the body's energy capacity and mental focus, so you can become more alert. Try the exercise below, which you can do anywhere.
    • Sit up straight. Place one palm on your stomach just below your ribs. Place the other palm on your chest. Breathe in through your nose. You should feel your stomach pushing your hand forward. Try to make sure that your chest does not move. Then, imagine that you are whistling and exhale the air through your folded lips. Do ten repetitions of this exercise as needed.
  4. 4 Maintain correct posture. Perhaps your dance teacher was right when he talked about the importance of correct posture. Slouching and twisted postures can lead to fatigue and reduce alertness.
    • If you are sitting, make sure your shoulders are back, your eyes are looking straight ahead, and your butt is touching the back of the chair. Try not to lean forward over your desk or computer.
  5. 5 Try taking a nap for reassurance. If you feel very weak and extremely inattentive, try taking a nap for 10-20 minutes.
    • A short sleep will not affect your nighttime sleep pattern, and you yourself will wake up after it in a slightly more vigorous state.
    • If you have trouble falling asleep, try simply resting with your eyes closed for 10 minutes. Even so, you will be able to reap the same benefits of a nap.
  6. 6 Chew gum. Try chewing gum if you're having trouble paying attention. Several studies have shown that it can help you feel more alert and energized.
  7. 7 Put on the music and start singing along. If you are at home or driving and need to improve your mindfulness, turn on the music and start singing along.
    • Singing makes it necessary to control the breath, while providing a burst of energy.
    • This activity may not be appropriate in the workplace, so wait until you are in a place where you will not be complained about for the noise.
  8. 8 Inhale lemon essential oil. Essential oils are often used to improve health and mood, and lemon essential oil is one of those oils that enhance alertness and energize a person. Carry a bottle of lemon essential oil with you and simply inhale the scent when you need a quick boost.
    • Lemon essential oil can be found at a regular pharmacy or purchased online.
  9. 9 Enjoy watching a comedy. You probably already know that laughter can reduce stress, but it can also increase mindfulness.
    • When you need to pay attention, watch a funny video or hang out with a friend who makes you laugh regularly.
  10. 10 Try a cold shower. While a warm shower or bath has a relaxing effect, instead of increasing alertness, it can cause drowsiness and weakness. To prevent this from happening, opt for a 3-minute cold shower instead.
    • You will immediately feel more alert and alert.

Method 2 of 5: Exercise to Increase Mindfulness

  1. 1 Engage in aerobic exercise. During physical activity, blood circulation increases, the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases, and there is a surge of energy in all parts of the body, including the brain, thereby increasing alertness. According to the researchers, regular aerobic exercise such as walking, running, jogging and cycling can reverse cognitive decline.
  2. 2 Participate in team sports. If you have had a chance to observe how professional athletes go in for sports, you may have noticed their extreme concentration. While you are probably not as physically fit, you can also benefit from participating in team sports.
    • Team sports include volleyball, basketball, tennis and football, which are great for increasing alertness due to the fact that during the game you need to keep track of where your teammates and opponents are, where the ball is, where it flies.
    • If you're looking for less serious team ball games, try potato or dodgeball.
  3. 3 Try new types of physical activity. Try to resort to new physical activities that involve performing more complex movements, for example, rock climbing, gymnastics, martial arts, Pilates, ice skating, fencing. The very fact of having to learn and perform new actions will help strengthen the brain and improve memory, which should increase your alertness.
  4. 4 Spend 20 minutes a day outdoors. Just 20 minutes a day in the open air can give you vigor and energy.
    • Go for a walk or run in the park.
    • Do a physical workout in your yard or outside.
    • Walk in the woods and hiking trails on weekends.
  5. 5 Practice yoga. Yoga can tone your body, relieve anxiety, and improve concentration and alertness. Therefore, when you need to become more mindful, try yoga.
  6. 6 Train in the middle of the day. Studies have shown that exercise at lunchtime can increase alertness and give a person more energy than short naps.

Method 3 of 5: Using Food to Improve Concentration

  1. 1 Provide yourself with regular meals. If you don't eat regularly, you may have trouble keeping your focus and your overall mood may deteriorate. Eat healthy meals throughout the day, and remember to prepare snacks for yourself to take advantage of when you feel less alert.
    • Eating small meals or snacks every few hours will help you maintain your energy and mood.
    • Yogurt, nuts, fresh fruit, young carrots, peanut butter and whole grain cookies are all great ideas for a calorie-rich snack.
  2. 2 Choose foods that contain complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates and whole grains can help fuel the brain and improve alertness.
    • When you feel a lack of mindfulness, lean towards oats, whole grain breads and pasta, beans, lentils, and leafy vegetables.
    • Avoid sugary cookies, cakes, and other sugary foods as they won't provide you with a long-lasting energy boost.
  3. 3 Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant-rich food frees the body of free radicals that can destroy brain cells and impair alertness. Try the following foods, which are very high in antioxidants:
    • raspberries;
    • strawberries;
    • blueberries;
    • apples;
    • bananas;
    • leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale;
    • beans;
    • carrot;
    • tea (especially green).
  4. 4 Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain normal brain function, so eat foods such as fish and nuts to improve brain function and improve alertness.
  5. 5 Eat chocolate. In addition to caffeine, chocolate contains flavonoids that can enhance cognition and improve attention.
    • Dark or bitter chocolate contains more flavonoids than milk chocolate. You don't need to eat a huge chocolate bar whole to get the positive effect of eating chocolate, so don't overuse it.

