How to become a more attractive person

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be More Attractive By Improving Your Personality
Video: How To Be More Attractive By Improving Your Personality


Being attractive does not mean having good looks. Also, both women and men can be attractive. To be truly attractive, you must become a confident person, find your own style, and take proper care of your appearance.


Method 1 of 4: Develop attractive qualities

  1. 1 Get rid of negative thoughts. A person's attractiveness is actually in his head. People who negatively relate to themselves (to their appearance, personality, etc.) transmit this negative to other people. You must learn to get rid of negative thoughts.
    • Pay attention to your way of thinking. How do you feel about yourself? When something doesn't work out for you, do you think, "I am not capable of anything." Do you say to yourself, "How stupid I am," or "How fat I am"? These statements do not correspond to reality, they are only in your head (with the exception of excess weight, and this problem can be solved).
    • If you notice negative thoughts in your head, replace them with positive ones or don't think about anything. In the beginning, you can practice working on neutral thoughts. So, for example, if you are thinking, “God, how ugly I am,” stop yourself and say, “I think I’m ugly, but I’m not. My body serves me as it should, allows me to be healthy and do what I want. "
    • Stay away from negative people. Negative people who tell you that you should look different, for example, that you are too fat or too hairy, need to be removed from your life. Their negative thinking does not affect you in the best way. Besides, why be under stress all the time?
  2. 2 Be a confident person. People gravitate towards confident individuals because they are such an incredibly attractive quality. By showing confidence, you show that you have a right to live in this world. If you think this is true, then other people will think so too.
    • Don't judge yourself. This does not mean that you can be rude to people, it just means that you should not control your every move. For example: instead of saying, "I'm so stupid," you could say something like, "I'm not very good at this."
    • Don't judge other people. What you say and think about other people has to do with how you think about yourself. Learn to think positively about people or not think about them at all.
    • Don't compare yourself to others. This is the most useless thing you can do because someone will always be more attractive, more confident, etc. than you. You can strive to be better, but only in comparison with yourself.
  3. 3 Show your best qualities. Good qualities are as attractive as your looks. Although people notice physical attractiveness above all else, they tend to rate a person for their good qualities, such as kindness, listening skills, etc.
    • Learn to be kind. Help other people without expecting anything in return. You can help your mom clean the apartment, or you can take your friend to the airport early in the morning.
    • Treat other people with respect. Learn this. Look at the situation objectively and consider different points of view. Don't jump to conclusions about people.
    • Listen to other people.People are attracted to those who are interested in them. When you are chatting with someone, give the person your full attention. Maintain eye contact, ask questions. You should not constantly check your phone while talking to a person.
  4. 4 Lead a healthy lifestyle. Health is an important part of attractiveness. Even if you are sick with something, you can still practice healthy habits.
    • Follow a healthy diet. Include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as possible (blueberries, cabbage, red peppers are especially useful), as well as healthy carbohydrates (brown rice, sprouted grains, quinoa) and proteins (salmon or eggs).
    • Get plenty of sleep. Not only is sleep good for your appearance (skin, weight, etc.), but sleep is important for your overall health. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Go to bed before midnight if possible. Turn off all electronic devices at least half an hour before bed.
    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Find a workout that you enjoy (you don't have to go to the gym). Take 30 minutes to walk every day, go jogging, do yoga, dance.

