How to become a male model

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become a Male Model | Steps & Requirements 2019 | Vlogmas #1
Video: How to Become a Male Model | Steps & Requirements 2019 | Vlogmas #1


Being a male model doesn't mean having free access to all the best parties in town. Male models work hard, give a lot of time, and don't always get a lot of benefits. But despite this, it is a little easier for men to get into the modeling business than women, because male models do not always have to meet such tough physical requirements as women.They can work as a model for many years - among them there are those who are over fifty. If you want to become a model, learn how to get noticed, sign a contract with an agent, and stay in good shape, both physically and mentally.


Part 1 of 3: Get noticed

  1. 1 Know that you must meet the standards of the modeling industry. Although the requirements for the appearance of male models are a little more relaxed than for female models, there are still some general standards that you need to approach if you want to become a model. However, if you do not meet these standards, then do not be too upset - if you are really beautiful, then you can find a job, even if you are below average height, or your weight is slightly more than necessary for a male model. Here are a few things to look out for before deciding whether or not you should really be a model:
    • Height must be between 180 cm and 190 cm.
    • Unlike female models, who are mostly unemployed at the age of 25, male models can find work at 50.
    • Men between the ages of 15 and 25 fall into the "young" category.
    • Men between 25 and 35 are considered "adults".
    • Typical weight for male models is 63 to 75 kg, but this also depends on your BMI.
    • Clothing size - from 50 to 52 (Russian size).
    • As a rule, there are no men in the modeling business with excessive hair on their chest and arms. Get ready to epilate before starting your career.
  2. 2 Choose for yourself in which area you want to work as a model. Your choices can affect the way you look for a job, your portfolio, and how you start your career. For example, the standards for models who perform on the catwalks differ from the standards for models for catalogs, which are more realistic about men. Consider the following areas:
    • work in fashion photography and clothing advertising;
    • work with famous fashion houses and designers;
    • work only for certain editions;
    • work on the catwalk at fashion shows;
    • work as a fashion model for showing clothes at parties or in boutiques;
    • work for magazines, newspapers, billboards and other types of print advertising;
    • work for showing clothes in catalogs;
    • work as a promo model at conventions or exhibitions;
    • work for models specializing in a specific part of their body, such as arms, legs, neck, hair or feet;
    • work for "characteristic" models depicting ordinary people;
    • work for "glamorous" models, when the focus of the shooting is more of a model than an advertised product.
  3. 3 Get attention. You can skip this step and try to sign a contract with an agent right away, however, it is still better to gain experience first. So you will have something to show the agencies. Try to get into advertisements in local newspapers, TV shows, magazines, or even fashion shows. This way you can get the attention of the right people without even going directly to the agents.
    • However, this does not mean that you need to grab onto any job. Remember that your task is to make yourself an image, to preserve your image, so do not participate in what is below your dignity, is done unprofessionally or does not give the necessary representation of you as a model.
    • Not undress for photos beyond your underwear, unless you get paid to do so. If you are told that you have to film naked for free, then run away from these people like the plague. Do not take nude photos unless it is a project from a professional, reputable company that pays for your work. Otherwise, who knows where your photos will end up.
  4. 4 Take some professional photos. Yes, you will have the opportunity to build your portfolio after signing a contract with the agency, but take some professional photos in advance.With them, you will look more professional and you will have something to show if you come to the attention of a representative of the modeling industry. Don't trust a cheap camera photographer who only has experience shooting for school scrapbooks. Ask a professional above average to look your best in photos.
    • Before working with a photographer, sign a model agreement with him. This agreement will serve as a guarantee that your photos will not be used without your knowledge.
    • Don't waste time with a photographer who specializes in portraits. You want model photos, not university site photos.
    • Include a standard face close-up photo and some full-length photos in your portfolio.
    • People in need of your services will probably want to know what your body looks like. So include a full-length photo in your portfolio in shorts or underpants and a tank top.
    • Include an additional photo in informal attire as well as a photo in a business suit.
    • Order black and white and color photographs.
  5. 5 Avoid scammers. Unfortunately, scammers are increasingly common in modeling agencies. You can be fooled at almost every turn, from an expensive photo session with a suspicious photographer or signing a contract with an agent with a dubious reputation. Here's what and who to avoid:
    • Photographers who charge exorbitant prices for your portfolio. Once you sign a contract with an agency, you can safely continue to shape and supplement it, so avoid pushy photographers who offer to make you a portfolio for thousands, claiming that this is the only way for you to find an agent.
    • Agencies that demand exorbitant advances. If the agent demands to pay him a large entrance fee, then run as far away from him as possible. Agents earn only when they find a job for a model and receive a part of the profit for this. Unreliable agencies tend to have a small clientele, neither the reputation nor the connections needed to find you a job.
    • Expensive model schools. Keep in mind that there are no model schools that issue certificates. Of course, they can help you learn to walk, pose and control facial expressions, but these skills can be learned on the Internet or by reading special books. Teachers at these schools may claim to help you find an agent, but don't let them fool you unless they really can prove they've helped other models get hired.
    • People from nowhere. People come up to models, especially beginners, at events, or even in nightclubs and offer to help with finding agencies. Unfortunately, this is very often done by scammers who try to take advantage of you by flattering your ego. If such a person asks to pay for his services in a suspicious way, then this is a clear sign that the conversation with him needs to be stopped. Of course, if these people can prove that they have real connections, then you are just in luck.
    • People who offer you money online for your personal information. Avoid any internet sites where people might offer you money in exchange for your credit card number and other personal information. This will make you an easy target for identity thieves.
  6. 6 Consider moving to a big city. If you are really serious about becoming a model, then you cannot live in a city with two traffic lights. You must move to Moscow, St. Petersburg, New York, Los Angeles, London, Milan or Paris. If you suddenly cannot afford the move, try contacting agencies directly from home (more on this below).

