How to become an adventurer

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What It Takes to Be an Adventurer  | National Geographic
Video: What It Takes to Be an Adventurer | National Geographic


A childhood dream of adventure can put a person on a snowboard, put him in a balloon basket, or make him pick up a paddle and go down a mountain river. Do you think it is possible to become an adventurer in our age, when the world has already been explored inside and out? Can adventure be turned into work? This article will guide you on how to make your adventure dream come true!


Method 1 of 3: Part 1 of 3: Finding an Adventure for Yourself

  1. 1 Decide what you want. An adventurer is someone who is looking for unusual situations for themselves. If you want to make a career in this field, then you will have to clearly determine the plans, methods, methods and means of achieving the goal.
    • If you dream of discovering a new species of frog in the Amazon, then there is no point in learning to climb rocks. Choose what you like.
  2. 2 Consider outdoor adventures. Remember, didn't you have to be dragged home from the street? Don't you love nature? Do you get out into the fresh air whenever you get the chance?
    • If the thought of wandering in the mountains fills you with calmness and not panic, then it makes sense to think about areas such as protecting endangered animals, eco-tourism, etc.
  3. 3 Count your scars. Are you a daredevil tree conqueror? Mr. Eternally Skinned Knees? Always on the move, do you think it is torture to finish the lesson to the end? Does the very thought of office work at the computer drive you into inexplicable, panic horror? Aren't you afraid to quickly maneuver your bike in a busy traffic? Are you relaxing on weekends by scuba diving?
    • If this is all about you, then extreme sports, area exploration, etc. will suit you.
  4. 4 Cultural discoveries. New music, new food and new countries delight you? Are you interested in history? Or have you always dreamed of learning Japanese, seeing Siberia from the train window, or spending the day with a bottle of wine and a round of goat cheese?
    • Your adventures can be archaeological expeditions or the work of a journalist. If you have a passion for research, consider options such as anthropology and sociology.
  5. 5 Consider helping people. Didn't you drag all the dispossessed and wounded animals from the street into the house? Haven't you always helped disadvantaged people? Is it not you that the very concept of "poverty" fills you with a feeling of the terrible injustice of life? Do you want to help the world, bring what you can to the treasure of the common cause, make the world a better place?
    • If so, then you are on a philanthropic path. Consider if you should start studying medicine and law.
  6. 6 Find your collection of bugs. Weren't you always fascinated by animals? Their names, classification, different types and characteristics? You've always had pets, right? Or were you always inexplicably drawn to stones, and volcanoes did instill a trembling shiver in you? Maybe you knew all dinosaurs by name in childhood? Or were you not afraid to touch frogs and snakes?
    • Your adventures will be closely related to biology, zoology, paleontology or geology.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2 of 3: Gaining Experience

