How to become a goddess

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to BE in Your Goddess Energy & Power | 5 Steps
Video: How to BE in Your Goddess Energy & Power | 5 Steps


In many stories and religions, goddesses are women of incredible beauty who personify ideals such as purity, peace, and charm. Today, being a goddess means finding inner peace, leading a real and honest life, and developing and manifesting your feminine self.


Part 1 of 3: Find Your Inner Goddess

  1. 1 Embrace the power of femininity. For many, masculinity is a symbol of absolute power, and femininity is very often seen as a form of weakness or submission. However, you must look through these stereotypes and note the many unique strengths of femininity.
    • Divine Femininity: Many believe that becoming a goddess means awakening the divine femininity in oneself or observing the feminine principles of nurturing, love, compassion, discernment, intuition, creativity, forgiveness, healing, and wisdom.
  2. 2 Create a safe place for yourself to relax and feel comfortable. Create a space where you can disconnect from the busyness and demands of your social life.
    • This space can be a cozy room, a reading corner, or just a quiet corner.
    • Fill your safe space with things that symbolize the goddess you want to be. It could be a picture or an object that represents your goddess.
    • Add relaxation items such as candles, incense, water fountains, plants and flowers, or spiritual crystals and stones.
    • Write in your diary, pray or dream in this space. Do what relaxes you and also allows you to reflect and develop yourself.
  3. 3 Accept and listen to your own feelings and emotions. To find your inner goddess, it is important to find inner peace.
    • Don't try to fill a vacuum or void with external means (such as an obsession with vanity, greed, or lust to assert yourself).
    • Don't get hung up on what you can't change. Instead, take it as it is, and you can relieve stress and anxiety about a situation that you cannot change.
    • Don't deny your emotions. Recognize that they are important and worth experiencing and studying.
  4. 4 Meditate. There are many psychological and physiological benefits to meditation. The goal of meditation is to clear your mind of distractions and give you more control over your own mind and body. It can reduce stress levels, lower heart rate, and boost self-confidence and creativity. Many women meditate to connect with their inner goddess.
    • Try a simple breathing meditation first. Sit cross-legged or any other comfortable position. Close your eyes halfway and focus exclusively on natural breathing. Become aware of how air goes in and out of your body.
    • Resist the temptation to be distracted by the many different thoughts that spring up in your mind. Instead, focus all your attention on your breathing.
    • If you are having trouble meditating, try meditation with an instructor. This meditation requires less effort on the part of the person, while retaining all the benefits of meditation. It can also take you to places that you would never think to visualize.
    • Try yoga as an alternative form of meditation. Yoga has borrowed most of its principles from meditation. It can help improve your physical health and breathing technique.
  5. 5 Connect with Mother Nature. Chances are, you spend most of your time indoors and away from nature. It is important to remind yourself where we came from and how incredible all the beauty of nature is in order to find your inner goddess.
    • Walk your bare feet on the ground and feel how your feet stabilize and hold you.
    • Cycle, swim or hike to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  6. 6 Take care of your body and indulge it with healthy food. Your body deserves to be cared for with techniques that will improve your physical and mental health.
    • Take a sea salt or milk bath surrounded by sweet scented candles while listening to soothing music. It will calm your mind and also soften and improve your skin.
    • Make yourself mental health days when you spend time alone, relaxing or doing something that lifts your spirits.
    • Cut back on junk foods and eat a well-balanced diet.

Part 2 of 3: Look Like a Goddess

  1. 1 Dress in the style of your goddess. Goddesses are different, so there is a lot of freedom in choosing your own style. Popular goddesses' representations depict women wearing beautiful but modest clothing in a classic and romantic style.
    • Wear clothing that suits your body type to highlight your best qualities.
    • Try pastel and natural shades.
    • Wear natural fabrics such as leather or silk.
  2. 2 Style your hair. Try different hairstyles inspired by Greek or Roman goddesses. Maintain a natural and healthy looking hair with special hair cosmetics or natural home remedies.
    • For Thicker Hair Growth: Stimulate your hair follicles by massaging lightly heated coconut oil into your scalp. Then wrap your hair in a hot, damp towel to increase the effectiveness of the oil.
    • To restore weak or brittle hair: Beer is one of the popular ways to add volume to hair. Make a hair mask by mixing 15 ml of beer without foam (which has been infused for several hours) with 1 teaspoon of margarine or sunflower oil and a raw egg. Apply to damp hair for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. You can also spray your hair with a spray bottle. Beer helps to strengthen fine hair and build structure.
    • For curly hair: Avocado or avocado alone combined with other ingredients like bananas, egg yolks, mayonnaise or sour cream is a great way to moisturize dry or curly hair. Mashed avocado or equal parts of other moisturizing ingredients, massage into scalp using circular motions. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
  3. 3 Do natural makeup. If you choose to wear makeup, go for one that enhances your natural beauty.
    • Leather: Hide any imperfections like blemishes and dark circles with a lightweight concealer. Don't put too much of it on or over your foundation.
    • Cheeks: for a light and natural blush, use pink or warm peach.
    • Eyes: choose an eyeshadow palette that highlights your eyes. Try a color slightly darker than your skin to create natural contours around your eyes. Avoid drastic color transitions when shading eyeshadow.
    • Eyelashes: for the best look, lashes should be of natural length. Apply 1-2 coats of mascara, but do not apply too much as this will create a cobweb effect.
    • Lips: accentuate your lips with a color that matches your natural lip color, or try a gloss that creates a seductive glow.
  4. 4 Always watch your appearance. Find something that is easy to do every day. These can be such simple actions:
    • Develop skin care treatments that are right for your skin type.
    • Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your body, skin, or hair.

Part 3 of 3: Live Like a Goddess

  1. 1 Defend your feminine strength. As a woman, you must have been taught to stay calm, be polite and not interfere.This often leads to many missed opportunities, misunderstandings, anger and anxiety containment that lead to depression. Being a goddess means showing determination in what you believe in and truly living.
    • Do what you want. Don't feel guilty or obligated to do what you don't want to do. Because these things can take time away from what's important to you, or they can go against your own values.
    • Let your presence or energy tell others that you give all your heart and mind in every situation. It will bring you respect and strength without resorting to coercive or unpleasant means.
  2. 2 Be a leader by inspiring others. Unite people and lead them to a higher good. Show them that you care and lead them by example. The goddess must act in the common interest.
    • Charisma helps you better inspire others to follow you.
    • Be approachable and friendly, smiling and caring for everyone, especially when no one else is doing it.
    • Give, even if the person doesn't deserve it. It is an act of empathy that inspires others to be better.
    • Be understanding and approach misunderstandings with a positive and open mind.
    • Provide opportunities and resources to others when they need it.
  3. 3 Trust your inner goddess. Sometimes this requires letting go of what you cannot control and trusting that whatever outcome will be the best decision for you.
    • Be grateful for what you already have in your life. Don't take anything for granted.
    • Live every day as if it were a gift. Take chances and explore new opportunities.
    • Have a positive outlook on life, believe in your worth and ability to achieve your dreams and goals.


  • Learn all about the goddess or goddesses you want to become. Find a role model to guide you.
  • Choose a goddess who you want to be!