Ways to Treat tooth abscesses

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Dentist Explains a Tooth Abscess | How to Cure an Abscess Tooth
Video: Dentist Explains a Tooth Abscess | How to Cure an Abscess Tooth


A tooth abscess is an infection caused by untreated cavities or gum disease or a serious tooth injury (such as a broken tooth) that affects the pulp. As a result, you will develop a painful, pus-filled infection that requires immediate medical treatment to prevent the risk of tooth fractures, infection spreading to adjacent teeth, even the facial bones or sinuses. If you feel comfortable 1-2 days before your dental visit, you can use the home remedies below to ease the discomfort of tooth abscesses.


Method 1 of 2: Waiting for medical treatment

  1. Make an appointment with your dentist. If you suspect that you have an abscess, you should make an appointment to see your dentist immediately. Symptoms of a tooth abscess to look out for are fever, pain while chewing, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, bad breath, swollen gums in the neck, redness and swelling of the gums or sore face, and discharge of pus.
    • A tooth abscess is not always painful. A serious tooth infection can even erode the inner root canal and cause you to lose all feeling, but this doesn't mean it's okay. The infection persists and can cause more serious damage if left untreated.
    • Depending on the type of bacteria that cause the infection and the immune system, an abscess can even cause a deformed face due to pus constantly accumulating in the tissue.

  2. Gargle with warm salt water. You should rinse your mouth after eating so that food crumbs don't further irritate the abscessed tooth. This also provides temporary relief of pain in the affected tooth area.
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g) with 1 cup (250 ml) of warm (not hot) water, use the salt water to rinse your mouth, then spit it out and repeat.
    • Remember, a salt water rinse won't cure your tooth abscess, even if it feels better. You still need to see the dentist because the symptoms can get worse because an anaerobic infection spreads very quickly.

  3. Use over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce fever and pain. Medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), naproxen (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) can help relieve a toothache while you can't see the dentist.
    • You need to take your medicine exactly as directed, even if this does not completely relieve your toothache.
    • Note that these drugs can also reduce fever, so the fever due to infection is overwhelmed. When using these medications, watch out for other symptoms that signal the infection is getting worse.

  4. Go to the emergency room if symptoms are severe. The infection can spread quickly and affect other teeth, even the entire body. You should go to the emergency room right away if you experience symptoms such as enlarged and noticeable swelling in the abscessed tooth, jaw or face, swelling spreading all over the face or down the neck, discoloration, fever, dizziness, lack of energy, confusion. visual disturbances, chills, nausea, vomiting, and pain are increasingly severe and can not be tolerated even with over-the-counter pain relievers. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Medical treatment

  1. Visit the dentist to be examined and drained pus. The dentist may inject an anesthetic around the area of ​​the abscess, make a small incision, and then drain all the pus out. After that, your dentist may need to do more research to find other methods to help you treat your tooth abscess.
    • Note that in some cases anesthesia is not necessary as the patient may not feel any pain at all. Sometimes pus can escape through a small hole in the gum called a fistula.
  2. Root canal extraction. Your dentist can remove the pulp for you or ask a root canal specialist for help. During the extraction of the pulp, the dentist can drill and remove the infected pulp, disinfect the entire canal, fill the inner part of the tooth and seal the tooth with fillings, ceramic fillings, or crowns. in locations where there is not enough tooth material. Teeth that have gone through this process and the right care can remain intact for a lifetime.
  3. Tooth extraction. For those cases where the pulp cannot be removed, the dentist can perform an extraction. The simple extraction process only takes a few minutes. The dentist will numb the affected area with local anesthesia, then cut the gum tissue around the teeth. Then, the dentist uses tongs to hold the tooth and pushes it back and forth to loosen the tooth before pulling it out.
    • You should be sure to take proper care of the drive after a tooth abscess. Your dentist will give you detailed care instructions and you should follow all of them properly. The guidelines for dental care are: use a hemostatic gauze on the first day, keep the blood clot at the socket, and clean the teeth while restoring the drive.
    • See your dentist right away if you experience problems such as bleeding that won't stop, pain that doesn't go away, or that returns after days.
  4. Take a prescription antibiotic. Antibiotics are an important and necessary part of the treatment of abscesses, to ensure complete cure of the infection and not to recur. Antibiotics also help prevent severe pain, such as pain from dry tooth drive.
  5. Remember, a tooth abscess is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Correct treatment is of utmost importance. If you don't have dental insurance, try to find a free or discounted dental clinic near you. And remember that any dentist must be able to have a simple tooth extraction that costs less than $ 100 (in the US).
    • If the abscess is visible, which means you can see and touch the bumps in the gums near the tooth abscess, the dentist cannot immediately perform the extraction. You will need to take antibiotics for at least the first 2 days to reduce your risk of sepsis.
    • Get to the emergency room right away if you show signs of a serious infection. The doctor in the hospital cannot treat the teeth but can treat the infection, even if you are not covered.