Part 2 of 3: Sign a contract with an agent

  1. 1 Take part in an open live casting. Model agencies invite anyone to a live casting. You will have to queue up with many other models until you are called to the room where you will meet with the agents.It may happen that you have to wait several hours, and all in order to be looked at for one minute, if not less. Most likely, you will have to be nervous more than once, but ... you know what you are going for.
  2. 2 Go to a local casting. Instead of conducting open casting, the agency sends its scouts to other cities to find models. Since they incur some costs, you will have to pay a small amount to participate. This is a great option if you live in a small town where you have fewer opportunities to become a model. The odds are low that you will be chosen, but you may be able to make some valuable contacts.
  3. 3 Take part in a modeling contest. It is difficult to win there, but if you succeed, then the victory will only benefit your career. Make sure it's a decent competition run by an organization you can trust and that you don't have to pay crazy money to enter. It is possible that if you win, you will receive a contract. Even if you do not win, you will take another opportunity to show yourself.
    • Review the requirements for entering the competition. It is likely that you will need to bring a portfolio of photographs with you.
  4. 4 Attend modeling conferences. They will give you the perfect opportunity to show off and meet other professional models and agents. Unfortunately, participation in them is a rather expensive pleasure (from 15 to 300 thousand rubles), so if you get there, then make the most of your chance to meet as many people you want as possible.
  5. 5 Do it yourself. Another way to get a contract with an agency is to contact them yourself. Search the Internet for well-known modeling agencies such as Modus VivendiS or Renaissance (Moscow modeling agencies). Email them with your professional photos from different angles.
  6. 6 Sign a contract with a scouting agency. This is a good and relatively cheap way to outsource the search for agencies to scouts. Find a reputable company and pay them the amount you need to help you find a job. You will need to present your portfolio to them so that they have something to show to the agency representatives.
  7. 7 Sign a contract with an agent. After going through fire, water and copper pipes and finding an agent that you suit and that suits you, you need to sign a contract with him. Make sure the agent is not asking for money up front. An agent makes money by making money for you. And even if the agent is quite credible, sign the contract in the presence of a third trusted person who will check that everything is fair.
    • When you talk to an agent, ask about trade unions and other associations that you can join, and also find out if you can work as a model on the side.
    • If you've signed with one of the best agents and you have a chance to make some serious money, it might be worth hiring an accountant to discuss how you will track your earnings.

Part 3 of 3: The Life of a Male Model

  1. 1 Start looking for a job. Once you have signed a contract, you will develop your portfolio that will help you get the job done. The agency will send you for interview views. Be professional at them and don't be discouraged if you don't get the job right away.
    • Agency can not guarantee you a job, but a good agent will not sign a contract with you if he is not sure that you have every chance of finding one.
    • Be persistent. You won't get a contract with Calvin Klein on your first screening, no matter what they tell you.
  2. 2 Behave like a pro. It doesn't matter if you've reached the top or just getting started, you probably don't want to be remembered as ungrateful, rude, or even everlastingly late.If you want to build a successful career in modeling, here are some tips you should follow to meet the standards of your profession (as well as any other):
    • Always be on time.
    • Be polite and professional with everyone you communicate with.
    • Talk to your dietitian to help you put together a balanced diet, and hire a trainer to work out the exercises for you for optimal muscle tone.
    • Monitor your appearance and skin carefully.
    • Go home early if you have to work the next day. You should get enough sleep to avoid dark circles under your eyes and look refreshed and healthy.
  3. 3 Don't quit your main job. You may have heard stories of male models having fun on yachts and spending their nights in Las Vegas bars. However, the truth is that it is impossible to achieve recognition in an instant: in order to sign a contract with you, you will have to work long and hard. If you are not one of the lucky few who make a decent income from your modeling job, keep your main job or find another source of income to keep you afloat.
    • If your primary job is taking too long, find another source of income that works for you. Many male models work part-time as waiters or bartenders.
  4. 4 Monitor your physical and mental health. Although men in the modeling business are slightly less stressed than women, they fall prey to the same problems - low self-esteem, neuroses, or worse, eating disorders. A male model must monitor his health in all aspects, and this is what is needed for this:
    • Eat right, play sports, convince yourself that you are a worthy person. Don't let your new lifestyle change you for the worse.
    • Frequent refusals are part of the game, and if you're already self-flagellating and insecure, then modeling is probably not for you.
    • As a male model, you will most likely need to go to parties and interact with a lot of people. Stay away from drugs or alcohol. Addiction breaks people mentally and physically, as well as destroys their careers.


  • To protect yourself when working with an agency, draw up any contracts in writing. Read all points carefully and try to understand them completely before signing.
  • In order not to fall into the clutches of scammers, avoid modeling agencies that ask you to pay in advance, take money for lessons, insist that you be photographed by a specific photographer, require payment for makeup or other services, but at the same time write in ads that the model can be photographed with them for free.