Method 2 of 4: Improve Physical Attractiveness

  1. 1 Determine your skin type. This will help you find the right products. Skin types are generally divided into five categories: normal, oily, dry, sensitive, or combination.
    • Oily skin tends to become oily only a few hours after you wash your face. Treat oily skin with a gentle cleanser morning and evening. Doing this more often will only make the situation worse, as stripping your skin of natural oils will lead to increased production of these oils.
    • Dry skin tends to flake off. If you have dry skin, wash your face with warm water, not hot water, and moisturize your skin while it is still slightly damp. Dermatologists believe it helps the skin stay hydrated.
    • Sensitive skin is usually associated with itching and redness. In addition, it reacts to certain chemicals that can be found in skin care products. If you have sensitive skin, choose products that do not contain fragrances or alcohol; always use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) when you go outside; wash your face gently.
    • Normal skin has the right balance of moisture and oil.
  2. 2 Wash your face regularly. Your face is the first thing people notice, so take proper care of it. Do not complicate this process, make the washing process simple.
    • Wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, to remove dirt and excess oil. If your skin is sensitive or dry, you can only do this once, or use moisturizers that are appropriate for your skin type.
    • It is best to choose a detergent according to your skin type and whether you are using makeup or not. For example, if you have oily skin, you should choose a cleanser that has a low pH because it will more effectively remove excess oil from your skin.
  3. 3 Exercise can be beneficial for your skin. Exercise not only improves mental and physical health, but also has a positive effect on skin health. Exercise reduces stress levels that can have a negative effect on the skin and improves blood circulation, which is certainly reflected in skin health. Make sure you use sunscreen if you exercise outdoors during the day.
  4. 4 Follow a balanced diet and you will improve the condition of your skin. Eat more than five servings of fruits and vegetables every day and it will benefit your skin.What you eat affects the health of your skin. The more fruits and vegetables (especially fruits like blueberries or green vegetables) you eat, the better you will look.
    • Probiotics also help improve the condition of your skin, so include sugar-free yogurt in your diet. Yogurt improves the functioning of the digestive tract by saturating it with millions of beneficial bacteria. The better your digestive tract works, the fewer health problems you will have.
  5. 5 Monitor the condition of your teeth. If you have healthy white teeth, you will be treated like an attractive person, which cannot be said about a person with yellow aching teeth. Healthy white teeth indicate that you are taking care of yourself, which is very important when you are trying to find your soul mate.
    • Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Also floss at least once a day. This advice is neglected by many, but it is very important to do it to maintain healthy teeth.
    • You can whiten your teeth safely and effectively using professional teeth whitening methods. It is not conducive to dental health, but you will look good. Make sure to visit your dentist at least once a year. If you have sensitive teeth or sore gums, skip teeth whitening until the inflammation subsides.
  6. 6 Take care of your hair. Regardless of whether you are a guy or a girl, and your hair type, healthy hair will make you more attractive. You know your hair is better, so you know better than anyone else how to properly care for it. If you blow dry your hair, try not to blow dry the ends.
    • Fine hair usually needs to be washed about once every three days. You will have to experiment to determine which method works best for you. Washing your hair every day can cause it to become drier. If so, try changing your shampoo. Also determine how long you can leave your hair on.
    • Oily hair should be washed with shampoo every day. In addition, be prepared to change your shampoo, because it is often the wrong shampoo that can cause oily hair (even if it says it is for oily hair).
    • Curly hair does not need to be washed frequently. You can wash your wavy hair a couple of times a week, or three, but that's the most. Moreover, using a hair dryer will make your hair more frizzy.
  7. 7 Find a hairstyle that suits your face and hair type. Girls tend to have more options than guys, but that's not an excuse to wear bad hair. However, for both guys and girls, it will be a great idea to find a hairstyle that's right for you.
    • Hairstyles for men:
      • "Straight hair of any density": short hair on the sides, smooth reduction of hair length at the crown of at least 2.5 - 3 cm; wavy or curly hair: on the sides - medium length; the ratio of the top and sides should be 2: 1; for thin straight hair - hair length up to shoulder level.
      • “Curly or Curly Hair”: Hair should be about 5 cm at the sides and 7.5 cm at the top.
    • Hairstyles for women:
      • "Straight hair": loose straight hair; or a pony-tail, volume at the crown, fixed with hairspray; or a French braid.
      • "Wavy hair": hairstyle "slight negligence", delicate curls themselves take their natural form; or gather your hair at the sides and pin it up, leaving the bottom of the hair loose; or you can tie a bun.
      • Curly hair: get a short hairstyle; or you can let your hair down, creating volume on top; or collect the front strands of hair and secure them at the back of the head; or collect curls in a ponytail.

