How to be more masculine if you're feminine

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MEN HAVE SPOKEN!🗣  7 Things Masculine Men LOVE about Feminine Women!
Video: MEN HAVE SPOKEN!🗣 7 Things Masculine Men LOVE about Feminine Women!


The definitions of "masculinity" and "femininity" depend almost entirely on culture and cultural trends.In 1993, a woman, a United States Senator, wowed everyone by wearing trousers to work! However, many men (and sometimes women) want to present themselves in a traditional masculine manner. In most countries of the world, it is not enough just to put on trousers. You need to change your appearance, habits, perception of the world - all this will help you feel more comfortable, finding harmony with yourself and making an impression on others.


Part 1 of 3: Develop masculine behavior

  1. 1 Demonstrate Confidence. There are many beliefs according to which a man should behave more confidently and arrogantly than a woman, even when he is with a woman in the same conditions. If one of your goals is to be taken more seriously, if you want to earn credibility, devote your energies to fighting doubts and passive behavior. Anyone can take these steps, even men whose appearance is more feminine than masculine.
    • Build confidence and demonstrate it through your body language. These include good posture, eye contact, and an open arm position with the arms slightly in front of the body.
    • Accept compliments and stop apologizing for everything. For example, say "thank you, I appreciate that" instead of "oh yeah bullshit."
    • Learn to ask for what you need, and learn to analyze your options. ("Yes, I have experience in ____, but I want to receive ____ rubles for my work").
  2. 2 Take risks. Like confidence, taking prudent risks is often associated with male behavior. It may look like just a stupid, arrogant act, but it is wise behavior and the ability to take responsibility by making bold choices that are considered more valuable and correct. Think about what things in your life are holding you back and returning you back to your usual behavior, think about how to free yourself from these frames. Are you staying in a boring, unprofitable job just because change scares you? Is your love life suffering because you are embarrassed to take it to the next level in your relationship? Sometimes you have to make bold decisions to get what you want.
    • If the daily risks scare you, try to confront your fear face to face, but on a smaller scale. For example, decide to try something new and more challenging in your job or hobby. You will gain self-confidence by succeeding in this, or you will practice dealing with failure, in which the consequences will not be as significant.
  3. 3 Be firm in your decisions. In most cultures, the image of a real man seems to us unshakable and able to control himself. The next time you catch yourself thinking that you are regretting something, stop and think. This is just an insignificant little thing, let go of this thought without trying to penetrate it. It will also help you in the professional field, because the habit of staying away from gossip and scandal will make your life a little easier.
    • It is very important to be aware of the negative side of this social and cultural influence. Men are much less likely than women to ask for help in solving serious problems, especially those related to emotional and mental health. Because of which, men need much more time to fully recover, which ironically affects the friends and relatives of this man, who constantly have to deal with this unresolved situation. Being courageous doesn't mean pretending that you can endure absolutely anything without needing any help.
  4. 4 Be independent. Take full responsibility for your own life. You do this in order to meet the expectations of other people, which means that you need to learn not only "masculine" activities, like changing tires, but also other everyday activities, for example, how to darn socks.
  5. 5 Set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. Ambition and confidence in achieving your goals are qualities that are more inherent in men than women. Try to cultivate more masculine behavior in yourself - this can help you focus on your goals and relieve anxiety. Whatever it is - career, romance, personal achievement - visualize your victory and find a way to start moving towards your goal today. Ask yourself tough, tough questions and work hard to answer them until you understand what your goals are and how to go about them.
    • It's okay when things don't turn out exactly as you intended, when it turns out that achieving your goals is more difficult than you previously imagined. React calmly and judiciously.
  6. 6 Learn to recognize hyper-masculinity. This phenomenon occurs as a result of an attempt to "stuff" yourself with what are called stereotypes of male behavior, even if these stereotypes do not correspond to you at all. Examples of such stereotypical behavior are various extreme competitions (with the same men), aggressiveness in sex, the eternal desire to conflict and dominate (especially over women and more feminine men). This lifestyle makes it very difficult to build close, trusting relationships because it denies interaction and sets certain boundaries. People who behave in this way usually sexually or physically dominate and humiliate their partners. In addition, such people are able to take big risks for the sake of a little pleasure, sometimes they have behavior that they themselves do not like, but they do it to fit their image.
    • Participation in sports and competition is a great way to express your alpha male nature in a fair and equal way.
  7. 7 Control yourself and control your emotions. What did Rafael Nadal do right after winning the 2013 US Open? He cried like a little child. Does this mean that he is not behaving like a man? Absolutely not. The current generation of men find it most important to maintain a calm cowboy face in any situation, but it is perfectly normal for men to express their emotions. Both men and women who hide their emotions are prone to relationship problems, anxiety and depression, in addition, they can develop diseases associated with constant stress. At a minimum, you should remain emotionally open to your closest friends and family. Even in the professional field, the ability to express your emotions without the embarrassment and fear of looking stupid will help you develop your masculinity and demonstrate your self-confidence. If this is not your level yet, you can adopt a calmer facial expression in public. Just don't be afraid to express your emotions when it's really appropriate.

