How to play "Lies"

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Tempers - "Secrets And Lies" (Official Audio)
Video: Tempers - "Secrets And Lies" (Official Audio)


"Nonsense" or "Believe - I do not believe" is a card game for the company. The competitor must show cunning and bluffing skills to get rid of all cards. It is very exciting to play - the main thing is not to fall for lies! There are several variations of this game, slightly different from each other, so do not be surprised if someone offers to play according to slightly different rules.


Method 1 of 2: The rules of the game "Lies"

  1. 1 Shuffle and deal a 52-card deck. Distribute the entire deck of cards to the participants in the game. The optimal number of players, in which the game does not drag on and does not become too confusing, is from 3 to 6, but you can play in any number from 2 to 10. It may turn out that someone will have more and someone has fewer cards , but this will not affect the outcome of the game. Before starting the game, remember the goal: be the first to get rid of all your cards.
  2. 2 Determine who goes first. This can be the one who dealt the cards, the player with the ace of spades or the two of clubs in his hand, or the one who has more cards than the others (if it happened during the deal).This person puts a card (or several at once) face down on the table and tells the others what kind of card it was (only the dignity, the suit is not important here). The first player must definitely start with an ace or a deuce.
  3. 3 Continue clockwise, placing cards in ascending order. For example, if the first player has laid out one or more aces, the next player must put one or more twos, the third one or more threes or two more, and so on. When you lay down cards, you must name them aloud, for example "ace", "two deuces", "three kings". You may not have cards at all that you should lay out, then put others instead of them, but name the ones you need - the most interesting thing is just bluffing!
    • If you do not have any of the required cards, you can skip the turn. Better not to pretend that you have three cards of the desired value, much less all four. For example, you declare that you put in three threes, but the other player has two or more threes in his hand, then he will catch you in a lie and shout "Bullshit!"
    • You can also bluff if you have the right cards. Let's say you have to lay out a lady, and you just have two. Do not lay them out this very second, but pretend that you are thoughtful and study your cards. Your goal is to make it so that you are believed when you lie, and not believed when you tell the truth.
  4. 4 Shout “Nonsense!"When you suspect someone is lying. If you know for sure that the player is lying, because the cards he announced are in your hand, or you just feel that he is bluffing, shout "Nonsense!" (or “I don’t believe!”, depending on how you agreed in advance). After that, the player must turn over the cards he just laid out and show what he actually played.
    • If the person who shouted “Nonsense!” Was right, and the cards turn out to be different, the player who lied must take the entire pile of cards that have been laid out by that time.
    • If the one who shouted “Nonsense!” Is mistaken, he takes all the cards played for himself. If several people shouted "Nonsense!" at the same time and made a mistake, the pile of cards is divided between them.
  5. 5 Continue the game. After someone shouted “Nonsense!”, A new round begins with the player next to the one accused of lying. The longer you play and the fewer cards are left in the game, the harder it will be to tell lies and not get caught. In the end, everything will depend only on luck and on your ability to calmly bluff, the main thing is not to risk too much and not shout “Nonsense!” If you do not have one hundred percent certainty that the player is lying.
  6. 6 The winner is the one with no cards left in their hands. As soon as the person laid out the last card, he won. Of course, during what may be the last turn, most players will want to shout "Bullshit!" Lies is a strategy game, and the more you play, the more you hone your skills.
    • After the winner has been determined, the rest can, by agreement, continue the game until there are two or three players left.
    • If you have one card left, do not announce it in advance and do not demonstrate that you will win now.
    • You can use a daring trick: if you have the last card left, pretend to count the cards and say something like, “Oh, great! I just have one triple! " The number will most likely not work, but at least you will have fun trying to outwit the others.

Method 2 of 2: Game Variations

  1. 1 Instead of one deck of cards, draw two or more. This is a great idea if there are five or more of you. This will make the game last longer and make it harder to expose the bluffer.
    • In this game, you can use decks in which there are not enough cards or, on the contrary, repetitions have come from somewhere.Do not throw away incomplete decks that are no longer suitable for regular card games - they will do quite well for "Lies".
  2. 2 Change the sequence. Play not in ascending order, but in descending order. Start with twos, then lay out aces, kings, queens, and so on. You can also play in ascending or descending order of your choice: for example, if the previous player put in a nine, you can put either a ten or an eight.
    • It can be agreed that the player can choose the same value card as the previous one, or the next one, or the value below. This will make it easier for each player to lay out the cards that they really have.
  3. 3 Allow players to lay out more cards than they announce. This rule must be stipulated before the start of the game, so that later no one is accused of cheating. If it is agreed that this can be done, the player can, for example, say that he is stealing three cards, but imperceptibly place a fourth among them. If someone suspects that the player has cheated with the number of cards, he can shout "Nonsense!" If the number of cards really turns out to be different, the liar takes all the cards.
  4. 4 Allow players to lay out cards out of turn (except for the one who just walked). Otherwise, follow the normal rules, but if the player whose turn it is now does not lay out a card for too long, anyone else can make his move.
  5. 5 Allow players who have all four cards of the same rank in their hands to discard them face up on their turn and declare which cards they are. This way the game will end faster. If you have, say, three nines, try yelling “bullshit!” When another player rolls out a nine, in the hope that it is. Then you have to take that nine and the other cards laid out, but you can fold all the nines. Best of all, if the stack of cards laid out is still small - no more than three cards, including a nine - then the number of cards in your hand will decrease. When cards of the same rank are discarded, skip them on the next round: for example, if nines are discarded, lay out 7,8,10, and so on, while the cards of the corresponding rank are still in play.


  • This may seem obvious to you, but always shout “Bullshit!” When a player lays out his last card or cards. More often than not, players lie on the last turn. If you're wrong, that person will still win, but if you're right, the game will continue and his chances of winning will plummet.
  • If you fell for a lie and now you have a full hand of cards, this is not necessarily a bad thing - now you have almost any cards and you have nothing to lose. You can either constantly tell the truth or deceive - you already have a lot of cards.
  • Don't fan your cards, especially when you are close to winning. Try so that no one except you knows their number.
  • A good tactic is to distract other players before your turn. This is completely fair and helps to win.
  • You can shout "Nonsense!", Or you can "I do not believe!" - agree before the game as you like best.
  • 13 - unsuccessful number of players. Superstition has nothing to do with it, there are just 13 card merits, and it turns out that each player on each round must lay out cards of the same value, no matter if you play with one deck or several.


  • Expect the game to take a long time, especially with a large number of players.
  • Protect your voice and do not shout too loudly.

What do you need

  • 52-card deck
  • 3 players or more