How to deal with fame

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Matt Damon’s Advice for Dealing with Fame
Video: Matt Damon’s Advice for Dealing with Fame


Whether you are a celebrity, a politician or a MySpace star, meeting someone famous, famous author, and even if you are different from everyone in a small town, you may feel uncomfortable being recognized wherever you go. Any of us can become famous (even if it only applies to our city) at any time, and not necessarily because of what we would like to be famous for! Think about it - a family member could win the lottery, a friend could have big problems with the law, a funnel could open under your house ... all of this is possible and can suddenly make the average person a celebrity. How to maintain a good reputation, while not forgetting about your personal life?


  1. 1 Be bored in public. The best way to keep your privacy private is to make people cry about how boring you are. Unless you are one of those people who think popularity is good popularity, it is better to become famous (and keep the fame) for your work, and not for scandals in relationships, addiction, unexpected pregnancy or glamorous wedding. If you are naturally bright and freedom-loving, then it can be difficult for you to overcome this in yourself, and you need to decide how you will find the balance between relaxed behavior and privacy, which should be exclusive if you are famous.
  2. 2 Go to important events alone. Even if you are married, the fact that you are together will lead to personal, sometimes completely inappropriate questions like "When will you have a baby?" Or "When will you give birth to the next one?" or even "How's your sex life?" Also, if you always attend events as a couple, once your schedules don't match and you don't come together, everyone will think your relationship is at risk. If you ever break up, the last thing you want is for people to ask where your mate is - that's what it means to sprinkle salt on a wound! It's also worth saying that if you're always alone, it will spark new rumors, depending on the context: a celebrity without a pair is understandable, but politics is unlikely. If you are bringing a couple with you, make sure you have a long-term, serious relationship and that the person is mature enough to be with you at all times, even if you had a falling out before the event.
  3. 3 Refuse to answer questions about your personal life. This is what some famous and successful people do to keep their private lives private. This means keeping the details private, even if you're doing well. Some celebrities make the mistake of chatting about their love life when they enter a new relationship or have a baby, but then fall silent when life gets less wonderful. If you get people interested in the good things in your life, they will also be interested in the bad ones. Always keep silent when it comes to your personal life, and no one will be surprised if you say, "I want my personal life to remain private."
  4. 4 Be humble. If you are famous, then it is probably because people admire you. With admiration comes a certain level of faith in your perfection and even worship, so it's important to remind people that you are not perfect. You are the same person as they are. Talking about little things - like your gut flu, or how you locked your car keys, or how bad your hair is today - will help you maintain your image. One of the celebrities went so far as to ask the magazine to take a photo of her without makeup and retouching, so that she could show that perfection is a picture, not reality.
  5. 5 Use cover. If you can move to a place where you are not known, then most of your problems will be solved. But most of us cannot change our place of residence so easily, so the best option in this case is to avoid public places where you are more likely to be seen. For celebrities, the point is not to be photographed, but for most people who are burdened by fame, it can be exhausting to interact with people wherever you go, and it can be frustrating to be recognized while you are shopping for books or lingerie. If you run into someone who recognizes you, be polite nonetheless. Keep the conversation going long enough to be friendly and polite, otherwise you will be considered a snob or worse. You can negatively affect your image with one wrong step, one harsh word, or one thoughtless act. Take a minute or two to befriend your fan (or group of fans); most of them will respect your personal time as long as you provide a certain level of accessibility when you are in public.
  6. 6 Use your fame to help people. Use your star power to draw attention to the problems you want to solve. Think, for example, of the celebrity couple who sold a photo of their newborn baby and donated all millions to charity. But you don't have to be even half as famous as this super couple to do good. Even if you just talk about a charity event during many conversations, it can make a significant difference. When someone asks, "How do you handle divorce?" or something like that, you can say "I am thinking of something positive ..." and discuss your efforts.
  7. 7 Find healthy ways to deal with stress. Fame prices are often high. Find healthy ways to deal with stress and spend time alone to recharge. Make sure you take a break to rest, eat, exercise, and spend time with your loved ones and keep your love life as simple as possible. This will help you feel confident when things seem out of control. Don't fall prey to fame traps like pride, addiction, recklessness, etc. Maintain your emotional intelligence.
  8. 8 Surround yourself with a support system. Choose those who believe your heart is filled with best intentions and surround yourself with them. Expect betrayal at any stage, but use the spirit of the support system to stay connected to reality.


  • Do your best not to make enemies. One bad article can send your career and reputation to the trash can.
  • Be prepared to defend yourself at any stage. Assemble an excellent team of lawyers / representatives in case the situation gets out of hand.
  • Bring your security guard if possible; it will help keep the crazy fans in check. Also, sometimes you can act as if you are in a hurry somewhere. Post later on social media "It was wonderful to meet all my amazing fans today! Wish I could talk, but always nice to meet you."
  • If you can do this, try not to get involved in a relationship with another celebrity. Not only will this become a source of new gossip, but also if you meet with an unknown person, you will keep in touch with reality.
  • Keep track of personal boundaries and use them whenever possible.
  • Be politically correct. Conflicting statements will get people interested in you instantly. Very soon they will discover a contradiction in what you say or do and will call you a hypocrite. Don't say everything that's on your mind, unless you are ready for such a test.
  • Develop your brand. Your personal brand is vital for a famous person. It's helpful to get people to recognize you.Do everything to protect and preserve your reputation and personal trademark. If you ruin your reputation, it will be difficult to restore it.
  • Decide in advance on your position and opinion about real problems. Watch your morality. Unexpected interviews can happen at any time, and you should prepare for them. You speak with your heart. Make sure it's clean.


  • Whether you like it or not, when you become famous, many people will expect you to act like a role model, and some people will always criticize you no matter what you do. Whether you accept fame as a responsibility or accept it as an unpleasant consequence is up to you, but know that you will be criticized if you do not set a good example for your children.
  • Hire a security guard for an event that could threaten your life.