How to become a good basketball player

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to - Become a BETTER BASKETBALL PLAYER in ONLY 1 WEEK! (Basketball Training For Young Players)
Video: How to - Become a BETTER BASKETBALL PLAYER in ONLY 1 WEEK! (Basketball Training For Young Players)


1 Learn to dribble. Some experts argue that dribbling is practically the most important skill in the game. However, you probably don't need to think about dribbling if you train often. A good way to improve this skill is with ball dribbling training.
  • Practice dribbling in a circle. In this workout, use one hand to dribble the ball in a circle around your right foot. Then change your arm and leg. Practice dribbling between cones or chairs.
  • Try a 8 stroke. This technique is tossing the ball between the legs along the trajectory of an eight. Push the ball from one hand to the other. Practice dribbling with both hands so you can easily change direction.
  • Practice shuttle dribbling while you are improving this skill. Start from the baseline. Drive at maximum speed to and from the near free throw line. Then to the center line and back. Then to the far free throw line and back. Finally, sweep the ball from one end of the field to the other.
  • Start at one end of the site. Move the ball across the entire field and make a hoop or jump shot.Intercept the ball at once and do the same, moving to the other ring. Do this three times at maximum speed.
  • 2 Improve your passing skill. Passing technique is one of the essential elements for mastering the game. There are two basic passes. The first is a chest pass, where you throw the ball to your teammate without bouncing it off the floor. The second is a bounce pass, where you bounce the ball off the floor once before the pass. This is the most difficult pass for defenders to intercept.
    • Passing players may prefer recreational games that do not use dribbling at all and may focus on passing. Practice two-handed passes for better ball control.
    • Reinforce the pass by stepping on the shot. This will increase the ball's speed and control over its flight. Aim for the hands of the person you are passing. Throw the ball to a specific player on your team, you should not send it based only on voices.
    • Your thumbs should be pointing down at the end of the pass, try to keep track of this moment. Otherwise, the ball will be more difficult to catch without proper backspin.
    • You don't have to pass at high speed, don't forget about simple passes. But do not overdo it, otherwise the ball can be intercepted.
    • Don't jump while passing. If you do this, then according to the rules you will no longer be able to land with the ball, which complicates the task. Move towards the ball when it is passed to you, this will make it difficult to intercept. Try to catch it with both hands.
  • 3 Improve throwing skill. The forwards get the most notoriety and are obviously more critical of the game. But also avoid situations where your shots are blocked or you miss a lot - this is a direct route to the bench.
    • Throw with your fingertips. This will create proper control of the ball during the shot.
    • Bend your legs and pause as you begin the throw. Then jump up and finish the full-length throw with your body straight and arms raised in the air. If you throw the ball while straightened, you reduce the likelihood of the ball hitting the ring, since the position of the feet is quite important when throwing. In fact, you should play mostly with bent knees.
    • Train your accuracy. Don't always try to do intricate throws, figure out which ones are difficult for you and focus on the easier ones. This will greatly increase your hit rate.
    • Point your elbow towards the basketball hoop in the same way as your middle finger. Finish the throw as if you were dipping your hand into the ring. Also, with the correct throwing technique, the fingers should hang down, and not be gathered together.
    • Extend your arm fully at the end of the throw and keep your elbow above your eyes as you release the ball.
  • 4 Prepare your body. Your training should be focused on practicing the elements of basketball necessary for playing offensively, you should not do only the exercises that you enjoy. Coaches usually look to players with good preparation - be it powerful snatching or jumping up to 70 cm in the air.
    • Use a workout plan. There are many techniques for preparing basketball players to help you get in shape and improve your endurance. Even taking 45 minutes 3 times a week can make a big difference.
    • Some workouts aimed at improving the form involve exercises on a rope or fast running from the free throw line to the basket on which you need to slap your hand, throws within a minute from different points of the court with elements of defensive movements.
  • Method 2 of 3: How to Improve Your Defending Game