Part 2 of 3: Use the Right Words

  1. 1 Express your opinion. If you have something constructive or interesting, say so. The masculine style of conversation is based on self-confidence and the ability to express your point of view, even if you may make a mistake.
    • There is also a bad side to this: in companies where there are both men and women, men usually occupy a dominant position in the conversation, often they do not even realize that they are interrupting women, not giving them the opportunity to speak. No matter how you want to behave (masculine or feminine), pay attention to this fact. It will be much more interesting to spend time with the company if you have a conversation in a queue format. Or you can break up into small groups.
  2. 2 But don't overdo it - at least not out loud! Being courageous means knowing exactly what to do (or at least looking like you know). Admitting mistakes and uncertainty can lead some men (especially those with a strong sense of competition) to value your opinion less.Like it or not, hiding the cracks in your armor can help you win the fight. Ideally, you need to conduct the conversation so as not to fight for the best idea, but also not to turn the conversation into a farce. If it has already become clear that your initial opinion was wrong, just agree to change it, but do not dwell on this error and apologize for it for a long time.
    • It works best in a debate, especially if you are the most erudite man in the debate. If someone is trying to undermine your manhood, answer them in a kind, calm tone, confidently demonstrating knowledge of the matter - this is more effective than trying to enter into an argument or compromise.
  3. 3 You're kidding. Men usually joke more than women, although at the biological level, the difference between the need to joke in men and women has not been identified. When it comes to romantic relationships, women tend to find gay men more attractive, and men like women who laugh at their jokes. If you want to act more masculine, it is worth sometimes omitting various jokes during the conversation (even if sometimes these jokes seem flat) - this will help you appear more masculine. Unfortunately, people who are feminine have a much harder time adjusting to this masculine style of conversation. Even if they use the same jokes, the reaction to them can be completely different. Women who want to be "their own" in a male company can change their sense of humor a little, but success depends on how traditional the views of men in this company are.
  4. 4 Be the person you want to be. Each of us has masculine and feminine qualities, but they do not fully characterize us. Your masculinity will be reflected in your strength and demeanor depending on the situation, and that's fine. Before engaging in a masculine conversation, remember the downside of masculinity: Confidence and the ability to act without fear of judgment will hold you back. Sometimes it's worth taking off Indiana Jones' hat and taking it easy.
    • Admit your mistakes. If you don’t know how to admit your mistakes, people will class you as the worst category of men: those men who are so passionate about their path that they emotionally suppress others, sabotaging their success.
    • Don't let pride and confidence cross borders. Yes, wanting to stand out in front of a girl you like is the most common masculine quality, but if you overdo it, it will hurt you a lot.

