How to become a rock star

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be A Rock Star | Adam Burns | TEDxYosemite
Video: How to Be A Rock Star | Adam Burns | TEDxYosemite


You watch MTV and before pop takes over the air again, suddenly you see a rock star appear for a few minutes. And you think to yourself: "I wish I could become a rock star!" This guide will help you on your way to becoming a star and hopefully your dreams will come true. This can be a great and fun journey, so take your time and have fun.


  1. 1 Learn to play a musical instrument or take vocal lessons. There is a huge selection of instruments, starting with the most popular ones such as guitar and drums. Playing bass can also be quite rewarding. If you are planning to start an alternative rock band, you can try piano or turntables.
  2. 2 Get a group together. Seriously, if you don't plan on being a solo artist, get a band. Find people who can really sing or play an instrument.Even if you want to perform solo, you still need people for the backing and music. ...
  3. 3 Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again! Don't stop believing in yourself. If you lose faith in your own strength, you will never achieve anything. At times you may feel like your talent has run out, but all you need to do is take a break and come back later to try again. Dream about who you want to be. Imagine yourself performing your own song on Rock am Ring in front of your fans.
  4. 4 Constantly write the music you like. This is the key to success. Practice leads to the ideal.
  5. 5 After you have memorized the lyrics / sheet music, write down some of your compositions. A CD of your compositions is a good idea.
  6. 6 Let your closest friends listen and rate your music.
  7. 7 After making adjustments, let a group of people listen to your music. Track their facial expressions. If you see confusion and head shaking, you should work on your pieces a little more.
  8. 8 Let's give concerts. This is a difficult stage, but it is necessary in order to gain experience of performing live. This is the most key part. The point is to do as many shows as possible. Continuously visit and call all possible pubs in order to give as many concerts as possible. Also, playing day after day in front of a huge audience will skyrocket your live performance skills.
  9. 9 Distribute your funds wisely and do not quit your permanent job. Or find a part-time job. And so, the process has begun.
  10. 10 Create a website for the band / artist, fill it with photos, schedule your performances, indicate places where you have already given concerts in order to attract new employers.
  11. 11 Give out CDs of your music to everyone you know, meet, or even strangers. This can help you gain more fans and / or get a record deal.
  12. 12 Record a video of your band playing and upload it to Youtube. Make sure the video is “cool” and will appeal to a large number of people.
  13. 13 Ask your friends to recommend your music to as many people as possible; here the "snowball" effect will work and your fan base will increase.
  14. 14 Never give up, even if there is no visible progress. This is not a reason to quit. Because then you will be a weakling, and rock stars cannot be weak because weaklings do not rule.
  15. 15 Love what you do: first of all, you need to love what you do, especially when it comes to a career. Never forget the original reason that prompted you to become a rock star.
  16. 16 Develop your own style. Each genre has directions. Rock is one genre whose boundaries are expanded by performers through their own feelings, sounds, shapes and more. Copying other stars is not cool. Don't worry if your music is different from any generally accepted type of song. It's better to stand out than to be like someone.


  • Being a rock star isn't just about wearing leather pants and hanging out all night. It's about making music for the sake of what you believe.
  • Never give up if people don't like your music. Instead, present them with something that they like, and at the same time convey your feelings.
  • Any rock star goes through a lot of setbacks. The only thing that sets them apart from other people is that they never give up.
  • Never consider yourself too old or young for music. She has no age limit.
  • Please be patient! This will take a long time.
  • Make a simple website to promote your group. Upload a video of the performances there.
  • Remember, nothing happens right away; you need to rehearse a lot to get on the charts.
  • Spend most of your time writing songs as you can achieve more as a good writer than a good performer.
  • It is much more difficult to achieve success as a group than it is to become an individual performer; you have to be self-sufficient as a vocalist without the need for a band.
  • As you write songs, try to focus not on the speed of execution, but on the quality of the result.


  • Don't start playing just to become a rock star. If you are not so fond of music that you are ready to play somewhere for free, just by sharing it with others, then give up this idea and become, for example, a band assistant.
  • Know your limits: take care of yourself, don't work 24/7, get enough sleep, take breaks and don't drain your body.
  • Don't stop playing even if your attempt to become a rock star is unsuccessful. Music can still fill your spare time, and if you keep trying, sooner or later you will be noticed.
  • Being a rock star does NOT mean taking drugs. Yes, some of the great rock artists have used drugs many times. But just because they did it doesn’t mean that 1) you should do the same, and 2) you’ll be making amazing music while high.

What do you need

  • Spectators. Even a little pandemonium can make your dream come true. If there are not many people, don't worry. Excitement causes stress and ruins the quality of the performance, which can lead to failure. Just remember, it doesn't matter if you have one or two people or a crowd in front of you, you have to give your best and have fun.