How to become a Wiccan

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Becoming a Wiccan || Wicca 101
Video: Becoming a Wiccan || Wicca 101


Wicca is a spiritual practice as well as a religion. This article describes the basic spiritual principles of the Wiccans. This is a general overview and does not address specific areas of Wicca. For more details, please refer to the sources below.


  1. 1 Study the Wicca faith as deeply as possible. Allocate at least 20-30 minutes of your time for this training. It has often been mentioned that becoming a Wiccan is only possible with the permission of a high priest or priestess. This is true in the strict version of accepting Wicca, but there is nothing that could stop you on this path if you made a choice - only you can judge your feelings of spirituality! There are many secluded Wiccans who follow all kinds of traditions, find different information from various sources, be it websites, pagan brochures, books, etc.
  2. 2 Read the Wiccan Instruction and the Triune Law. Remember the consequences of your actions. Do not knowingly harm anyone. Do not deliberately harm animals if you refuse them. (Some Wiccans are against eating meat, and some do not share this view. The latter should bring food for two or more animals, for each animal eaten ... or at least make an offering to God and / or Goddess.) And when you you get something good, remember to share it, and thus maintain a healthy balance.
  3. 3 Celebrate Sabbats and Esbats. These Sabbats represent certain processes in nature, like the arrival of spring or harvest days. The Wiccan New Year on Samhain is like a commercial version of Halloween. Sabbats are weekends or days of worship and celebration. In other religions, modern peasants call them Saturdays.
    • Esbats are celebrations based on the lunar cycle. Some Wiccans celebrate the waning, waning and full moon, while others only celebrate the full moon. Esbat is a Sabbath, a meeting that is different from the Sabbats. Esbats can be described as an opportunity to arrange "a celebration of love, healing work and psychophysical training." Many people confuse Esbat with the observance of the ritual of the full moon.
  4. 4 Learn magic. Magic is not what all sorcerers do. Some Wiccans chose not to practice magic and instead focus on the spiritual aspects of the religion. Magic has never been used to harm anyone, but only to help yourself or someone you love. Nobody used spells to make someone fall in love with themselves. It is a form of mind control and is strictly prohibited by the basic Wicca Code of Ethics: "Do what you want as long as it does not harm others." Mind control hurts people.
  5. 5 Take notes in your Book of Shadows. This is your magical diary in which you will write down all your thoughts, spells and rituals. Never allow anyone other than yourself to read or open the Book of Shadows under any circumstances.
  6. 6 Take responsibility for all your actions, words and thoughts. Don't blame anyone.
  7. 7 Study the Wicca Code of Ethics. “Do what you want as long as it doesn't harm others” is the main and most important statement of Wicca.It is impossible not to harm any living creature at all, take at least millions of bacteria that we destroy with every breath. Just don't seek to harm others for no reason.
  8. 8 Remember the Triune Rule: what you do will come back to you three times. This is necessary to maintain a balance of positive and negative energies in the world.
  9. 9 Understand divine forms in Wicca. Wiccans represent deity as a double energy in the universe, the Lord and Mistress, masculine and feminine energies in themselves.
  10. 10 Respect others' choices. If every person is sacred, this means that no one will give answers to all questions for someone else. There is no one truth or better way. Do not try to convince other people to accept the Wiccan faith, because we must respect the choices and beliefs of others, and they have the right to worship whoever they want.
  11. 11 Honor Mother Earth. Planet Earth is a sacred land. Nature is magical in motion. And the cycles of life on Earth keep the secrets of the universe. So honor the Earth in all its seasons and stages.
  12. 12 Spend time in dialogue with the Divine in any form. Wicca involves an intimate, personal relationship with the source of information, and every relationship requires a caring attitude. Develop friendship with the deity: talk, listen, exchange things. You don't need any outsider or anything else in order to create a close bond with your source. You are your own priest or priestess.

Method 1 of 1: Connecting with God or Goddess

  1. 1 Set aside some personal time. God and the Goddess are always looking and listening, but sometimes it is wonderful to step aside from all affairs in order to personally contact them.
  2. 2 Find a good spot. Usually, Wiccans who practice witchcraft have an altar (but this is not always required). You can pray near your favorite tree, in your room, or in your yard. Any place where you feel comfortable is best.
  3. 3 Close your eyes. Try to imagine God and Goddess. What do you think they look like? The goddess was often depicted with long hair and a silver disc around her forehead, like a tiara. God is depicted as a bearded, stately man with a horned helmet (which is why he is called the "Horned God"). However, these are all examples, and you can see both of them in your personal imagination.
  4. 4 Communicate in prayer. Talk to them as soon as you feel like you have developed a strong bond. Tell them about your concerns and concerns by asking for help. Honor them.
  5. 5 End with words of gratitude. Thank God and the Goddess is a must, they should know that you honor and respect them.
    • Consider sacrificing. While simply praying and talking with God and the Goddess is enough, offerings help maintain a constant daily connection with God and the Goddess. Usually, the offering bowl is kept in the middle of the altar for daily sacrifices, but if you don't have an altar, just put the bowl outside, in nature, near a tree or stream. You can also place the bowl on the shelf. Leave the offerings as you see fit, sharing them with God and the Goddess. It symbolizes that you are sharing your wealth with the creators, and it will strengthen your bond with them.


  • Be open, don't judge people and you will always be fine.
  • You are by no means obligated to follow the Wicca culture, do what you believe in and follow your heart and instincts.
  • Browse the sites for more information and tailoring things to your circumstances.


  • Don't try to use Wicca against other people.
  • Never cast spells at anyone or anyone without their consent, even if it is aimed at healing.