Method 3 of 4: Find a wardrobe

  1. 1 Shop for a few pieces of clothing that highlight your personality. These garments should be the staple of your wardrobe and you should design your look according to them. It is important to consider this for both men and women, because it can emphasize your individuality (and self-confidence).
    • Jewelry, clothing, shoes are essential items. For example, if you love bulky jewelry, choose neutral colored garments to emphasize the jewelry, or if you want to accentuate a particular garment, choose the appropriate addition to it.
    • Bags are also a great item to keep in mind. You can select bags depending on your outfit. They can be not only useful, but also highlight your personality.
  2. 2 Shop for clothes in unusual places. If you want to highlight your personality, choose appropriate garments. To do this, you need to bathe clothes that others do not have.
    • Consignment shops are fantastic places where you can buy clothes for less. You can buy designer clothes cheaper at these stores.
    • Antique and vintage shops are great places if you are looking to shop for vintage clothing. Old clothes are particularly durable, so they tend to last longer than modern clothes.
    • Art markets are a great place where you can find exclusive clothing and accessories that are one of a kind. By supporting local artists, you can purchase unusual and interesting accessories and clothing. You can also find interesting and unusual clothing items online on websites like Etsy and eBay. However, specify the correct size so as not to buy clothes that are not the right size for you.
  3. 3 Think about your outfit. Chances are, you want to wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, confident, and attractive. To do this, you will have to experiment to determine which is right for you.
    • Have your own "shape". "Form" here refers to items of clothing that highlight your personality. You can change them, add accessories and other elements. For example: your "uniform" might be jeans and a T-shirt. You can change your look depending on the weather, for example, you can wear a long-sleeved T-shirt when it gets colder.
    • Buy clothes in neutral colors. Typically, these are clothes in black or gray shades, or in more natural colors such as brown or cream. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve integrity in your image.
    • Have red garments in your wardrobe. For both sexes, red is an attractive color. Red emphasizes strength and confidence. So wear a red dress or red lipstick, red scarf or shirt and you will definitely be noticed.
  4. 4 Make sure the clothing you choose is right for you. You will be able to look good if the clothes fit you. Clothes that are too tight will make you feel uncomfortable; clothes that are too loose will make you look sloppy.
    • Even your jeans should fit you. They should not be too wide or too narrow. If your jeans are too long, hem them so they don't drag along the ground.
    • If you are a woman, make sure you choose the right bra. The bra should support your breasts, not squeeze and leave marks on your skin.
  5. 5 Wear suitable footwear. People pay attention to shoes. If your shoes complement the outfit, you will look attractive.
    • For women, ballet flats are a versatile shoe. They can be put on for almost every outfit. In addition, the lack of heels is another plus, as you will feel comfortable and comfortable.
    • The boots are perfect for fall or winter. High-heeled boots look very attractive, but you have to learn how to walk in them.Otherwise, you will look unattractive.
    • Young people should take care to match their shoes with their clothes (just not brown shoes with a black suit, please). If you are going on a date, make sure your shoes are clean.

Method 4 of 4: Get your makeup done

  1. 1 Use makeup to enhance your look. Makeup can highlight your beautiful features. By using makeup correctly, you can become more attractive. Do not be afraid to experiment, thanks to this you will find your image.
    • If your skin is inflamed or pimpled, you can use makeup to cover it up. Make sure the foundation matches your skin tone, otherwise you will only accentuate what you are trying to hide!
    • Accentuate the contour of your face. You can use a bronzer, which can result in a tanned skin tone. The bronzer should not be applied to the entire face, but only to certain parts of it: forehead, nose, cheekbones, collarbones. Think about what you want to emphasize and apply bronzer to the areas of your choice.
  2. 2 Focus on the eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the soul". By highlighting the eyes, you become more attractive. Try to look natural by trying smokey ice eye makeup (which is always trendy and goes well with red lipstick).
    • Prepare the eyelid: degrease the skin. Use a special "shadow base". Next, use an eyeliner. All transitions should be smooth. The line should be drawn along the upper eyelid as close to the lash line as possible. At the outer edge, the line should be thicker and gradually taper as it approaches the middle of the eye. It is not necessary to bring it to the inner corner. The color of the pencil must be chosen to match the color of the shadows. It is imperative to bring the lower eyelid. First, draw a line with a pencil, and then lightly blend it with shadows. Blend the eyeshadow well along the edge of the eyelid so that the eyeliner practically disappears. The main thing in this eye makeup is contrast. We need a smooth, but clearly visible transition. Light, shimmery shadows are great for this. Apply them to the surface of the upper eyelid from crease to brow.
    • For a natural look, add emphasis with eyeliner in natural shades like brown. Use beige eyeshadow. Use mascara to add volume to your lashes. Choose the right mascara for this.
  3. 3 Get creative with your makeup. Of course, strive for naturalness, but add your own flavor to look attractive.
    • Try the Cat Eye makeup that was popular in the fifties, or go for another era.
    • Use a vibrant color scheme! For example, use shades of silver or turquoise to accentuate blue eyes; or dark emerald for brown eyes.


  • You can sew the clothes yourself. Of course, this will take a little practice and time, but this way you can definitely emphasize your individuality!


  • Don't be obsessed with attracting as many people as possible. You will be truly attractive if you are attentive to those around you.