How to become the best

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become the Best at What You Do | David Goggins | Motivational Video
Video: How to Become the Best at What You Do | David Goggins | Motivational Video


Mediocrity is a terrible form of existence. Why settle for just good when it can be damn good and the world can stop gawking at your skills? It is not clear exactly. While it takes a lot of time, determination and practice to get better, it's an unprecedented feeling. Below are tips on how to become the best right now.


Part 1 of 3: Entering the Zone

  1. 1 Know yourself. The fact remains that you will always be yourself. Always. When this is not the case, the person will simply disappear and return to himself again. You will be the person you will work on, in other words - recognize yourself! You will be more comfortable in your own skin, you will be a good person, a best friend, a best boyfriend / girlfriend, a better employee, simply the best. You will be less stressed and you will be more confident. You will know what you are working with and how. Already sold?
    • Know that you are not your brand or what people think of you. It has nothing to do with anything. You will not be happy if you create an image that serves the world around you and not you. If you became the best lyric soprano in Vienna, would it matter if you wanted to be the next John Lennon? No. So don't please anyone. Find yourself and work on it.
  2. 2 Be original. There is no one better than you. Thus, you are the best there is. But if you are trying to be someone or something, there is no logic in it. You become a second-rate copy of what you are trying to imitate. Regardless of who you are (or think you are), make time for yourself. These are the cards that you have to deal with. You won't win if you don't play.
    • You don't have to reinvent the wheel to be the best. You shouldn't copy others. You have to do new, innovative things. You must study biology if you want to become a scientist. You have to be yourself in order not to be someone else. This is clear?
  3. 3 Start thinking positively. For the rest of your life, you will be a big obstacle. For this reason, you will not approach that sexy girl / guy, for this reason you will not ask for a raise and for this reason you will not do something or you will not succeed. Think positively as you open the door to have as many opportunities as possible. When you think you are capable of something, try to do it. If you think of life as shooting at a target, grab a gun and shoot. If you don't hit, you put the gun down, walk away, go to bed and cover your head with a blanket. Nobody ever gets the best by doing this.
    • If positive thinking doesn't come naturally to you, make it your starting point. Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say out loud, "I'm fucking awesome! Everything will be great today, and I'll get even closer to my goal." And when negative thoughts begin to creep up, crush them. You choose your thoughts and you know about it.
  4. 4 Be gambling. You are going to be the best at what you want to be the best. IF YOU CANNOT COME FROM THIS, WHAT CAN YOU AT ALL? Exactly.So find yourself a hobby! Start thinking with exclamation points! When you're excited, amazing things happen. You are filled with inspiration, creativity and drive. You are practically torn at the seams of your capabilities.
    • So much success in real life depends on your desire to achieve it. Think back to the days when you got top marks on your English teacher's crappy project just because the rest of the class was even worse? You became complacent and stopped worrying. You have lost your excitement. It's not like that in life. You have to stay excited to do work that really deserves top marks. The real world is full of fiery speeches from alumni and rogues who want the top grade too.
  5. 5 Be open and flexible. There is no definite path to greatness. You can't say, "I'm going to go to school, get a job, fall madly in love, buy a house, raise a few kids, and live happily ever after." For most of us, this will definitely not work. If you want to be the best at something, you must understand that there is a whole network of possibilities before you. If you close your mind, you cannot see the most direct path to your goal.
  6. 6 Be competitive. Unless you have the rush to be the best, this will never happen. And that's part of having a better vehicle for your thirst for competition. How else can you know that you are the best if you are not comparing yourself to your peers? Compare yourself to your peers and beat them.
    • If you do not like competitions, contests, races and sour news, this attitude will have to be changed. And the only way to do this is by total immersion. Once you win a few of them, they will gradually scare you less and less. And after a dozen you will feel like a fish in water.
      • Do not overdo it. If you are the friend who turns everything into competition, you will soon find yourself without friends. Save contests for the skills you are actually trying to master, not for life in general.

