How to become the person you always wanted to be

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jordan Peterson: How To Become The Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be | E113
Video: Jordan Peterson: How To Become The Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be | E113


Everyone dreams of becoming the best version of themselves. Perhaps you want to be a professional soccer player, an internationally renowned artist, or simply the best parent you can be. Reaching your full potential may seem like a daunting and daunting task, but it is doable if you free yourself from all the useless or harmful qualities that are holding you back. Take a closer look at your inner traits to begin transforming into the person you have always wanted to be.


Method 1 of 3: Take an inventory

  1. 1 Realize that you are already the person you want to be. The secret to becoming who you want to become is in realizing that you have already become! You are already the best version of yourself. You just need to know how to be that person. Everything that you desire is already within you, and all the resources that you need to create the desired image are also within you.
    • What you are looking for is not in the outside world. If your level of self-love, confidence, and abundance depends on external circumstances, then you will live in constant fear of being taken away from you. True inner strength comes from your belief that the source of all the qualities you want to have is within you.
  2. 2 Look for obstacles in your path. There is a quote that says, "The only thing holding you back is yourself." And it is true. However, you should take a closer look at any of your attributes or habits that do not reflect the person you want to be. It may also require talking to loved ones and asking them if they have noticed any useless or harmful qualities that might be holding you back. The two most common signs that can hold you back are:
    • Self-doubt. This is one of the hallmarks that can paralyze you, prevent you from changing and reaching your true potential. If you are suffering from a fear of failure or self-doubt, you need to start dealing with them now. A great way to overcome self-doubt is to find evidence of your success. Identify all the wonderful accomplishments you have already achieved. Then reach out to close friends and ask them to name a few of your traits that they admire.
    • Delay. This unwanted trait generally comes down to your internal dialogue. You tell yourself that you work well under pressure, or that the task won't take that long, so you don't need to do it right now. You put off the task for an hour, and that hour turns into a day, and in the end it turns out that you sit all night at work to complete the task. Break the procrastination habit by trying to understand the reason why you are procrastinating. Then change the way you think about big challenges. Instead of trying to do most of the work in one sitting, tell yourself that if you do a small part, you can take a break. Also, go to a work-friendly environment free of many distractions.
    • If you suffer from deeply buried painful memories, fears, depression, or drug and alcohol use, you may not be able to deal with these problems on your own.Find a trained mental health professional who can guide you through the healing process of old wounds so you can claim the healthy, vibrant future you desire.
  3. 3 Find your truth. Each person has their own destiny. You have come to this world with a unique purpose, and you need to find it. As Pablo Picasso said: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ” Introspect to get closer to your truth and become the person you were born to be. Ask yourself the following questions:
    1. Why do you wake up every morning? What makes you feel truly alive?
    2. What lessons did you enjoy in school? What would you like to know more about?
    3. What kind of work gave you a sense of importance and meaning?
    4. Doing what exactly are you losing track of time?
    5. People often say that you are good at ...?
    6. What ideals do you strive for the most?
    7. What would you just not do without in this life?
  4. 4 Let go of all thoughts that are contrary to your truth. Every time you have a negative, critical, fearful, or harmful thought about yourself, you lose touch with your truth. Every time you tell yourself that you cannot do something or get something, your words become a self-fulfilling prophecy - you cannot achieve your goal. The truth is that you can become anyone. All you have to do is just believe it and then you can achieve anything.
    • To suppress harmful thoughts, try to first identify them and then question them. If you find yourself thinking, “I can't do this,” when you're trying something new, ask for evidence that shows you can't. Many people engage in negative self-talk that doesn't benefit them. Try to be aware of these thoughts, and replace them with positive statements, such as, “I'm afraid to try this. But I'll never know if I can succeed until I try. "
    • Believing in yourself can be difficult at times, especially if you have negative self-talk. As you learn to deal with negative self-talk, you also need to start imagining yourself achieving your goals. Visualization can be a powerful motivator and can help you feel more confident in your abilities.
    • To do the visualization, go to a quiet room and sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine how you are reaching your goal. Try this technique for small goals, such as losing 5 pounds or finishing a semester with a 4 grade average. Imagine yourself at the finish line, but also go back and imagine every small step you need to take to reach your goal (for example , proper nutrition and exercise regimen, or daily lessons from a textbook or with a tutor).