Method 4 of 5: Making lifestyle changes to improve mindfulness

  1. 1 Get an adequate amount of sleep at night. Not getting enough or too much sleep at night can make you feel weak and alert. Doctors recommend sleeping 7-9 hours a night.
    • In order to constantly feel cheerful, it is very important to organize a regime for yourself. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  2. 2 Correct the room temperature. If the room is too cold or too hot, you may become drowsy and weak. For more vigilance, try raising or lowering the temperature in the room.
    • Research has shown that the optimal temperature for sleeping is 18.3 ° C, so adjusting the temperature a couple of degrees in either direction will help you wake up and become more focused.
    • If you are in a workplace that does not have heating or air conditioning, wear clothing that will keep you warm or cool and alert as needed, such as bringing an extra sweater or jacket with you.
  3. 3 Keep indoor plants in your home or office. Houseplants filter out harmful chemicals and allergens that can drain a person's energy and reduce their concentration. Try bringing a plant to your office or home to help fight sleepiness.
  4. 4 Provide sunlight in the room. Being in a dark room can cause a decrease in attention due to the fact that dusk interferes with the body's circadian rhythms. Part the curtains or curtains and let the sunlight come in.
    • If you live in a place where it is rarely sunny, or if it is currently dark outside, then turning on the lights can also help increase your mindfulness.
    • If you need to take part in a meeting and be more attentive, choose a seat for yourself close to a sunny window.
  5. 5 Consider taking vitamins and herbal supplements. While it is best to check with your doctor before taking any herbal or vitamin supplements on a regular basis, you can try the following remedies that are known for their alertness properties.
    • Lack of vitamin B-12 can lead to memory problems and loss of energy. The recommended dose for people 14 years and older is 2.4 mg per day. Many vitamin complexes contain vitamin B-12, so you can already get enough of this vitamin with them, unless you have been diagnosed with a serious vitamin B-12 deficiency.
    • According to some studies, ginseng can improve mood and energy in the body, which leads to increased alertness. There are no standard dosages for ginseng, so check with your doctor about the recommended dosage for ginseng. Only purchase ginseng from reputable pharmacies as it is an expensive product and some manufacturers use various filling supplements in their ginseng-based products.
    • Guarana is a caffeine-rich herb believed by some to help improve concentration. Consult your doctor for the correct dosage, however, in most cases, people take guarana at a dose of 200-800 mg per day. If you are already consuming a lot of caffeine, then using guarana should be used with caution, as you may have trouble sleeping.
    • In many pharmacies, you can find special biologically active supplements and vitamin complexes designed to increase vigor and alertness.
  6. 6 Avoid substances that reduce alertness. Drugs and alcohol slow down and dull a person's reactions, making them less alert. Avoid these substances if you need concentration, alertness, and total presence.
  7. 7 Seek medical advice from your doctor. If you are having serious trouble concentrating, then you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. You may have any health problems that lead to these symptoms, so it is very important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of the problem.

Method 5 of 5: Cultivating Mindfulness

  1. 1 Read regularly. While you may need to read emails and work reports regularly, you may forget to read regularly for your own pleasure. Reading implies an active and attentive person, so pick up a good book and start reading.
    • If you're trying to get yourself into the habit of reading more often, set yourself the goal of reading one new book a month or a few weeks first. Then you can gradually complicate your goals.
    • Joining a reading club also serves as a good foundation for developing a habit of reading more often. This will improve your thinking skills and attentiveness, as you will have to discuss the books you have read with your clubmates.
  2. 2 Play games. To have fun and be mindful at the same time, try playing games. Word spelling, chess, crossword puzzles, and Sudoku can help you begin to better retain the information you need and concentrate.
  3. 3 Create tasks for yourself that will keep you focused. Try to start imagining tasks for yourself that will force your brain to be attentive and focused. Here are some possible ideas.
    • Start counting objects such as stop signs on the road, cafes, or certain types of trees. This can be done on the way to work or school, while walking, driving a car or bicycle.
    • Watch the digital clock counting down the seconds. Periodically, the clock will skip a second, and your goal is to notice when this happens. To increase the difficulty of the task, include distractions in the environment, such as turning on the radio or television.
  4. 4 Start thinking quickly. When you find yourself feeling lethargic and losing focus, try to get your body out of this state with quick thinking. Below are a few ideas to get you started.
    • Increase your reading speed to improve alertness.
    • Start a conversation about a lively topic, such as politics.
    • Organize a meeting with fellow students or colleagues to come up with all sorts of ideas on a specific topic and enjoy the adrenaline rush of this activity.
    • Learn something new and interesting to improve your mindfulness.
  5. 5 Try self-discovery meditation. The practice of meditation can increase a person's concentration and attention. While there are many options for self-discovery meditations, the following is a handy quick meditation option to help you improve your concentration and mindfulness.
    • Find a quiet place that is as free of distractions as possible. Find a position that is comfortable for you, but try to remain mindful.
    • Take a slow breath, paying attention to the feelings that arise as you do so. Then exhale slowly, concentrating on how the air feels in the body.
    • It's okay to be distracted, but you should try to focus solely on your breathing. Paying attention to exactly when the brain starts reading distractions and distractions is an important step in training the body to be more mindful. When this happens, don't be discouraged. Just calmly return to tracking your own breathing.


  • Improve your mindfulness by solving crosswords, puzzles and Sudoku.
  • Run, walk, and bike regularly, as aerobic exercise has been shown to increase cognitive performance and can make you more alert.
  • While you may want to sit down on coffee to feel more attentive, you should always remember that too much caffeine can lead to a dramatic loss of energy, which can make you lose your clarity of thought and mindfulness. Despite the fact that people react differently to caffeine, experts recommend limiting yourself to 2-3 cups of coffee a day to increase alertness and avoid the negative side effects of caffeine.


  • If you have been suffering from weakness and distraction for a long time, it is a good idea to see your doctor to make sure your symptoms are not indicative of a medical condition.