Part 2 of 3: Unleash Your Potential

  1. 1 Choose something that you love. In case you are not in the know, you cannot be the best at everything. Even if you are the best person on Earth, you cannot, by definition, be the best, such as winning and losing. Thus, instead of breaking yourself into thin lines, choose what is closer to you. What's the most ridiculously surprising thing that comes to mind first? Disagreements will surface in your head in about 3 seconds.
    • Remember to be realistic. Don't try to climb Everest if you don't have a leg. While your mom was kind of right when she said, "You can be whatever you pay attention to," she sweetened the pill a little - "... if you can." Just remember this.
  2. 2 Find a mentor. Even the best ones need some guidance. A child will not learn to walk, talk and play until shown. People around you are needed to help you grow. So, if you want to be the best, find someone who will help you with this. He doesn't have to be the best, but he must be better than you. At least for the moment. It is always easier to grasp something when you are shown it by example, instead of learning it yourself.
    • When Bobby Fischer was 3, he didn't find an advanced chess book and didn't take notes. He was given chess and shown how to play. He worked with competitors to improve his game. He worked with friends to develop a strategy. He studied with the greats of the chess world. Two heads are better than one, remember?
  3. 3 Get uncomfortable. Do you know what's scary? Attempt. Do you know what's even scarier? Trying to do something new where you might fail. And that will be for the rest of your life. To climb to the top, participate in everything that scares you. This will make you uncomfortable.But when you are uncomfortable, you know that you are putting yourself at risk, taking on challenges, and improving. If it's easy for you, you won't go anywhere.
    • Henry Ford had two unsuccessful companies before he succeeded; Steve Jobs had a ton of things under his belt before he really succeeded. There will be trials and tribulations, there will be failures, there will be times when you are not sure of yourself. You have to go through this anyway.
  4. 4 Make up your mind. Wanting to be the best is good, but it's not enough. You must make up your mind. Decide what you want to do next. There are no two ways for this. If you have a plan B, you can use it. What can Plan B do? Be slightly above average? No thanks.
    • Being the best is just the way to be. It’s not an idea, it’s not a goal, it’s just a way to be. You just are. You do it. Done and done. Accept this. There should be no hesitation or apprehensive behavior here. Deal with it. You have decided so. Bang, thanks ma'am. It's just a matter of time.
  5. 5 Come up with ideas. Do you know the thing you love? Well, how are you going to do it? Since you are knowledgeable, there are dozens of ways to do this. Start brainstorming. Come up with six things that will motivate you to be incredible along the way. Six things you will master along the way.
    • If you have six, pick one. Do it today. Let's say you want to be a famous actress? Your six things are to go to acting classes, reach out to an old friend who did it, contact your local theater / agency, budget to save money for travel, plan a new workout regimen, and view emails for your area. How easy is it to do one of these things? Once you've made one, replace it. There should always be six items on your list.
  6. 6 Balance yourself. If you spend 14 hours in the basement doing genetic engineering, eating only Mivina and drinking Coca-Cola, don't throw mud on yourself or pull your hair out, but you are no better than who you can be. Make sure other aspects of your life grab your attention too. Ideally, you want to be the best at everything, right? So, looking from the outside, act in parts, be parts and feel in parts. In other words, take care of yourself.
    • It's hard to be the best when we're not feeling better. So take a shower, watch your hair, put on some clothes that say, "Here I am, world!" and get started by being fantastic. Start exercising, eating right, and sleeping well at night.