Method 2 of 3: Get the job done

  1. 1 Listen to the answers inside. Too many of us ignore the gentle inner appeal of the intuition that loves and adores us. She reminds us to just relax and trust her. You see, there is often a much louder voice in our heads that tells us to take action. This prevents us from trusting ourselves and beckons us to look for everything we want in the material, surface world.
    • Learn to distinguish between the harsh, critical voice that pushes you and the soft, caring voice that loves and supports you. And then make a conscious choice about which one you are going to listen to.
  2. 2 Determine what you don't want. You cannot reach your full potential if you do not know what it is. Often in life, it happens that our goals change, and sometimes we may feel lost and have no idea what direction we are working in.But when you know what you don't want, it pushes you in the direction you should be moving and allows you to set clear boundaries.
  3. 3 Practice optimistic thinking. Scientific discovery has shown that optimistic people tend to live longer and have better physical and mental health than those who think pessimistically. Being optimistic means smiling more often, refraining from comparing yourself to others, and finding a positive side in most situations.
    • One of the research-backed ways to become more optimistic is to do the “best possible future self” exercise. In this exercise, you need to write sufficiently extensively and expressively about your future self for 20 minutes. Think about your life in the future. Imagine everything worked out in the best way possible. You have done a good job and have succeeded in achieving all of your life goals. Think of it as fulfilling all your dreams in life. Now write about everything that you imagined. Do this exercise three days in a row.
  4. 4 Take risks. Until today, have you been afraid to take risks for fear of failure? Learn to be bold and take advantage of the many opportunities that are presented to you. Successful people did not become successful people, always taking the safe path. Study situations and people to determine which opportunities are worth your time, then dive into them to develop a winning strategy.
    • Risk people constantly experiment with their methods to hone them and work out the most effective way to get results. Never stop experimenting.
    • Expect success, but accept failure readily. You should always picture yourself as reaching the goal. However, failure will inevitably happen to you too someday. Take mistakes for granted and take them as learning moments to hone your skills and get back on your path stronger than ever before.
    • Living within your comfort zone all the time can lead to boredom and apathy. Step out of your comfort zone by taking the initiative and taking on a project that is outside of your normal responsibilities. Volunteer and work with people you previously discriminated against (i.e. alcohol / drug addicts, homeless people, etc.). Another way to stir up is to stop sitting out on the sidelines at work. Move into a leadership position where you have more responsibilities and more people rely on you.
  5. 5 Learn to say no sometimes. Risky people are generally known to say yes more than no. This tendency is based on not letting fear or doubt prevent you from taking advantage of wonderful growth opportunities. However, when you are trying to reach your full potential, you must learn to use your voice and sometimes say no. Respect yourself and uphold your core values ​​by refusing to engage in activities that do not meet your goals.
    • There will of course be times when you feel like saying yes to keep the relationship going. In such cases, consent can help you achieve your goals if having this person in your life provides a positive effect.
    • If you are convinced that rejection is the best option for you, say no without any excuses or apologies.

Method 3 of 3: Promote Positive Vibrations

  1. 1 Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend the most time with are a reflection of you. As the old proverb says: "suit is matched to suit." Analyze your social circle to determine if the people you spend time with on a daily or weekly basis seem right to you. These people should have characteristics and traits that you admire, traits that may someday be passed on to you.Resist the urge to surround yourself with people who may be funny or adorable in the moment, but distance you from reaching your potential.
    • Hans F. Hansen said: “People either inspire or drain you. Choose them wisely. " Apply this in your life by evaluating those who are closest to you. Think about how you feel around these people. Do they inspire and motivate you? Are they encouraging healthy, positive habits?
    • If there are people around you who drain or humiliate you, then you can sacrifice achieving your potential if you keep them in your life. Consider whether you might want to cut off contact with people who do not fit the life you want to lead.
  2. 2 Build your strengths. Discover your unique abilities and talents and be sure to use them every day. This will hone your abilities and even improve them. When you work on your strengths, you are giving the world your best. Plus, you boost your self-confidence and feel more perfect.
    • But this does not mean that you do not need to analyze your weaknesses - it is very important to know which areas would be useful for you to work on. However, knowing and using your strengths will allow you to fully unfold and realize your dreams. Think about it: you were given these talents for a reason. Use them!
  3. 3 Pamper yourself. When you're on the path to self-actualization, remember to take the time to indulge yourself a little. Moving forward is great, but everyone needs breaks and a little self-care to jump into the saddle with 100% strength. When you feel stressed and overwhelmed, take care of yourself and use practices that can clear your mind and release negative energies that can affect your work on yourself.
    • Self-care includes any activity that contributes to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Such practices will be different for different people. You can take a bubble bath, write in a diary, exercise, meditate, pray, essentially any activity you find relaxing.
    • Try several options to see which works best for you, and refer to it when you're stressed. It might be a good idea to do a daily or weekly ritual to ward off stress before it gets too much.
  4. 4 Build your self-confidence and remember to relax. Maintain a good relationship with yourself. Sometimes we become so absorbed in life that we neglect ourselves. Regularly get in touch with your inner self and carry out diagnostics. Do you need something? Perhaps you need a break? Spend time with yourself and often reevaluate where you are going and whether you like where you are going. Each of us is a project in development, so there is no need to worry when you need to change your plans or regroup. Be a champion for yourself!


  • Be yourself.
  • Remember, you are amazing.