    1. 1 The feet should be constantly in motion. A good defender must be fast and constantly moving. If you stay in one place for a long time, you cannot be a good basketball player.
      • Imagine that you have entered the paint.Ask yourself, how many footprints will you see on the court? You have to "paint the field" by moving a lot and being literally everywhere. Increase your defensive activity and you will be a good player.
      • Fight for every ball.
      • Do not follow the ball - only other players. Otherwise, you will be deceived more often. Maintain eye contact with the player you are following. Keep him away from the endline and force him to move towards your ring.
    2. 2 Keep a low stance. Good defenders play with bent knees and spend most of their time walking and keeping a low stance. You should also always keep your head below the head of the player you are holding.
      • Keep your feet wide and your legs bent when you are in defense. Move your feet constantly. Keeping your legs close together or even crossed will make it easier for the attacker to get around you.
      • Keep your nose lower than the nose of the player you are blocking. This way you can react quickly to the maneuvers he is taking.
      • Keeping upright can cause the defender to lose his balance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
    3. 3 Place your hand on the ball. With due care, you can use this technique on defense without being fouled.
      • If your opponent is preparing to shoot, place your hand on the ball. This will make the throw more difficult.
      • If your opponent is holding the ball in the middle section, place your hand on top of the ball. This will also make the throw more difficult.
    4. 4 Train rebounds. Timely rebounds can decide the outcome of the game. A team cannot earn points if it is not in possession of the ball.
      • Move to the inside position so you have a better chance of grabbing the ball.
      • Don't stand straight. On bent legs, the jump will be stronger, and you will have a better chance of gaining possession of the ball. When jumping for the ball, keep both arms outstretched as much as possible.
    5. 5 Improve defense training. The defenders run a lot and constantly. They must be kept low at all times to properly block other players. Endurance training will help improve your defensive play.
      • Do squats with support. This is a good exercise to prepare for a defensive game. All you have to do is find a wall and sit down as if you were sitting in a chair. With your back to the wall, bend your knees until they form a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
      • Try jumping rope with two feet at maximum speed. Time and count your jumps so you can track your progress. It sounds simple, but jumping rope is a great exercise for developing both agility and endurance.
      • Don't forget about agility exercises. Start at the endline on the right side, quickly run to the right corner of the penalty area with a side step to the left edge, run your back forward to the endline and again a side step back to where you started. Then do the same on the other side of the endline. Boys must complete this standard in 10-14 seconds, and girls in 11-15.
    6. 6 Use in your arsenal lower body strength exercises. Lifting weights will help improve overall strength, which is helpful in defense when performing rebounds or block shots. Do not forget to alternate and change the technique of performing the exercises.
      • Do squats. Take a kettlebell and, without lifting your heels off the ground, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
      • Do lunges and platform climbs. Using a bar or dumbbells, place your dominant foot flat on the ground and keep your torso straight. Climb onto the platform and descend or lunges with each leg alternately.
    7. 7 Train your upper body. These exercises are subdivided into lifts and deadlifts. You can use braces to make some of the pull-up and reverse-grip pull-ups easier (if it's hard for you at first).
      • Use dumbbells or a barbell to do the bench press or shoulder press.For a bench press, lie on a strength machine with your feet firmly on the floor. Remove the bar from the racks and hold it on straight arms. Lower it to the middle of your chest, and then push it up, locking your elbows. The rest of the body should be motionless. Try five reps.
      • Do bicep curls with dumbbells or a barbell. During the exercise, you should stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, palms facing forward. Then lift the dumbbells until the bicep is fully contracted and stop at the shoulder. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Do it all over again.