  1. 1 Learn. The life of an archaeologist only in Indiana Jones can seem glamorous to someone. However, if the film included those scenes where Indy studies a thirty-page article on religious ceremonies in ancient Sumer in order to write a review for an academic journal in order to finally get a position at the university ... Again, before going to Africa digging up velociraptors, there is a lot to learn. As in mathematics, there are no royal roads in adventure - but through study it is quite possible to come to them.
    • Interested in scientific adventures? Biology and related sciences are waiting for you. Chemistry is for those who love four walls, marine biology is for those who don't love walls, etc.
    • Does travel and tourism warm your heart? Hospitality and foreign language learning will be useful to you.
    • Are you interested in outdoor sports or other activities when you are in nature? Environmental programs are right for you.
    • After graduation, you can continue your studies and participate in various sponsored programs, receive grants and implement your ideas!
    • Even if the world of higher education is not for you, don't worry - the world of adventure is still open to you. You can, for example, master the skill of video and photo shooting - after all, many expeditions need a smart photographer!
  2. 2 Join the Peace Corps. If you can, why not? Two years of expeditions, good money, new skills and acquaintances - isn't it great?
    • Combine "work" in the world corps with your own travels and explorations - and you will be kind and ready for new achievements!
  3. 3 Look for babysitting jobs overseas. In Europe, young and unemployed women often offer their services as nannies. And what? It is quite a decent opportunity not only to meet new people and the country, but also to earn extra money.
    • In addition, these are also useful connections that will not only help you now - learn more about culture and learn the language, but also later - in your future work. After all, you never know how and how everything will turn out, so it's better to have your people everywhere.
  4. 4 Teach English. English is the language of the world. And in Southeast Asia, for example, English teachers are almost worth their weight in gold. Yes, in order to take advantage of such a chance for adventure, you need to meet a number of requirements, sometimes strict ones. You can, of course, go there on your own and learn the language at your own peril and risk, but it will still be safer to work through an intermediary organization.
  5. 5 Study in another country. If possible, you can fit into educational trips or even business trips to other countries. Even a couple of weeks of study or hard work can quench your adventure a little. After all, you will not only learn a lot during this time, but also get a chance to plunge into the adventure with your head!
    • This option is especially good for those involved in humanitarian activities. Help is help, but no one can cancel the tourist aspect of the trip!
  6. 6 Take a year off and travel on your own! Just get up and walk. Teach people to surf, talk about the benefits of organic farming, travel, live in a different country in a different culture, meet new people, and more. YES, even after hitchhiking from your city to the nearest one, you will already lay the foundation for your future stories and tales!
    • When you look for a job later, do not forget to mention this experience - it will make you a much more valuable specialist in the eyes of the employer.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3 of 3: When Adventure Is a Profession

  1. 1 Find a job that you would like to do. Reserve workers, guides, diving instructors - they all get paid. Yes, you need experience, you need certificates, etc. - but they all get paid and they do what they would like to do. Your experience gained from travel and travel, from studies and expeditions will definitely come in handy. Find a job or start your own adventure related to your favorite type of adventure!
    • If you get paid to teach people what you love to do, then every day is an adventure. Just listen to yourself!
  2. 2 Look for sponsors for your expeditions. Your goal is to do what you love and get paid for it. Accordingly, you need to find someone who will agree to pay for your trip to France to collect truffles and stuff like that.
    • National Geographics could be just such a sponsor. In general, study the issue of attracting third-party capital to cover your adventures and do not forget to publish the results of your trips! If you can write a bestseller based on your sponsored travels, you have conquered the world!
  3. 3 Keep a diary of your adventures. Write about your adventures, tell people about them on your blog or through social networks. Take photos, shoot videos, and so on. The best way to get people interested in your adventures and make yourself the name of an adventurer in need of travel funding is to advertise your talents.
    • Selling travel photos or videos taken at the same time is a good option for those looking to become a regular photographer for a travel magazine. After all, if your material is interesting to readers, you might be made a good offer!
  4. 4 Find a job with an adventure element. If visiting Australia is an adventure for you, then whatever you do there will also be an adventure! In general, think and find the most suitable option for yourself.
    • In many agricultural regions, additional labor is needed during the harvest season. Yes, "the job is difficult, but the salary is small." On the other hand, you can see the world ... somehow.
  5. 5 Find a job where you need to travel frequently. Let's say, a sales representative, a musician or even ... ahem ... a guest worker ... In general, a job where you will be required to change your place of business often!
    • You can do otherwise and find a job that you could work from anywhere in the world. Let's say programming, design, translations, etc. It's easier for freelancers nowadays in this sense.
  6. 6 Get higher education. Yes, most of the school year you will have to sit in the alma mater, but there will be field trips too! There will be expeditions! Plus, you can always try to get a grant from the university for your own research project!


  • There is no point in reinventing the wheel, there is a wealth of information on the net about any kind of adventure. Seek and yes you will find!
  • Found yourself in another city? Put your guide in your pocket and ask the locals for directions!
  • Travel light, there is no point in packing a heavy backpack.
  • Don't forget about free opportunities to see the world.


  • Spontaneity is spontaneity, but you have to be prepared for everything. To all.

What do you need

  • Reference materials, Internet access.
  • Traveler's outfit.
  • Communication and navigation facilities.
  • Money. Much money.
  • Time. A lot of time.
  • Blog or website.
  • Camcorder or photo camera.