Part 3 of 3: Try to look more masculine

  1. 1 Dress as manly as possible. Appearance is not the main factor that affects behavior, but in many ways, how people perceive you will depend on your appearance. In most cultures, men are considered to be darker or neutral tones, a minimum of accessories, fairly loose pants and a casual style instead of very expensive designer clothes.
    • It is impossible to reduce to one image all the variety of men's styles around the world. There are countries in which men wear bright red clothes, and there are countries in which a formal suit and silver cufflinks are the standard of men's style. Observe your friends who seem courageous to you, and if you don't know where to start, ask them for advice.
  2. 2 Develop male habits. If you're a man, growing stubble is the best way to look more masculine. In fact, the beard and sideburns look more masculine than the stubble, but it all depends on the specific situation. As for the haircut, both men and women can wear a short, simple haircut, or you can simply ask the hairdresser for a recommendation for a more masculine haircut.
    • Even if you want to be more masculine, you need to take care of your hair and body, take a shower regularly, but not often enough to completely wash off your natural scent.
  3. 3 If you have a female physique, try to make it masculine. If you have a female physique from birth, and now you want to look more masculine, it will most likely be necessary to tie up your breasts. Regardless of whether you have bandaged your breasts, it is best to wear baggy clothes that hide your feminine forms - thanks to this trick, you will definitely see the difference.
    • It is necessary to use a professional bandage, do not buy contraction compressors. Remember, they can only be used for a short time. If you do not properly tie your breasts, you can damage internal organs.
  4. 4 Develop a masculine demeanor. If you want to look masculine, develop masculine body language. Stretch out and straighten your back, when you enter the room, take your shoulders back. Walk quickly and confidently, looking straight ahead, not at the floor. When walking, try to move your shoulders more than your hips. Smile, do not fiddle with your clothes or bag, do not pretend in public.
    • Try to look like you are happy and excited about any opportunity you get, even if it's a math lesson.
    • Smile at others, but do not wear a permanent, unnatural smile on your face. Don't bite your lips or lick your lips. Instead, try to keep your expression calm and a slight smile on your face. Eyes must be wide open and ready for a new challenge!
  5. 5 Get your body in order. It is not at all necessary to become a bodybuilder, but exercise and fitness will greatly contribute to your appearance, making it more masculine. You can go to the gym several times a week, play basketball, run (or do cardio workouts), go hiking, or just do whatever makes you happier. and has a positive effect on your appearance. Being a man means being in control. And your body is one of the things you need to learn to control.
    • Being proud of your body helps you develop the main trait of a man's character - confidence. Keep in mind that we all have to work on our behavior to achieve this goal, not just running on a treadmill.
  6. 6 Don't be afraid of physical work. Everything is correct! If you want to be a real man, you have to get your hands dirty a little. Don't be afraid to fix your car, mow your lawn, paint your house, or do other household chores or activities that can get you dirty. Of course, none of this makes you a real man, but perhaps if you are looking for practical applications for your skills, this is exactly what you need. After all, brute physical strength has always been considered a man's work.
  7. 7 Find some male hobbies. If you want to act more masculine, you need to find yourself a masculine hobby. This could be carpentry, motorcycle riding, car repair, hunting, fishing or sports. This is optional, but it will strengthen your sense of masculinity.


  • Go in for sports. This does not mean that every day you have to go to the gym and lift weights there, just keep your weight at a certain level, do not forget to exercise.
  • If you have a feminine appearance and have to wear a school uniform, try to hide the female figure under a polo shirt. Otherwise, everything is standard: wear your usual men's school uniform and shoes.


  • Please do not use compression bandages! They are designed specifically to tighten the body while in motion, which means that during the day, such bandages will exert more and more pressure. In the past, people have often suffered from various deformities, ruptures, and breathing problems / fluid in the lungs. Even if it's just for one day, please don't use such bandages!
  • If you are wearing a neoprene headband, please don’t forget to put your shirt underneath it! Otherwise, blisters may appear on the skin and an unpleasant odor will emanate from you.
  • Consider personal hygiene if you're trying to look more masculine. But this does not mean that you need to spend several hours in the bath, getting ready in the morning. Shower at least once a day. It is common for both boys and girls to sweat after soccer and other sports, so make sure you don't smell like sweat. Use an antiperspirant and try to maintain good personal hygiene.
  • It may be difficult for you to adjust if you are born with a female body type. Be prepared for the fact that many will make fun of you.