    Method 3 of 3: Improving your understanding of the game

    1. 1 Master all the rules. Sometimes young players forget about the rules of the game. If you don't memorize them, you will bring problems to your team. A good way to master the rules is to join a club team (if you are young) or try yourself in the summer off-season.
      • If the attacking team is holding the ball in their own half, they have 10 seconds to cross the center line or they will lose the ball. Knowing this rule will help you avoid interceptions.
      • The attacking team cannot kick the ball back over the center line, otherwise they will lose it.
    2. 2 Study the game. You need to learn as much as possible about your position and playing strategy on the court. The combination of strategy and technical background will make you a strong player.
      • You can find many training videos on YouTube
      • Analyze your past games. What worked? Something went wrong? After the game, discuss these points with your coach. Find out what aspects of the game you need to improve, and then work them out in training.
      • Find a mentor. You can ask a basketball coach or find a good player who wants to train you.
      • Different trainers have different approaches and training systems. Decide which one is inherent in your trainer so you can better adapt. Whatever their personal rules, it will be useful for you to study them.
      • Watch professional games to see the best of the best play. Use what you see in your games.
    3. 3 Understand your role. Don't just focus on earning points. This is a common mistake for inexperienced players who go to great lengths to get as many balls into the basket as possible. Instead, focus on how you can be more useful to the team. Maybe, for example, you are great at passing passes.
      • If you're not good at shooting 3s, don't try hard. Instead, pass the pass to a teammate who is best at the role.
      • You may be good at hopping after catching a pass. If you are center, you are better off practicing rebounds and agility, not dribbling. So knowing your role will help you find the best exercise.
    4. 4 Be mentally tough. Basketball is a psychological game, not just a physical one. Some experts claim that 70% of it consists of psychological aspects. Coaches usually keep an eye on psychologically tough players.
      • Give 100 percent. Basketball is a game of dedication and perseverance. Also, don't be afraid of the criticism you learn from.
      • Coaches want to see in their teams those players who play with passion, determination, a desire to become better and work for this, and those who want to prepare for victory, and not just win.
      • Be aggressive. Coaches are looking for players who are aggressive and focused on the court. They need someone who will run after the ball and constantly put pressure on the opponent while playing defense.
    5. 5 Remember that this is a team game. Basketball is made up of two teams, each of which in turn consists of five players, who try to score points by throwing the ball into the ring at a height of three meters at each end of the field.
      • Great players level up their teammates when they are on the court.
      • To be a good team player, pass more often, run in open spaces, block, rebound, and so on. People will love it and you will get back a hundredfold!


    • When preparing your body for basketball, remember that this game consists of many accelerations. So being part of a running team and working on endurance to run long distances does not necessarily help you and can even hurt you.
    • Working hard during training is the key to becoming a good basketball player. A correct and positive attitude will also help on the court.
    • Eat more and properly. Calories are burned in huge amounts when you play basketball. Reimburse them to maintain your health. Otherwise, you will be exhausted the very next day.
    • Don't forget the social dimension - don't yell at your teammates. Arrogance is repulsive, so don't go overboard.
    • Understand how to interact with other basketball players, understand their signs, and so on.
    • Be friendly to all players, even if they are from the opposing team! This is dignified behavior. People will notice it sooner or later, be sure. If you are rude, use foul language, always instruct others, people simply will not like playing with you.
    • Offense ensures victory in games, defense - in championships.
    • Maintain hygiene! There is nothing worse than playing with a bad smelling player.
    • Sleep as much as your body requires. For most people, 8.5 hours is enough. A good sleep really improves the functions of the body. If you don't know how many hours you need to sleep, read this article.
    • Practice in good shoes, but you shouldn't overpay either. The main reference point is not the brand, but the feeling of comfort. In the store, do not hesitate to walk in it, jump, turn right, left. If you like the look of the shoe, but it's too small for you, don't buy it. Ask for a larger size, and if not, look for another pair. You don't need shoes that will embarrass you while you play.


    • Do not get hung up on a slam dunk (a type of throw in basketball in which a player jumps up and with one or both hands throws the ball through the ring from top to bottom). Focus on high vertical jump in game situations. That's what's really important. And the ability to throw a slam dunk in the meantime will come by itself.
    • Only do strength exercises with a spotter. It will help you, for example, if you lose balance while squatting or if you find it difficult to perform the exercise.