Part 3 of 3: Achieving this Goal

  1. 1 Practice. In Malcolm Gladwell's book Emissions, he talks about the 10,000 watch principle. What you are trying to be the best at will only become so after you have done it for 10,000 hours. He talks about The Beatles being mediocre until they plowed 10,000 hours in German pubs. He talks about how Bill Gates has spent more nights in the computer lab over the years than anyone could possibly imagine. To really be great, you need to spend time on it.
    • It's a boring way to say "be patient". You won't be the next Paul McCartney or Bill Gates overnight. Even they couldn't! You're going to spend 1000 hours being pretty awful, 3000 hours being okay, 4000 hours being pretty darn good and the last 1999 hours being super, until you finally realize your own superiority. Then you will know - you don't need more time.
  2. 2 Learn by doing. You've probably studied a foreign language. You've probably read the tutorials, did the exercises, watched videos, and so on ad infinitum. It will help you get started, get off the ground, but over time, you will lose momentum. If you want to speak this language fluently, you need to move to this country. Then you actually do it.It's just like any big idea. You cannot watch the video. You cannot just watch. You cannot study it for years in a row until you have a piece of paper. You should go there and to do this.
    • The next time someone offers you an opportunity and you're not sure if you should accept their offer, don't listen to yourself and just do it. It doesn't matter if you are ready, unsure, or in doubt about your abilities. Do it anyway. Turn on your inner voice; it does more harm than good.
    • Get what you can. Do you want to be an astronomer? Don't just read books. Go to the planetarium and stay there until you are asked to leave, and then do it every day until they recognize you by name and give you a turn from the gate. Bother your professor until he gets a special telescope just for you. Just take action. Search.
  3. 3 Donate. Okay, here's a fact of life for you: you don't have enough time to get your piece of the pie and eat it. If you want to take tests for Category A, and your organic tests only pass for Category C, you can't go missing every night at a bar with friends. You will have to prioritize. You will have to skip some of the things you want to do so that there is time for the things you need to do. You will have to spend hours building up your skills, which you cannot do if you do something else.
    • There may come a time when, instead of playing sports, you will need to catch a part-time job. There will be a weekend in the library. There will be times when you won't be able to hang out with a hot girl / boy, even if it's the only night he / she is in town. These things have to happen in order for you to become as good as you can. You should think as if you are doing yourself a favor. Your future is on its own, but still not on its own.
  4. 4 Make a mistake. Make terrible, terrible, ugly mistakes. Make people hate you. Do something to make people think you are crazy. If you fail so often, you will know exactly what not to do. Be proud of it.
    • The only way to avoid criticism and failure is to do nothing. If you have created a goal for yourself, then you are doing something. You live. Thus, shortcomings are good, natural and right. Everything else is narrowing and downward-pulling strategies. If you have 10 possibilities and you know 9 of them don't work, what do you think?
  5. 5 Practice introspection. At the end of the day, it is very important to review what you have done. What happened? What haven't you done? Where could you have achieved the best result? What are you happy about and what are you not very happy about? If you don't take a step back to think about these things, think about where you are, you will never know where to go or how to get there.
    • While it is important to analyze your successes (how can you recreate them?), It is doubly important to analyze your failures. This can be frustrating and demotivating to the extreme, but it must be done. Don't let this hold you back! Remember, even failure is progress. Be the best at fine-tuning your skills.
  6. 6 Use other people to your advantage. You don't live in a vacuum. There are dozens of people around you who want to help. This is a bank for help. Everyone around you knows something that you do not know. Because of this, all of them can help you, even in some scanty way. Use their knowledge to move forward on the fast track to becoming the best. Our strength is in numbers.
    • No one has ever achieved anything without the help of other people. Not only will you avoid their mistakes, but they can tell you how they have tried and failed. When you use your heads together, you automatically stop working piece by piece.Being the best doesn't mean being all alone. It means being the best with those with whom (what) you have to work with.
  7. 7 Continue straight ahead on the course. “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll just get run over if you stay put,” is a quote attributed to Will Rogers. This is a very deep and truthful quote. To be the best you need to progress. Practice constantly. Introspect regularly. Work as a team all the time. Constantly define yourself.
    • If you do what you love, you will be happy. You will know that you are on the right track. If you keep learning and challenging yourself, you will know that you are making progress. With the passage of time and effort, you will hold on better and better. Failures happen, failures can be ruinous, but at the end of the day, you'll still be pretty darn good.
    • When you get to 10,000 hours, that doesn't mean you can stop! Did Steve Jobs stop when he created the iPod? No! He didn't stop. Anyway, your best work will come after the 10,000 hour mark. Want not to see what you are really capable of?
  8. 8 Be humble. When you become the best of the best, it is very easy to look down on the plebeians below you. You can become out of touch and, a real donkey. Do not do this! Think of all the people who helped you get where you are now. How would you like them to treat you?
    • When it comes to most things, there will always be someone better than you. By that time, you will be better than them, so there will be someone else in the picture. And if you are better than them at something, there is something else where they get their piece of the pie from. Remember this. It is how you treat those below you, what determines your character, not your equality.