How to Become a Skateboarding Master

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Things Every Beginner Should Know How To Do Well
Video: 10 Things Every Beginner Should Know How To Do Well


If you are already familiar with the basics of skateboarding, but cannot perform the incredible tricks that you saw on TV or on the Internet, don't despair. By working to eliminate your fear and by doing long and hard training, you will very soon become a skateboarding master.


  1. 1 Do not be afraid. This is the most important thing in skateboarding. If you are afraid, then you cannot perform the trick. Moreover, with full dedication, you can easily do the trick the first time. So drop your fear. How? Well, for starters, when you get down to doing the trick, come up with a word or phrase that will help you put your fear aside. It can be "Be strong!", "What is so difficult in this trick?", "Be a man!" or "Do it!" They will help you a lot.
  2. 2 Don't stop there. You will very quickly get tired of doing the same thing every day: ride, ride on a ramp or a small board in the garage, or even up the stairs next to your house. Go outside and try new places. Ask your friends or even your parents to take you and your friends to various parks and skateboarding spots. This way you will learn how to ride different things.
  3. 3 Don't be limited to skateparks. Most skateparks do not have good obstacles and you will be very lucky if you find a row of stairs in the park. Instead, look for places near supermarkets and schools.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to hurt yourself. It doesn't matter if you hurt yourself a lot while trying to do something cool. Then you can get up and try this trick again. If you break your leg while skateboarding, your friends will respect you for it. Every bruise makes you stronger.
  5. 5 Always carry a skateboard with you. You never know when you might get bored or when you’ll find a good place. Better to be safe.
  6. 6 Ask a friend to film you as you go skating and try your best. And if you fall, get up and try again until you succeed.
  7. 7 If you're sure you can do the trick, do it. Stop thinking about things like "What if I fall and get hurt?" or "What if I break my skate?" Chances are good that you won't hurt yourself much, and your skate will break (someday), so just forget about it. Just tell yourself "I'll do it"! And in general, why are they afraid of pain? It only lasts a few seconds and then fades away.


  • Never give up.
  • Be creative. Is there no way to jump over the grass? Place a springboard.Are there cracks on the sidewalk that you can't move through? Lay some wooden planks. Can't handle the ledge? Rub it with wax.
  • Do not be afraid!
  • Concentrate on doing the trick. It's like riding a bike, at first you will fall, but then before you know it, you will ride like a pro.
  • Learn new tricks. There is nothing better than learning to do a triple 360 ​​degree rotation in high school.
  • Do not intentionally break boards. The cheapest board costs about 1100 rubles, so don't waste it.
  • Don't be afraid of stairs. Riding on them is not as difficult as it might seem.


  • When a doctor tells you not to ride for a month and a half, it doesn't mean a month and one week. The doctor is not a fool, so you should listen to him.
  • Security and staff. They will get angry if you ride on their property or on the property they are guarding and may even call the police.